17 research outputs found

    Reducing combinatorial uncertainties: A new technique based on MT2 variables

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    We propose a new method to resolve combinatorial ambiguities in hadron collider events involving two invisible particles in the final state. This method is based on the kinematic variable MT2 and on the MT2-assisted-on-shell reconstruction of invisible momenta, that are reformulated as `test' variables Ti of the correct combination against the incorrect ones. We show how the efficiency of the single Ti in providing the correct answer can be systematically improved by combining the different Ti and/or by introducing cuts on suitable, combination-insensitive kinematic variables. We illustrate our whole approach in the specific example of top anti-top production, followed by a leptonic decay of the W on both sides. However, by construction, our method is also directly applicable to many topologies of interest for new physics, in particular events producing a pair of undetected particles, that are potential dark-matter candidates. We finally emphasize that our method is apt to several generalizations, that we outline in the last sections of the paper.Comment: 1+23 pages, 8 figures. Main changes in v3: (1) discussion at the end of sec. 2 improved; (2) added sec. 4.2 about the method's dependence on mass information. Matches journal versio

    Initial determination of the spins of the gluino and squarks at LHC

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    In principle particle spins can be measured from their production cross sections once their mass is approximately known. The method works in practice because spins are quantized and cross sections depend strongly on spins. It can be used to determine, for example, the spin of the top quark. Direct application of this method to supersymmetric theories will have to overcome the challenge of measuring mass at the LHC, which could require high statistics. In this article, we propose a method of measuring the spins of the colored superpatners by combining rate information for several channels and a set of kinematical variables, without directly measuring their masses. We argue that such a method could lead to an early determination of the spin of gluino and squarks. This method can be applied to the measurement of spin of other new physics particles and more general scenarios.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, minor change

    Momentum asymmetries as CP violating observables

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    Three body decays can exhibit CP violation that arises from interfering diagrams with different orderings of the final state particles. We construct several momentum asymmetry observables that are accessible in a hadron collider environment where some of the final state particles are not reconstructed and not all the kinematic information can be extracted. We discuss the complications that arise from the different possible production mechanisms of the decaying particle. Examples involving heavy neutralino decays in supersymmetric theories and heavy Majorana neutrino decays in Type-I seesaw models are examined.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. Clarifying comments and one reference added, matches published versio

    Composite Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    If electroweak symmetry breaking arises via strongly-coupled physics, the observed suppression of flavour-changing processes suggests that fermion masses should arise via mixing of elementary fermions with composite fermions of the strong sector. The strong sector then carries colour charge, and may contain composite leptoquark states, arising either as TeV scale resonances, or even as light, pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. The latter, since they are coupled to colour, get a mass of the order of several hundred GeV, beyond the reach of current searches at the Tevatron. The same generic mechanism that suppresses flavour-changing processes suppresses leptoquark-mediated rare processes, making it conceivable that the many stringent constraints may be evaded. The leptoquarks couple predominantly to third-generation quarks and leptons, and the prospects for discovery at LHC appear to be good. As an illustration, a model based on the Pati-Salam symmetry is described, and its embedding in models with a larger symmetry incorporating unification of gauge couplings, which provide additional motivation for leptoquark states at or below the TeV scale, is discussed.Comment: 10 pp, version to appear in JHE

    RECO level \sqrt{s}_{min} and subsystem \sqrt{s}_{min}: improved global inclusive variables for measuring the new physics mass scale in missing energy events at hadron colliders

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    The variable \sqrt{s}_{min} was originally proposed in arXiv:0812.1042 as a model-independent, global and fully inclusive measure of the new physics mass scale in missing energy events at hadron colliders. In the original incarnation of \sqrt{s}_{min}, however, the connection to the new physics mass scale was blurred by the effects of the underlying event, most notably initial state radiation and multiple parton interactions. In this paper we advertize two improved variants of the \sqrt{s}_{min} variable, which overcome this problem. First we show that by evaluating the \sqrt{s}_{min} variable at the RECO level, in terms of the reconstructed objects in the event, the effects from the underlying event are significantly diminished and the nice correlation between the peak in the \sqrt{s}_{min}^{(reco)} distribution and the new physics mass scale is restored. Secondly, the underlying event problem can be avoided altogether when the \sqrt{s}_{min} concept is applied to a subsystem of the event which does not involve any QCD jets. We supply an analytic formula for the resulting subsystem \sqrt{s}_{min}^{(sub)} variable and show that its peak exhibits the usual correlation with the mass scale of the particles produced in the subsystem. Finally, we contrast \sqrt{s}_{min} to other popular inclusive variables such as H_T, M_{Tgen} and M_{TTgen}. We illustrate our discussion with several examples from supersymmetry, and with dilepton events from top quark pair production.Comment: 41 pages, 26 figure

    Spin effects in the antler event topology at hadron colliders

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    We investigate spin correlation effects in the "antler" event topology pp-> A-> B1, B2 -> l^{-}, C1, l^{+}, C2 at the LHC. We study the shapes of several kinematic variables, including the relative pseudorapidity, relative azimuthal angle and the energies of the two leptons, as well as several mass variables M_{ll}, Meff, \sqrt{s}_{min}, MT2, MCT and MCTx. We focus on the two kinematic extremes of \sqrt{s} - threshold and infinity - and derive analytical expressions for the differential distributions of several variables, most notably the cos{\theta_{ll}}^* variable proposed by Barr in hep-ph/0511115. For all possible spin assignments of particles A, B and C, we derive the cos{\theta_{ll}}^* differential distribution at threshold, including the effects of spin correlations. Our analytical results help identify the problematic cases for spin discrimination.Comment: 43 pages, 14 figures, Preprint typeset in JHEP styl

    Precise reconstruction of sparticle masses without ambiguities

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    We critically reexamine the standard applications of the method of kinematical endpoints for sparticle mass determination. We consider the typical decay chain in supersymmetry (SUSY) squark -> neutralino -> slepton -> LSP, which yields a jet j and two leptons ln and lf. The conventional approaches use the upper kinematical endpoints of the individual distributions m_{jll}, m_{jl(lo)} and m_{jl(hi)}, all three of which suffer from parameter space region ambiguities and may lead to multiple solutions for the SUSY mass spectrum. In contrast, we do not use m_{jll}, m_{jl(lo)} and m_{jl(hi)}, and instead propose a new set of (infinitely many) variables whose upper kinematic endpoints exhibit reduced sensitivity to the parameter space region. We then outline an alternative, much simplified procedure for obtaining the SUSY mass spectrum. In particular, we show that the four endpoints observed in the three distributions m^2_{ll}, m^2_{jln} U m^2_{jlf} and m^2_{jln}+m^2_{jlf} are sufficient to completely pin down the squark mass and the two neutralino masses, leaving only a discrete 2-fold ambiguity for the slepton mass. This remaining ambiguity can be easily resolved in a number of different ways: for example, by a single additional measurement of the kinematic endpoint of any one out of the many remaining 1-dimensional distributions at our disposal, or by exploring the correlations in the 2-dimensional distribution of m^2_{jln} U m^2_{jlf} versus m^2_{ll}. We illustrate our method with two examples: the LM1 and LM6 CMS study points. An additional advantage of our method is the expected improvement in the accuracy of the SUSY mass determination, due to the multitude and variety of available measurements.Comment: 37 pages, added a new figure in the Appendix, published versio