311 research outputs found

    Analysis of a database to predict the result of allergy testing in vivo in patients with chronic nasal symptoms and the development of the software ARSTAT

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    Background. This thesis consist of parts(i)Introduction in wich we present the clinical problem of rhinitis;(ii)the methods to evaluate the diagnostic choises;(iii)the rational errors in Allergy,(iv)the experimental part of thesis with wich we developed the software ARTSTAT,wich is the application of the analysis reported.Objective: We studied the ability of the logistic regression model obtained by the evaluaqtion of a database, to detect patients with positive allergy skin prick test(SPT)and patients with negative SPT. The model developed was valitated using the data set obtained from another medical institution. Methods: The analysis was carried out using a database obtained from a questionnaire administered to the patients with nasal symptoms containing personal data, clinical data result of allergy testing (SPT). All variables found to be significantly different between patients with positive and negative SPT(P<0.05),were selected for the logistic regression models and were analyzed with bacward stepwise logistic regression. A second set of patients from another Institution was used to prove the model. Results: e accuracyof the model identifying, over the second set, both patients whose SPT will bepositive and negative was high. The model detect 96 percent of patients with nasal symptoms and positive SPT, and classified 94 percent of those with negative SPT. Conclusion:The data of the thesis have been preliminary to the creation of a softwarewich cuold help the primary care doctors in diagnostic decision making process ( need of allergy testing), in patients complaining of chronic nasal symptoms

    Sexual desire, mood disorders and sleep disturbances in female BMS patients: A controlled study

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    Background: Burning mouth syndrome is a chronic orofacial pain with intraoral burning and other oral dysaesthetic symptoms that significantly affects the quality of life. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sexual desire in women with BMS and to investigate the possible related factors. Methods: A case-control study was performed. BMS patients were enrolled according to the International Classification of OroFacial Pain criteria. Demographic variables were collected. We evaluated pain with the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Total Pain Rating Index (T-PRI), anxiety and depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A e HADS-D), sleep disturbances with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and sexual desire using Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI). Results: A total of 50 BMS women and 50 healthy controls were enrolled. Compared with the controls, the BMS patients showed higher scores in the NRS (7,81 ± 1,71 vs. 0,14 ± 0.40; p < 0.0001), TPR-I (10,50 ± 4,86 vs. 0,36 ± 1,06; p < 0.0001), HADS-A (11,86 ± 2,85 vs. 3,90 ± 2,81; p < 0.0001), HADS-D (8,04 ± 3,18 vs. 1,42 ± 1,86; p < 0.0001) and PSQI (9,04 ± 2,62 vs. 4,64 ± 3,27; p < 0.0001). The mean SDI in the study group was significantly lower compared to healthy controls (32,36 ± 14,45 vs. 69,70 ± 19,94; p < 0.0001). No correlation was found between SDI and others items explored. Conclusion: In line with previous studies, anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances are more common in BMS patients than in healthy population. This pilot study demonstrates for the first time an association between BMS and low sexual desire

    Unmet Needs in Understanding Sublingual Immunotherapy to Grass Pollen

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    The lack of medication for allergy symptoms at the end of the last millennium has been the promoter of the idea of treating allergies as if you were treating an infectious disease, by vaccination prophylaxis. Two forms of AIT 1) subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) and 2) sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) are used in the world. Considerable interest has emerged in SLIT both scientifically and especially financially. SLIT is not a new treatment modality. First description dates back to 1900 when H. Curtis. It was relatively widely used until the late 1970’s mainly in US by homeopathic therapists

    Constitutive Differential Features of Type 2 Transglutaminase in Cells Derived from Celiac Patients and from Healthy Subjects

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    Type 2 transglutaminase (TG2) is a ubiquitous enzyme able to modify gliadin peptides introduced into the organism through the diet. By means of its catalytic activity, TG2 seems to have an important pathogenetic role in celiac disease (CD), an inflammatory intestinal disease caused by the ingestion of gluten-containing cereals. A strong autoimmune response to TG2 characterizes CD development. Anti-TG2 antibodies specifically derange the uptake of the α-gliadin peptide 31-43 by control, but not by celiac dermal fibroblasts, underlying some different constitutive features regarding TG2 in healthy and celiac subjects. Our aim was to investigate whether these differences depended on a different TG2 subcellular distribution and whether peptide 31-43 differentially regulated TG2 expression and activity in cells of the two groups of subjects. We found that TG2 was more abundantly associated with membranes of celiac fibroblasts than of control cells, in particular with the early endosomal and autophagic compartments. We also found that peptide 31-43 differentially affected TG2 expression and activity in the two groups of cells, activating TG2 more in control than in celiac cells and inducing TG2 expression in celiac cells, but not in control ones. The different TG2 subcellular localization and the different way the peptide 31-43 modulates TG2 activity and availability into control and CD cells suggested that TG2 is involved in the definition of a constitutive CD cellular phenotype, thus having an important and still undefined role in CD pathogenesis

    Esophageal Eosinophilia and Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Celiac Children: A Ten Year Prospective Observational Study

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    The association between eosinophilic esophagitis and celiac disease is still controversial and its prevalence is highly variable. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of esophageal eosinophilia and eosinophilic esophagitis in a large group of children with celiac disease, prospectively followed over 11 years. Methods: Prospective observational study performed between 2008 and 2019. Celiac disease diagnosis was based on ESPGHAN criteria. At least four esophageal biopsies were sampled in patients who underwent endoscopy. The presence of at least 15 eosinophils/HPF on esophageal biopsies was considered suggestive of esophageal eosinophilia; at the same time, eosinophilic esophagitis was diagnosed according to the International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Results: A total of 465 children (M 42% mean age 7.1 years (range: 1–16)) were diagnosed with celiac disease. Three hundred and seventy patients underwent endoscopy, and esophageal biopsies were available in 313. The prevalence of esophageal eosinophilia in children with celiac disease was 1.6% (95% CI: 0.54–2.9). Only one child was diagnosed as eosinophilic esophagitis; we calculated a prevalence of 0.3% (95% CI: 0.2–0.5%). The odds ratio for an association between eosinophilic esophagitis and celiac disease was at least 6.5 times higher (95% CI: 0.89–47.7; p = 0.06) than in the general population. Conclusion: The finding of an increased number of eosinophils (&gt;15/HPF) in celiac patients does not have a clinical implication or warrant intervention, and therefore we do not recommend routine esophageal biopsies unless clinically indicated

    Leukotriene receptor antagonists in monotherapy or in combination with antihistamines in the treatment of chronic urticaria: a systematic review

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    In vitro and in vivo clinical and experimental data have suggested that leukotrienes play a key role in inflammatory reactions of the skin. Antileukotriene drugs, ie, leukotriene receptor antagonists and synthesis inhibitors, are a class of anti-inflammatory drugs that have shown clinical efficacy in the management of asthma and in rhinitis with asthma. We searched MEDLINE database and carried out a manual search on journals specializing in allergy and dermatology for the use of antileukotriene drugs in urticaria. Montelukast might be effective in chronic urticaria associated with aspirin (ASA) or food additive hypersensitivity or with autoreactivity to intradermal serum injection (ASST) when taken with an antihistamine but not in mild or moderate chronic idiopathic urticaria [urticaria without any possible secondary causes (ie, food additive or ASA and other NSAID hypersensitivity, or ASST)]. Evidence for the effectiveness of zafirlukast and the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, zileuton, in chronic urticaria is mainly anecdotal. In addition, there is anecdotal evidence of effectiveness of antileukotrienes in primary cold urticaria, delayed pressure urticaria and dermographism. No evidence exists for other physical urticarias, including cholinergic, solar and aquagenic urticarias, vibratory angioedema, and exercise-induced anaphylaxis