3 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of Miangas Island

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    There are several methods of analysis in knowing the vulnerability of a community. In the analysis to determine the vulnerability of Miangas island, the determinant vulnerability was used. Determinant vulnerability evaluation is very easy to use and simple. Therefore, the determinants of ordinary vulnerabilities use an assessment of resources that are carried out in full, so that results can be used as reference for management. One approach that is widely used in determining the index is the method of scaling parameters into certain values. These values are expressed as a score of a parameter. As done by (Tahir 2010) referred to in Doukakis (2005) and Rao et al. (2008), the Miangas Island analysis refers to the determination of the paramater scale and the weight of the vulnerability.          The vulnerability index model constructed in this study consists of a static model of environmental vulnerability index and dynamic model of small island environmental vulnerability index. The static model of the environmental vulnerability index is intended to calculate the current vulnerability index (momentary), while the dynamic model of the environmental vulnerability index is used to predict the vulnerability dynamics in the future. In general, the values of IK-PPK = IE x IS / IAC = 4.29 x 2.35 / 1.6 = 6.30 By using these maximum and minimum values, the scale of assessment of the vulnerability of small islands is divided into 4 categories of vulnerability (Doukakis 2005), Miangas Island is obtained as follows; 0.20-6.04 = Low vulnerability, 6.05 -18.18 = Moderate vulnerability, 18.19-40.48 = High vulnerability (high), 40.49-76.00 = Very high vulnerability (very high). That there is a vulnerability with a moderate position.Keywords:  vulnerability, index, determinant, MiangasABSTRAKAda beberapa metode analisis dalam mengetahui kerentanan suatu komunitas.  Dalam analisis untuk mengetahui kerentanan pulau Miangas maka digunakan kerentanan determinan. Evaluasi kerentanan determinan sangat mudah digunakan dan sederhana. Oleh karna itu, determinan kerentanan biasa menggunakan assessment terhadap sumberdaya yang dilakukan secara utuh, sehingga hasil dapat dijadikan bahan acuan terhadap pengelolaan.   Salah satu pendekatan yang banyak digunakan dalam penentuan indeks adalah metode penskalaan parameter ke dalam nilai-nilai tertentu.  Nilai-nilai tersebut dinyatakan sebagai nilai skor dari suatu parameter.  Sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh (Tahir 2010) yang diacu dalam Doukakis (2005) dan Rao et al. (2008) maka pada analisis Pulau Miangas mengacu penentuan skala paramater dan bobot kerentanan tersebut.Model indeks kerentanan yang dikonstruksi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari model statis indeks kerentanan lingkungan dan model dinamik indeks kerentanan lingkungan pulau-pulau kecil.  Model statis indeks kerentanan lingkungan dimaksudkan untuk menghitung indeks kerentanan saat ini (sesaat), sedangkan model dinamik indeks kerentanan lingkungan digunakan untuk melakukan prediksi dinamika kerentanan pada masa yang akan datang. Secara umum didapatkan nilai IK-PPK = IE x IS/IAC =  4,29 x 2,35 /1,6 = 6,30. Dengan menggunakan nilai maksimum dan minimum tersebut, skala penilaian tingkat kerentanan pulau-pulau kecil dibagi menjadi 4 kategori kerentanan (Doukakis 2005) maka Pulau Miangas didapatkan sebagai berikut; 0.20-6.04 = Kerentanan rendah (low), 6.05-18.18 = Kerentanan sedang (moderate), 18.19-40.48 = Kerentanan tinggi (high), 40.49-76.00 =         Kerentanan sangat tinggi (very high). bahwa ada kerentanan dengan posisi moderate.Kata kunci :  kerentanan, determinan, indeks, Mianga

    Miangas, the Outermost Small Island of Indonesia

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    This study was aimed at producing a management strategy of Miangas island as an outermost small island of Indonesia adjacent to Phillippine based on ecological, economic, social, legal and institutional, and political sustainability. Data analyses used multidimensional scaling (MDS) using RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Status) with Eucliden Distances. Results showed that education level was relatively low to the education level of North Sulawesi Province, market was still traditional, and mean income relative to regional minimum wage was still too far below the communit

    Seagrass Cover On The Island Of Manado Tua, Bunaken Kepulauan District, Manado City

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    The lamun is a high level of vegetation that lives in the sub-tropical region. The lamun has a high chance of survival in southeast Asia. In Indonesia, details of the largest tidal wave in the east are so much for research about lamun, one of which is information about the current research project of the lamun ocean in old manado island. The study was intended to obtain information about the percentage of lamun caps in the coastal waters of old manando island. Research is based on the old island of manado, the bunaken islands district, the city of manado was completed in the second week of December. To find out which artic percentage patch on Manado Tua island, a type of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acorides, 71% frame presentation. The total 33 square, the 23 squares is Enhalus acorides and 2 of them Thalassia hemprichii while the other 8 squares are occupied by 2 types seagrass. the other net value of the current was 3,4 cm/s, a precentage of current velocity 100%, and when the water rose 0,21 m, whereas a high rise of 2,17 m, the salinity rate of Manado island is 35 ‰, three times that of salinity measurement was achived in lowest scores 26⁰C and the highest figure 29⁰C, the caostal waters substrat Manado tua island to which is sand, rocky, coral reef mixes, sand blends with gravel.Key words : seagrass, percent of cover, Manado tua island ABSTRAKLamun adalah tumbuhan tingkat tinggi yang hidup di wilayah sub-tropis. Lamun mempunyai peluang hidup yang tinggi di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Di indonesia rincian luasan lamun terbesar berada dibagian timur sehingga masih banyak kajian penelitian yang harus diungkapkan tentang Lamun, salah satunya informasi mengenai presentase tutupan Lamun. penelitian kali ini mengenai tutupan lamun di perairan pantai pulau Manado Tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang persentase tutupan lamun di perairan pantai pulau Manando tua. Penelitian berlokasi di Pulau Manado tua, Kecamatan Bunaken Kepulauan, Kota Manado  dilaksanakan pada minggu kedua bulan Desember. Untuk mengetahui persantese tutupan lamun di pulau Manado Tua menggunakan metode Line transeck . Hasil penelitian di Pulau Manado tua, jenis lamun yaitu: Thalassia hemprichii dan Enhalus acorides, presentase tutupan lamun 71,4%. Total 33 kuadrat, 23 diantarnya adalah Enhalus acorides dan 2 diantaranya Thalassia hemprichii sedangkan 8 kuadrat lainnya ditempati 2 jenis lamun. Parameter biofisik lainnya yang didapat, kecepatan arus rata-rata pengukuran 3 stasiun yaitu 3,4 cm/s, persentase kecepatan arus 100%, kedalam saat air surut 0,21 m sedangkan ketika pasang tertinggi 2,17 m, Pengukuran salinitas di peraiaran pantai pulau Manado Tua diperoleh angka kadar salinitas yaitu 35 ‰, pengukuran suhu dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dan di peroleh angka terendah 26⁰C dan angka paling tinggi 29⁰C, Substrat perairan pantai pulau Manado yang di temui yaitu berpasir, berbatu,  bercampur terumbu karang, pasir bercampur dengan kerikil. merskipun tingkat keragaman jenis tidak tinggi namun penelitian di perairan pantai pulau Manado Tua menujukan bahwa persentase tutupan lamun berada dalam kategori Baik (≥ 60%). Kata kunci : Lamun, Persentase tutupan, Pulau Manado tu