1,415 research outputs found

    Beyond Landauer erasure

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    In thermodynamics one considers thermal systems and the maximization of entropy subject to the conservation of energy. A consequence is Landauer's erasure principle, which states that the erasure of 1 bit of information requires a minimum energy cost equal to kTln(2)kT\ln(2) where TT is the temperature of a thermal reservoir used in the process and kk is Boltzmann's constant. Jaynes, however, argued that the maximum entropy principle could be applied to any number of conserved quantities which would suggest that information erasure may have alternative costs. Indeed we showed recently that by using a reservoir comprising energy degenerate spins and subject to conservation of angular momentum, the cost of information erasure is in terms of angular momentum rather than energy. Here we extend this analysis and derive the minimum cost of information erasure for systems where different conservation laws operate. We find that, for each conserved quantity, the minimum resource needed to erase 1 bit of memory is λ1ln(2)\lambda^{-1}\ln(2) where λ\lambda is related to the average value of the conserved quantity. The costs of erasure depend, fundamentally, on both the nature of the physical memory element and the reservoir with which it is coupled.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Macroeconomic Dynamics Online Submission

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    This page is forthcoming in the journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, as an Announcement from the Editor. The page provides information about the conversion of the journal's submission procedure from on-paper to all electronic. The new system was created by Stephen Spear and is maintained by him on his server at Carnegie Mellon Universityonline submission, macroeconomics, dynamics, electronic processing

    Is coherence catalytic?

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    Quantum coherence, the ability to control the phases in superposition states is a resource, and it is of crucial importance, therefore, to understand how it is consumed in use. It has been suggested that catalytic coherence is possible, that is repeated use of the coherence without degradation or reduction in performance. The claim has particular relevance for quantum thermodynamics because, were it true, it would allow free energy that is locked in coherence to be extracted indefinitely\textit{indefinitely}. We address this issue directly with a careful analysis of the proposal by A˚\AA{}berg. We find that coherence cannot\textit{cannot} be used catalytically, or even repeatedly without limit.Comment: 23 pages with 2 figure

    The Role of United States Trade Laws in Resolving the Florida-Mexico Tomato Conflict

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    For discussion purposes, we have been asked to assume that the agreement entered into in October 1996 between the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) and Mexican tomato exporters, which resulted in suspension of an antidumping investigation of tomatoes from Mexico, has ended. The new owner of many of Florida\u27s winter vegetable producers, concerned with the continuing rise in market share represented by Mexican imports, is considering further action under the trade remedy and other laws. This article will discuss the potential role of the antidumping and countervailing duty laws in these deliberations, as well as the operation of the dispute settlement mechanisms of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

    Maximum Confidence Quantum Measurements

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    We consider the problem of discriminating between states of a specified set with maximum confidence. For a set of linearly independent states unambiguous discrimination is possible if we allow for the possibility of an inconclusive result. For linearly dependent sets an analogous measurement is one which allows us to be as confident as possible that when a given state is identified on the basis of the measurement result, it is indeed the correct state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Difficulty of distinguishing product states locally

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    Non-locality without entanglement is a rather counter-intuitive phenomenon in which information may be encoded entirely in product (unentangled) states of composite quantum systems in such a way that local measurement of the subsystems is not enough for optimal decoding. For simple examples of pure product states, the gap in performance is known to be rather small when arbitrary local strategies are allowed. Here we restrict to local strategies readily achievable with current technology; those requiring neither a quantum memory nor joint operations. We show that, even for measurements on pure product states there can be a large gap between such strategies and theoretically optimal performance. Thus even in the absence of entanglement physically realizable local strategies can be far from optimal for extracting quantum information.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Random qubit-states and how best to measure them

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    We consider the problem of measuring a single qubit, known to have been prepared in either a randomly selected pure state or a randomly selected real pure state. We seek the measurements that provide either the best estimate of the state prepared or maximise the accessible information. Surprisingly, any sensible measurement turns out to be optimal. We discuss the application of these ideas to multiple qubits and higher-dimensional systems

    Interacting Hofstadter spectrum of atoms in an artificial gauge field

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    Motivated by experimental advances in the synthesis of gauge potentials for ultracold atoms, we consider the superfluid phase of interacting bosons on a square lattice in the presence of a magnetic field. We show that superfluid order implies spatial symmetry breaking, and predict clear signatures of many-body effects in time-of-flight measurements. By developing a Bogoliubov expansion based on the exact Hofstadter spectrum, we find the dispersion of the quasiparticle modes within the superfluid phase, and describe the consequences for Bragg spectroscopy measurements. The theory also provides an estimate of the critical interaction strength at the transition to the Mott insulator phase.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures; v2: published versio