993 research outputs found

    Towards a novel carbon device for the treatment of sepsis

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    Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to infection in which the balance of pro- andanti-inflammatory mediators, which normally isolate and eliminate infection, is disrupted[1]. Gram negative sepsis is initiated by bacterial endotoxin release which activatesmacrophages and circulating monocytes to release TNF and IL-1β followed by IL-6 andother inflammatory cytokines [2]. As the disease progresses, an unregulatedinflammatory response results in, tissue injury, haematological dysfunction and organdysfunction. Severe sepsis, involving organ hypoperfusion may be further complicatedby hypotension that is unresponsive to adequate fluid replacement, resulting in septicshock and finally death [3].Despite improvements in anti-microbial and supportive therapies, sepsis remains asignificant cause of morbidity and mortality in ICUs worldwide [4]. The complexity ofprocesses mediating the progression of sepsis suggests that an extracorporeal devicecombining blood filtration with adsorption of a wide range of toxins, and inflammatorymediators offers the most comprehensive treatment strategy. However, no such deviceexists at present. A novel, uncoated, polymer pyrolysed synthetic carbon device isproposed which combines the superior adsorption properties of uncoated activatedcarbons with the capacity to manipulate porous structure for controlled adsorption oftarget plasma proteins and polypeptides [5]. Preliminary haemocompatibility andadsorptive capacity was assessed using a carbon matrix prototype

    The problem with Kappa

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    It is becoming clear that traditional evaluation measures used in Computational Linguistics (including Error Rates, Accuracy, Recall, Precision and F-measure) are of limited value for unbiased evaluation of systems, and are not meaningful for comparison of algorithms unless both the dataset and algorithm parameters are strictly controlled for skew (Prevalence and Bias). The use of techniques originally designed for other purposes, in particular Receiver Operating Characteristics Area Under Curve, plus variants of Kappa, have been proposed to fill the void. This paper aims to clear up some of the confusion relating to evaluation, by demonstrating that the usefulness of each evaluation method is highly dependent on the assumptions made about the distributions of the dataset and the underlying populations. The behaviour of a number of evaluation measures is compared under common assumptions. Deploying a system in a context which has the opposite skew from its validation set can be expected to approximately negate Fleiss Kappa and halve Cohen Kappa but leave Powers Kappa unchanged. For most performance evaluation purposes, the latter is thus most appropriate, whilst for comparison of behaviour, Matthews Correlation is recommended

    Environmental metabarcoding reveals heterogeneous drivers of microbial eukaryote diversity in contrasting estuarine ecosystems

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    Assessing how natural environmental drivers affect biodiversity underpins our understanding of the relationships between complex biotic and ecological factors in natural ecosystems. Of all ecosystems, anthropogenically important estuaries represent a �melting pot� of environmental stressors, typified by extreme salinity variations and associated biological complexity. Although existing models attempt to predict macroorganismal diversity over estuarine salinity gradients, attempts to model microbial biodiversity are limited for eukaryotes. Although diatoms commonly feature as bioindicator species, additional microbial eukaryotes represent a huge resource for assessing ecosystem health. Of these, meiofaunal communities may represent the optimal compromise between functional diversity that can be assessed using morphology and phenotype�environment interactions as compared with smaller life fractions. Here, using 454 Roche sequencing of the 18S nSSU barcode we investigate which of the local natural drivers are most strongly associated with microbial metazoan and sampled protist diversity across the full salinity gradient of the estuarine ecosystem. In order to investigate potential variation at the ecosystem scale, we compare two geographically proximate estuaries (Thames and Mersey, UK) with contrasting histories of anthropogenic stress. The data show that although community turnover is likely to be predictable, taxa are likely to respond to different environmental drivers and, in particular, hydrodynamics, salinity range and granulometry, according to varied life-history characteristics. At the ecosystem level, communities exhibited patterns of estuary-specific similarity within different salinity range habitats, highlighting the environmental sequencing biomonitoring potential of meiofauna, dispersal effects or both

    Transverse Spin at PHENIX: Results and Prospects

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    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), as the world's first and only polarized proton collider, offers a unique environment in which to study the spin structure of the proton. In order to study the proton's transverse spin structure, the PHENIX experiment at RHIC took data with transversely polarized beams in 2001-02 and 2005, and it has plans for further running with transverse polarization in 2006 and beyond. Results from early running as well as prospective measurements for the future will be discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, presented at Transversity 2005, Como, Ital

    Low energy and dynamical properties of a single hole in the t-Jz model

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    We review in details a recently proposed technique to extract information about dynamical correlation functions of many-body hamiltonians with a few Lanczos iterations and without the limitation of finite size. We apply this technique to understand the low energy properties and the dynamical spectral weight of a simple model describing the motion of a single hole in a quantum antiferromagnet: the tJzt-J_z model in two spatial dimension and for a double chain lattice. The simplicity of the model allows us a well controlled numerical solution, especially for the two chain case. Contrary to previous approximations we have found that the single hole ground state in the infinite system is continuously connected with the Nagaoka fully polarized state for Jz0J_z \to 0. Analogously we have obtained an accurate determination of the dynamical spectral weight relevant for photoemission experiments. For Jz=0J_z=0 an argument is given that the spectral weight vanishes at the Nagaoka energy faster than any power law, as supported also by a clear numerical evidence. It is also shown that spin charge decoupling is an exact property for a single hole in the Bethe lattice but does not apply to the more realistic lattices where the hole can describe closed loop paths.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 40 pages + 16 Figures in one file self-extracting, to appear in Phys. Rev

    Resonant transmission through an open quantum dot

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    We have measured the low-temperature transport properties of a quantum dot formed in a one-dimensional channel. In zero magnetic field this device shows quantized ballistic conductance plateaus with resonant tunneling peaks in each transition region between plateaus. Studies of this structure as a function of applied perpendicular magnetic field and source-drain bias indicate that resonant structure deriving from tightly bound states is split by Coulomb charging at zero magnetic field.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. B (1997). 8 LaTex pages with 5 figure

    Single-hole properties in the tt-JJ and strong-coupling models

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    We report numerical results for the single-hole properties in the tt-JJ model and the strong-coupling approximation to the Hubbard model in two dimensions. Using the hopping basis with over 10610^6 states we discuss (for an infinite system) the bandwidth, the leading Fourier coefficients in the dispersion, the band masses, and the spin-spin correlations near the hole. We compare our results with those obtained by other methods. The band minimum is found to be at (π/2,π/2\pi/2,\pi/2) for the tt-JJ model for 0.1t/J100.1 \leq t/J \leq 10, and for the strong-coupling model for 1t/J101 \leq t/J \leq 10. The bandwidth in both models is approximately 2J2J at large t/Jt/J, in rough agreement with loop-expansion results but in disagreement with other results. The strong-coupling bandwidth for t/J\agt6 can be obtained from the tt-JJ model by treating the three-site terms in first-order perturbation theory. The dispersion along the magnetic zone face is flat, giving a large parallel/perpendicular band mass ratio.Comment: 1 RevTeX file with epsf directives to include 8 .eps figures 8 figure files encoded using uufile

    On the Application of the Non Linear Sigma Model to Spin Chains and Spin Ladders

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    We review the non linear sigma model approach (NLSM) to spin chains and spin ladders, presenting new results. The generalization of the Haldane's map to ladders in the Hamiltonian approach, give rise to different values of the θ\theta parameter depending on the spin S, the number of legs nn_{\ell} and the choice of blocks needed to built up the NLSM fields. For rectangular blocks we obtain θ=0\theta = 0 or 2πS2 \pi S depending on wether nn_{\ell}, is even or odd, while for diagonal blocks we obtain θ=2πSn\theta = 2 \pi S n_{\ell}. Both results agree modulo 2π2 \pi, and yield the same prediction, namely that even ( resp. odd) ladders are gapped (resp. gapless). For even legged ladders we show that the spin gap collapses exponentially with nn_{\ell} and we propose a finite size correction to the gap formula recently derived by Chakravarty using the 2+1 NSLM, which gives a good fit of numerical results. We show the existence of a Haldane phase in the two legged ladder using diagonal blocks and finally we consider the phase diagram of dimerized ladders.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 7 figures in postscript files, Proc. of the 1996 El Escorial Summer School on "Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting Systems". Some more references are adde

    Extending Torelli map to toroidal compactifications of Siegel space

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    It has been known since the 1970s that the Torelli map MgAgM_g \to A_g, associating to a smooth curve its jacobian, extends to a regular map from the Deligne-Mumford compactification Mˉg\bar{M}_g to the 2nd Voronoi compactification Aˉgvor\bar{A}_g^{vor}. We prove that the extended Torelli map to the perfect cone (1st Voronoi) compactification Aˉgperf\bar{A}_g^{perf} is also regular, and moreover Aˉgvor\bar{A}_g^{vor} and Aˉgperf\bar{A}_g^{perf} share a common Zariski open neighborhood of the image of Mˉg\bar{M}_g. We also show that the map to the Igusa monoidal transform (central cone compactification) is NOT regular for g9g\ge9; this disproves a 1973 conjecture of Namikawa.Comment: To appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    T-Duality and Penrose limits of spatially homogeneous and inhomogeneous cosmologies

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    Penrose limits of inhomogeneous cosmologies admitting two abelian Killing vectors and their abelian T-duals are found in general. The wave profiles of the resulting plane waves are given for particular solutions. Abelian and non-abelian T-duality are used as solution generating techniques. Furthermore, it is found that unlike in the case of abelian T-duality, non-abelian T-duality and taking the Penrose limit are not commutative procedures.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Discussion on non-abelian T-duality expande