451 research outputs found

    Interactive Visualization of the Largest Radioastronomy Cubes

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    3D visualization is an important data analysis and knowledge discovery tool, however, interactive visualization of large 3D astronomical datasets poses a challenge for many existing data visualization packages. We present a solution to interactively visualize larger-than-memory 3D astronomical data cubes by utilizing a heterogeneous cluster of CPUs and GPUs. The system partitions the data volume into smaller sub-volumes that are distributed over the rendering workstations. A GPU-based ray casting volume rendering is performed to generate images for each sub-volume, which are composited to generate the whole volume output, and returned to the user. Datasets including the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS - 12 GB) southern sky and the Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS - 26 GB) data cubes were used to demonstrate our framework's performance. The framework can render the GASS data cube with a maximum render time < 0.3 second with 1024 x 1024 pixels output resolution using 3 rendering workstations and 8 GPUs. Our framework will scale to visualize larger datasets, even of Terabyte order, if proper hardware infrastructure is available.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted New Astronomy July 201

    Optical absorption of spin ladders

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    We present a theory of phonon-assisted optical two-magnon absorption in two-leg spin-ladders. Based on the strong intra-rung-coupling limit we show that collective excitations of total spin S=0, 1 and 2 exist outside of the two-magnon continuum. It is demonstrated that the singlet collective state has a clear signature in the optical spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mean-Field Theory for Spin Ladders Using Angular-Momentum Coupled Bases

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    We study properties of two-leg Heisenberg spin ladders in a mean-field approximation using a variety of angular-momentum coupled bases. The mean-field theory proposed by Gopalan, Rice, and Sigrist, which uses a rung basis, assumes that the mean-field ground state consists of a condensate of spin-singlets along the rungs of the ladder. We generalize this approach to larger angular-momentum coupled bases which incorporate---by their mere definition---a substantial fraction of the important short-range structure of these materials. In these bases the mean-field ground-state remains a condensate of spin singlet---but now with each involving a larger fraction of the spins in the ladder. As expected, the ``purity'' of the ground-state, as judged by the condensate fraction, increases with the size of the elementary block defining the basis. Moreover, the coupling to quasiparticle excitations becomes weaker as the size of the elementary block increases. Thus, the weak-coupling limit of the theory becomes an accurate representation of the underlying mean-field dynamics. We illustrate the method by computing static and dynamic properties of two-leg ladders in the various angular-momentum coupled bases.Comment: 28 pages with 8 figure

    The Effect of Stochastic Noise on Quantum State Transfer

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    We consider the effect of classical stochastic noise on control laser pulses used in a scheme for transferring quantum information between atoms, or quantum dots, in separate optical cavities via an optical connection between cavities. We develop a master equation for the dynamics of the system subject to stochastic errors in the laser pulses, and use this to evaluate the sensitivity of the transfer process to stochastic pulse shape errors for a number of different pulse shapes. We show that under certain conditions, the sensitivity of the transfer to the noise depends on the pulse shape, and develop a method for determining a pulse shape that is minimally sensitive to specific errors.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Decoherence and Programmable Quantum Computation

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    An examination of the concept of using classical degrees of freedom to drive the evolution of quantum computers is given. Specifically, when externally generated, coherent states of the electromagnetic field are used to drive transitions within the qubit system, a decoherence results due to the back reaction from the qubits onto the quantum field. We derive an expression for the decoherence rate for two cases, that of the single-qubit Walsh-Hadamard transform, and for an implementation of the controlled-NOT gate. We examine the impact of this decoherence mechanism on Grover's search algorithm, and on the proposals for use of error-correcting codes in quantum computation.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. A 35 double-spaced pages, 2 figures, in LaTe

    Excitation spectrum of the S=1/2 quantum spin ladder with frustration: elementary quasiparticles and many-particle bound states

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    We study the excitation spectrum of the two-chain S=1/2 Heisenberg spin ladder with additional inter-chain second-neighbor frustrating interactions. The one and two-particle excitations are analyzed by using a mapping of the model onto a Bose gas of hard-core triplets. We find that low-lying singlet and triplet two-particle bound states are present and their binding energy increases with increasing frustration. In addition, many-particle bound states are found by a combination of variational and exact diagonalization techniques. We prove that the larger the number of bound quasiparticles the larger the binding energy. Thus the excitation spectrum has a complex structure and consists of elementary triplets and collective many-particle singlet and triplet excitations which generally mix with the elementary ones. The model exhibits a quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic ladder phase (small frustration) into Haldane phase (effectively ferromagnetic ladder for large frustration). We argue that near the transition point the spectrum in both triplet and singlet channels becomes gapless. The excitation wave function is dominated by large-size bound states which leads to the vanishing of the quasiparticle residue.Comment: RevTeX, 23 pages, 12 figure

    Augmented Reality in Astrophysics

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    Augmented Reality consists of merging live images with virtual layers of information. The rapid growth in the popularity of smartphones and tablets over recent years has provided a large base of potential users of Augmented Reality technology, and virtual layers of information can now be attached to a wide variety of physical objects. In this article, we explore the potential of Augmented Reality for astrophysical research with two distinct experiments: (1) Augmented Posters and (2) Augmented Articles. We demonstrate that the emerging technology of Augmented Reality can already be used and implemented without expert knowledge using currently available apps. Our experiments highlight the potential of Augmented Reality to improve the communication of scientific results in the field of astrophysics. We also present feedback gathered from the Australian astrophysics community that reveals evidence of some interest in this technology by astronomers who experimented with Augmented Posters. In addition, we discuss possible future trends for Augmented Reality applications in astrophysics, and explore the current limitations associated with the technology. This Augmented Article, the first of its kind, is designed to allow the reader to directly experiment with this technology.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap&SS. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Phase Transitions Between Topologically Distinct Gapped Phases in Isotropic Spin Ladders

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    We consider various two-leg ladder models exhibiting gapped phases. All of these phases have short-ranged valence bond ground states, and they all exhibit string order. However, we show that short-ranged valence bond ground states divide into two topologically distinct classes, and as a consequence, there exist two topologically distinct types of string order. Therefore, not all gapped phases belong to the same universality class. We show that phase transitions occur when we interpolate between models belonging to different topological classes, and we study the nature of these transitions.Comment: 11 pages, 16 postscript figure

    A Monte Carlo Study of Correlations in Quantum Spin Ladders

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    We study antiferromagnetic spin--1/2 Heisenberg ladders, comprised of ncn_c chains (2nc62 \leq n_c \leq 6) with ratio J/JJ_{\bot}/J_{\|} of inter-- to intra--chain couplings. From measurements of the correlation function we deduce the correlation length ξ(T)\xi(T). For even ncn_c, the static structure factor exhibits a peak at a temperature below the corresponding spin gap. Results for isotropically coupled ladders (J/J=1J_{\bot}/J_{\|} = 1) are compared to those for the single chain and the square lattice. For J/J0.5J_{\bot}/J_{\|} \leq 0.5, the correlation function of the two--chain ladder is in excellent agreement with analytic results from conformal field theory, and ξ(T)\xi(T) exhibits simple scaling behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 5 EPS figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Hole Dispersions for Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Two-Leg Ladders by Self-Similar Continuous Unitary Transformations

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    The hole-doped antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 two-leg ladder is an important model system for the high-TcT_c superconductors based on cuprates. Using the technique of self-similar continuous unitary transformations we derive effective Hamiltonians for the charge motion in these ladders. The key advantage of this technique is that it provides effective models explicitly in the thermodynamic limit. A real space restriction of the generator of the transformation allows us to explore the experimentally relevant parameter space. From the effective Hamiltonians we calculate the dispersions for single holes. Further calculations will enable the calculation of the interaction of two holes so that a handle of Cooper pair formation is within reach.Comment: 16 pages, 26 figure