14 research outputs found

    On pp-deficiency in groups

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    Recently, Schlage-Puchta proved super multiplicity of pp-deficiency for normal subgroups of pp-power index. We extend this result to all normal subgroups of finite index. We then use the methods of the proof to show that some groups with non-positive pp-deficiency have virtually positive pp-deficiency. We also compute the pp-deficiency in some cases such as Fuchsian groups and study related invariants: the lower and upper absolute pp-homology gradients and the pp-Euler characteristic.Comment: The abstract and introduction were comletely rewritten. Further minor changes were made for the rest of the pape

    Hereditarily just infinite profinite groups with complete Hausdorff dimension spectrum

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    We prove that the inverse limit of certain iterated wreath products in product action have complete Hausdorff dimension spectrum with respect to their unique maximal filtration of open normal subgroups. Moreover we can produce explicitly subgroups with a specified Hausdorff dimension.Comment: 8 pages, includes minor correction

    Large normal subgroup growth and large characteristic subgroup growth

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    The maximal normal subgroup growth type of a finitely generated group is nlognn^{\log n}. Very little is known about groups with this type of growth. In particular, the following is a long standing problem: Let Γ\Gamma be a group and Δ\Delta a subgroup of finite index. Suppose Δ\Delta has normal subgroup growth of type nlognn^{\log n}, does Γ\Gamma has normal subgroup growth of type nlognn^{\log n}? We give a positive answer in some cases, generalizing a result of M\"uller and the second author and a result of Gerdau. For instance, suppose GG is a profinite group and HH an open subgroup of GG. We show that if HH is a generalized Golod-Shafarevich group, then GG has normal subgroup growth of type of nlognn^{\log n}. We also use our methods to show that one can find a group with characteristic subgroup growth of type nlognn^{\log n}

    Maximal graded subalgebras of loop toroidal Lie algebras, Algebras Represent. Theory

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    Abstract Let g be a central simple Lie algebra over a field F. We study the maximal Z

    Lie algebras with few centralizer dimensions

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    AbstractIt is known that a finite group with just two different sizes of conjugacy classes must be nilpotent and it has recently been shown that its nilpotence class is at most 3. In this paper we study the analogs of these results for Lie algebras and some related questions

    Subgroup growth in some pro-pp groups

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    Filtrations in semisimple lie Algebras, II

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    In this paper, we continue our study of the maximal bounded Z-filtrations of a complex semisimple Lie algebra L. Specifically, we discuss the functionals which give rise to such filtrations, and we show that they are related to certain semisimple subalgebras of L of full rank. In this way, we determine the “order” of these functionals and count them without the aid of computer computations. The main results here involve the Lie algebras of type E6, E7 and E8, since we already know a good deal about the functionals for the remaining types. Nevertheless, we reinterpret our previous results into the new context considered here. Finally, we describe the associated graded Lie algebras of all of the maximal filtrations obtained in this manner

    Abstract commensurators of profinite groups

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    In this paper we initiate a systematic study of the abstract commensurators of profinite groups. The abstract commensurator of a profinite group GG is a group Comm(G)Comm(G) which depends only on the commensurability class of GG. We study various properties of Comm(G)Comm(G); in particular, we find two natural ways to turn it into a topological group. We also use Comm(G)Comm(G) to study topological groups which contain GG as an open subgroup (all such groups are totally disconnected and locally compact). For instance, we construct a topologically simple group which contains the pro-2 completion of the Grigorchuk group as an open subgroup. On the other hand, we show that some profinite groups cannot be embedded as open subgroups of compactly generated topologically simple groups. Several celebrated rigidity theorems, like Pink's analogue of Mostow's strong rigidity theorem for simple algebraic groups defined over local fields and the Neukirch-Uchida theorem, can be reformulated as structure theorems for the commensurators of certain profinite groups.Comment: 37 pages, final versio

    Maximal Graded Subalgebras of Loop Toroidal Lie Algebras

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