7 research outputs found

    Curve Reconstruction via the Global Statistics of Natural Curves

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    Reconstructing the missing parts of a curve has been the subject of much computational research, with applications in image inpainting, object synthesis, etc. Different approaches for solving that problem are typically based on processes that seek visually pleasing or perceptually plausible completions. In this work we focus on reconstructing the underlying physically likely shape by utilizing the global statistics of natural curves. More specifically, we develop a reconstruction model that seeks the mean physical curve for a given inducer configuration. This simple model is both straightforward to compute and it is receptive to diverse additional information, but it requires enough samples for all curve configurations, a practical requirement that limits its effective utilization. To address this practical issue we explore and exploit statistical geometrical properties of natural curves, and in particular, we show that in many cases the mean curve is scale invariant and oftentimes it is extensible. This, in turn, allows to boost the number of examples and thus the robustness of the statistics and its applicability. The reconstruction results are not only more physically plausible but they also lead to important insights on the reconstruction problem, including an elegant explanation why certain inducer configurations are more likely to yield consistent perceptual completions than others.Comment: CVPR versio

    Depth Based Fruit Detection from Viewer-Based Pose

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    Abstract Seeking to accurately detect and localize fruit of any color in 3D space for selective agrobotical operations, we exploit data given by Time-of-Flight or RGB-D cameras and propose a novel shape-based fruit detector using a fruit pose reference frame relative to the viewer. Surface normals, which are shaped-based local features, are accumulated into bins of different shapes along the reference frame's axes. The used normals are represented using two angles from a viewer-based reference frame, to achieve a representation that is suitable for fruit types that are almost symmetric around an axis (e.g., bell-peppers), without having an effect on fruit types with no axis-symmetry. Results are shown on a particularly challenging pepper dataset

    Controlled Lighting and Illumination-Independent Target Detection for Real-Time Cost-Efficient Applications. The Case Study of Sweet Pepper Robotic Harvesting

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    Current harvesting robots are limited by low detection rates due to the unstructured and dynamic nature of both the objects and the environment. State-of-the-art algorithms include color- and texture-based detection, which are highly sensitive to the illumination conditions. Deep learning algorithms promise robustness at the cost of significant computational resources and the requirement for intensive databases. In this paper we present a Flash-No-Flash (FNF) controlled illumination acquisition protocol that frees the system from most ambient illumination effects and facilitates robust target detection while using only modest computational resources and no supervised training. The approach relies on the simultaneous acquisition of two images—with/without strong artificial lighting (“Flash„/“no-Flash„). The difference between these images represents the appearance of the target scene as if only the artificial light was present, allowing a tight control over ambient light for color-based detection. A performance evaluation database was acquired in greenhouse conditions using an eye-in-hand RGB camera mounted on a robotic manipulator. The database includes 156 scenes with 468 images containing a total of 344 yellow sweet peppers. Performance of both color blob and deep-learning detection algorithms are compared on Flash-only and FNF images. The collected database is made public