13 research outputs found

    Relationship between body mass index and timing of maturation

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    Background: Menarche is the first menstrual period. The increasing incidence of overweight/obesity and decline in the median age at menarche had led investigators to hypothesize potential associations of age at menarche with body mass index (BMI). We assess these associations between reproductive and nonreproductive age females.Aim: The present study assessed the relationship between BMI and the timing of menarche among contemporary Nigerian girls.Methods: The present cross‑sectional anthropometric study was performed in 2014 using 600 menstruating and 200 nonmenstruating girls aged 11–18 years in Nigeria. We classified the menarcheal age of our participants into early, ideal, and late. Participants were also categorized based on their nutritional status into underweight, normal, and overweight.Results: Mean age at menarche was 13.54 years. Age at onset of menarche was inversely associated with BMI. Precocious menarche (<12 years) when compared to ideal (12–13 years) or late (≥14 years) menarche was found to be associated with a higher BMI (F = 10.64, P < 0.05). Overweight girls also reach maturation earlier than their contemporaries with moderate to lean body status (F = 15.32, P < 0.05).Conclusion: Girls with high BMI or overweight reach menarche earlier in life than their lean or low BMI counterparts.Keywords: Anthropometric, body mass index, menarche, overweigh

    Anthropometric and body composition parameters of Kaduna and Rivers State women aged 18–30 years

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    Differences in anthropometry and body composition in populates arising from ecological habitat has been documented in several studies. The study attempted to evaluate the differences between the anthropometric and body composition parameters in young women of Kaduna and Rivers State, Nigeria. The study involved young women, without physical deformities within the age range of 18–30 years (mean age 22.10 ± 2.62 and 22.55 ± 3.78 for Kaduna and Rivers women respectively) that are indigenes of Kaduna and Rivers State. The study was based on a cross-sectional sampling of 788 tertiary institution students (401women from Rivers State females and 387 Kaduna females). The following anthropometric variables were measured: weight to the nearest 0.1 kg and height to the nearest 0.5 cm using a stadiometer, limb circumferences, and body circumferences using a nonstretchable tape. Body composition parameters were measured using bioimpedance analyzer. Data obtained showed that limb circumferences of Kaduna women are signifi cantly higher than Rivers women (P < 0.000 for arm circumference, P < 0.01 for calf circumference, and P < 0.000 for forearm circumference) except for the thigh circumference. However, weight, height, iliac and tricep skinfold of women from Rivers State was signifi cantly higher than Kaduna women (P < 0.01, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, and P < 0.05). Muscle mass, percentage body fat, basal metabolic rate, and metabolic age of Rivers women were signifi cantly higher than that of their Kaduna counterparts at a signifi cant level of P < 0.001, P < 0.05, P < 0.01, and P < 0.01, respectively. Rivers state women presented higher anthropometric variables and body composition parameters, but a lower limb circumference than their counterparts from Kaduna State. The difference in body composition could be tied to genetics and physiological variation that exists between individuals of a different population.Keywords: Anthropometry, body composition, Nigeria, wome

    Mating dynamics of a sperm-limited drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus.

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    When males have large sperm, they may become sperm limited and mating dynamics may be affected. One such species is Zaprionus indianus, a drosophilid that is an introduced pest species in the Americas. We examined aspects of mating behavior in Z. indianus to determine the senses necessary for mating and measure female and male remating habits. We found that vision is necessary for successful copulation, but wings, which produce courtship song, are not needed. Males need their foretarsi to successfully copulate and although the foretarsi may be needed for chemoreception, their role in hanging on to the female during copulation may be more important for successful mating. Females that mate once run out of sperm in approximately five days, although mating a second time greatly increases offspring production. Females do not seem to exert pre-mating choice among males with respect to mating with a familiar versus a novel male. Males are not capable of mating continuously and fail to produce offspring in many copulations. Overall, females of this species benefit from polyandry, providing an opportunity to study sexual selection in females. In addition, the dynamics of male competition for fertilizing eggs needs to be studied

    Comparative analysis of electrophysiological parameters of sural nerve in normal and type-2 diabetic subjects

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    The study was designed to evaluate sural nerve conduction of type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients that were asymptomatic for neuropathy and compare their findings with age and sex matched healthy individuals. Using a standard technique, sural nerve conduction study was conducted on 100 T2DM patients with no clinical features suggestive of neuropathy and 100 healthy volunteers, matched for age and sex, serving as control. Sural nerve latency, Amplitude and Conduction Velocity (CV) were measured using Nihoen Kohden EMG Machine. On comparison of the sural nerve conduction parameters, sural nerve distal latencies were significantly lower in the control group while the sural nerve conduction velocities and amplitudes were significantly higher in the T2DM group. The study showed significant difference between the sural nerve conduction parameters in T2DM patients without clinical features suggestive of peripheral neuropathy when compared with apparently healthy individuals.Keywords: Sural nerve; Diabetic neuropathy; Electrophysiolog

    Sex determination using facial linear dimensions and angles among Hausa population of Kano State, Nigeria

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    The aim of the study was to determine sexual dimorphism as well as to predict sex using facial linear dimensions and angles among Hausas of Kano state Nigeria. A total of 283 subjects comprising 147 males and 136 females age range 18–25 years participated. Photographs methods were used to capture the face. Independent sample t-test was used to test for sex differences in the variables. Binary logistic regression was applied to obtain a predicting equation (BLR model) for sex. The predicted probabilities of BLR were analyzed using receiver operating characteristic curve. The results showed that all the facial linear dimensions showed significance sexual dimorphism except interocular distance, upper facial width, philtrum length, lower vermilion width, left and right orbital width. With regards to sex prediction, upper facial height was the single best predictor of sex with an accuracy of 76.2% and 24–33% contribution to the prediction. However, the percentage accuracy increased to 91% when six variables were pooled together in the equations. For facial angles, only nasion and aperture modified angle did not show significant gender differences. However, in the variables with significant sexual dimorphism only nasomental angle showed a significant level of sex prediction with an accuracy of 70.3%. In conclusion, sex discrimination using facial linear dimensions and angles was well established in this study. The sex of an individual of Hausa ethnic group can be determined using facial linear dimensions. Dispite sexual dimorphsm shown by facial angles, only nasomental angle was good discriminator of sex

    Sexual Dimorphism and Estimation of Height from Body Length Anthropometric Parameters among the Hausa Ethnic Group of Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to investigate the sexual dimorphism in length and other anthropometric parameters. To also generate formulae for height estimation using anthropometric measurements of some length parameters among Hausa ethnic group of Kaduna State, Nigeria. A cross sectional study was conducted and a total of 500 subjects participated in this study which was mainly secondary school students between the age ranges of 16-27 years, anthropometric measurements were obtained using standard protocols. It was observed that there was significant sexual dimorphism in all the parameters except for body mass index. In all the parameters males tend to have significantly (P < 0.05) higher mean values except biaxillary distances. Height showed positive and strongest correlations with demispan length, followed by knee height, thigh length, sitting height, hand length, foot length, humeral length, forearm length and weight respectively. There were weak and positive correlations between height and neck length as well as biaxillary length. The demi span length showed the strongest correlation coefficient and low standard error of estimate indicating the strong estimation ability than other parameters. The combination of two parameters tends to give better estimations and low standard error of estimates, so also combining the three parameters gives better estimations with a lower standard error of estimates. The better correlation coefficient was also observed with the double and triple parameters respectively. Male Hausa tend to have larger body proportion compared to female. Height showed positive and strongest correlations with demispan length. Body length anthropometric proved to be useful in estimation of stature among Hausa ethnic group of Kaduna state Nigeria