19 research outputs found

    Language Therapy - Means of Development and Socializing for Autistic Children

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    The requirements of special education presuppose the approach to the educational act from the standpoint of the child’s inability to understand reasoning or elements of learning contents. This cognitive block primarily involves personality imbalance and behavioural disorder. The child abstains from speaking and manifests inhibition towards learning. The more serious is the speaking handicap at an age when the one is trying to affirm oneself at the level of the social life, the more negative effects increase, and personality disorder accentuates. In this context, it is advisable that communication should be clear, concrete and constant – e.g. by using the same word for illustrating similar instances; by using short, simple sentences, accompanied by gestures and intonation; and also by using visual aids in communication (images, pictograms). Such interventions keep the child attentive and decrease his anxiety, making him perceive the words correctly and apply them in communication

    The Language of Literary Texts - Between Artistic Philosophy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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    AbstractThe fundamental goal of this paper is to provide several therapeutic approaches that are not exclusively imperative for the autistic preschool and school children. The prevailing impercipience of a text, or of a sentence is a result of the deficient semantic comprehension of a child with autism spectrum disorders. Children's literature contains a wide range of possibilities to shape language and its attributes by means of an original communication system, open to various interpretations, therefore providing numerous educational messages adapted accordingly to each environment, using a language that fosters thinking, reason. At the narrative level, the autistic child exhibits severe language deficits, because the narration of an event, situation, and fiction, despite the use of a special kind of language limited to only a few words, is almost non-existent.The encouragement of the communicative intention through an active literary language in which the present progressive verb is prevailing, the avoidance of static language, especially descriptions with no reasoning for the autistic student, the avoidance of narrative time and step-by-step story building games by means of audio, visual (videos, drawings), tactile stimuli, continuously doubled by the customary language of literary texts for children, the transformation of a character towards whom the autistic child exhibits an appropriate behavior, the transposition of the fictional reward into and as part of reality, irrespective of its social, verbal or physical nature, offered in the educational space by the educator, are only some of the effective approaches to changing the behavior of the autistic child

    Psycho-pedagogical Counselling. An Important Stage in Students’ Teaching Career Orientation

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    AbstractThe present paper proposes a programme for training students for a teaching career, which primarily involves changes at the motivational level, but also at the level of psycho-pedagogical counselling. Educational counselling, an important social phenomenon, may develop into an intense and effective mentorship programme. Psycho-pedagogical counselling is necessary in the development of the personality of an individual, and its interdisciplinary status, helps the latter in the teaching career

    The Education of the Self and Feminine Body Aesthetics through Physical Exercise and Effective Communication

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    AbstractEfficient communication and systematic practice of physical exercise may increase self-esteem and lead to the identification of new relation formula by which the human beings to be able to display their potential and qualities more easily. It is the need for belonging what determines women to constantly adapt their discourse, ways of interacting and physical appearance. Physical exercise helps in reducing social and individual tensions, gives back self-esteem, the ability to make responsible decisions, to communicate and to cope with social pressure, irrespective of status, level of culture or environment

    Language Assessment and Means of Therapeutic Intervention for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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    The evolution of language and psychomotricity of the preschooler may be monitored and measured by means of indicators or instruments of observation and assessment. Language disorders, especially in the cases of autistic children, require constant and imperative involvement on the part of the family, in cooperation with the interdisciplinary team which carries out the recovery process: speech therapists, psychologists, psycho-educationalists, physiotherapists, teachers, etc. By support and by directing the recovery therapy towards the same educational objectives, the autistic child will enjoy an effective help and will record progress at the intellectual, linguistic, social and psychomotor level

    Language Therapy - Means of Development and Socializing for Autistic Children

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    The requirements of special education entail the approach to the educational act from the standpoint of the child’s inability to understand reasoning or elements of learning contents. This cognitive block primarily involves personality imbalance and behavioural disorder. The child refrains from speaking and manifests inhibition towards learning. The more serious is the speaking handicap at an age when one is trying to affirm oneself at the level of the social life, the more the negative effects increase, and personality disorder accentuates. In this context, it is advisable that communication should be clear, concrete and constant – e.g. by using the same word for illustrating similar instances; by using short, simple sentences, accompanied by gestures and intonation; and also by using visual aids in communication (images, pictograms). Such interventions keep the child attentive and decrease his anxiety, making him perceive the words correctly and apply them in communication

    Academic Socializing. Current Practices

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    This paper provides a comprehensive image of the socializing process in general and of the specificity of this process in the academia in particular. The study presents a series of examples of good practices which facilitate socializing in the academia and lead, at the same time, to the improvement of the quality of academic act. &nbsp