4 research outputs found

    Sains untuk Anak: Hakikat Pembelajaran Sains untuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Up to now, science educators are still confronted with路 studentswho areunmotivated to learn science. They are generally unwilling to learn science forconceptualunderstanding. They relyon less appropriate learning strategies such asdistorting scientific knowledge to fit their existing knowledge, mindlesslyanswering questions, copying answers from others, or not completing their work.They also spend time and effort focusing路on less important learning.outcomes, .suchas memorizing science vocabulary or factual.information, rather than achievingscientific understanding. On the other hand,it is believed that motivation is animportant factor in the process of student learning for路 conceptual understanding.This isa路 sufficient reason for science educators to consider the .importance ofscience teaching strategies to increase students' motivation in the process ofstudent learning. In addition, they need to develop, refine, and reform the processof teachingand learning science itself. There are at least路 three strategies they canuse to increase students' motivation to learn science for conceptual understanding:1) using immediate students' environment as learning路 sources; 2) selectinginstruction materials related to students' existing knowledge;3) relating instructionmaterials to students' daily life needs. Finally, science educators haveto be awareof the importance of affective aspects and students' motivation to learn. They haveto decidehow to conduct instruction that can help students learn in meaningfulways, including understanding of why, where,and what for students learn scienc

    Konstruktivisme dalam Pembelajaran Sains di SD: Tinjauan Epistemologi, Ontologi, dan Keraguan dalam Praksisnya

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    Constructivism in Science Learning in Elementary Schools: Epistemological and Ontological Perspectives and Doubts in the Praxis. A constructivist perspective focuses on children\u27s contribution to the construction of knowledge. Constructivism believes that a child is a real inquirer and discoverer who is actively engaged in building theories about the world and the way it works without the aid of direct instructions. The implication is that teachers have to give wider mandates to students, to provide them with contexts for experimentation to occur, and to facilitate theory building by providing helpful experiences. Epistemologically and ontologically, there are still doubts about the application in practice. This, however, should not be a constraint for science teachers to implement basic principles of constructivism as one of the alternative solutions to educational reform and movement in the elementary school science

    Elementary School Teachers Personality in Students Learning Motivation to Understand Concept of Science

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    Kepribadian Guru Sekolah Dasar dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa untuk Memahami Konsep Sains. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggali informasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar anak usia sekolah dasar untuk pemahaman konsep sains. Subjek penelitian adalah 26 anak SD kelas VI di SD RSBI Banten dan guru yang membelajarkannya. Metode pengumpulan data dengan angket tentang strategi motivasi belajar anak (MSLQ=Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionaires), observasi kelas, dan wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang faktor-faktor yang mem-pengaruhi motivasi belajar, dan cross-case analysis untuk setiap anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap anak mempunyai faktor motivasi yang berbeda dalam belajar sains. Kepribadian guru yang unik, seperti kedekatan serta berusaha untuk memahami dan menghargai potensi anak didik dapat mening-katkan motivasi anak belajar sains. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa di dalam proses pembelajaran sains untuk Perubahan konseptual, seorang guru sekolah dasar harus memahami pentingnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi anak untuk belajar, termasuk kepribadian yang dapat diterima, sehingga mereka dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan lebih bermakna. Katakunci: motivasi, pembelajaran konseptual, Perubahan konseptual, pembelajaran sains, kepribadian gur