549 research outputs found

    The effect of alcohol marketing on people with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem: A rapid literature review

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    There is a comprehensive evidence base demonstrating the relationship between alcohol marketing and underage drinking. Far less is known about the impact of alcohol marketing on other potentially vulnerable populations, such as people with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem. For the purposes of this review, this includes people with an alcohol use disorder, in recovery from an alcohol use disorder, and hazardous and harmful drinkers. This report presents findings from a rapid review that aimed to answer the following research questions: • What is the effect of alcohol marketing on drinking behaviour in adults with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem? • What are the psychological and neurological effects of alcohol marketing in adults with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem? A rapid review of primary studies was conducted with the aim of exploring the effect or potential effect of alcohol marketing on people with, or at risk of an alcohol problem, as defined above. Studies were eligible for inclusion in this review if their populations were defined within the paper as being with, or at risk of an alcohol problem, taking into account the possibility of different definitions in different settings. Studies were only included if results or outcomes were presented separately for at least one of the populations of interest. Binge drinkers were not included as a population of interest in this review. Studies covering different aspects of the ‘marketing mix’ (the four Ps of promotion, place, product, and price) were included, with the exception of alcohol outlet density, labelling and non-branded alcohol cues. Children and adolescents were excluded from the review. Quantitative and qualitative study designs were eligible for inclusion. Outcomes related to alcohol use were included, as well as psychological indicators such as awareness of or noticing marketing, appeal or perception of alcohol advertisements, alcohol craving, intentions to consume alcohol, symptoms of alcohol dependence and alcohol-related emotions and cognitions. Searches for relevant literature were conducted through three peer-reviewed electronic literature databases (from inception to November 2021), reference list scanning and citation tracking of included studies, grey literature searching of relevant websites, and enquiries through expert networks. We undertook a narrative synthesis of included papers, grouping studies together by population (participants with harmful or hazardous consumption levels of alcohol and those recovering from an alcohol use disorder) and by type of study (quantitative; qualitative). The review included 11 studies, which focused on participants recovering from an alcohol use disorder (AUD, 6 studies) and those with hazardous or harmful consumption levels of alcohol (5 studies). Seven studies used a quantitative design and four used a qualitative design. Of the quantitative studies, three were crosssectional studies and four were experimental studies. A limited number of studies have investigated the effect of alcohol advertising in harmful/hazardous drinkers. In experimental studies, one included study found no effect of adverts on actual alcohol consumption, but found that alcohol advertising could influence positive alcohol-related emotions and cognitions among heavy drinkers. Another found that individuals who exhibit greater risky alcohol use are more likely to express intentions to consume alcohol upon exposure to beer than water ads. Finally, one study found shorter reaction times in problem drinkers relative to non-problem drinkers when exposed to non-branded alcohol images in a study where participants were instructed to respond as quickly as possible to ‘go’ stimuli whilst refraining from responding to ‘no-go’ stimuli with branded and unbranded alcohol pictures as stimuli. Two cross-sectional studies highlighted the potential risks of alcohol advertising for heavy drinkers: one found that drinkers reporting symptoms of alcohol problems were more likely to notice alcohol brands in magazines and newspapers, while another found that among students, heavy drinkers perceived alcohol adverts as more appealing; however, due to the observational designs used, neither of these studies were able to make causal inferences about the effect of alcohol advertising. Similarly, a small number of quantitative studies have investigated the effects of advertising on drinkers in recovery. Only two studies were found, both of which suggest a relatively small effect of alcohol advertising in this population. One crosssectional study reported that more than three quarters of participants (77%) recalled seeing alcohol marketing in the last six months, with 24% reporting that alcohol marketing was influential. The most influential factors affecting the purchase of a specific alcohol product included price, accessibility, the brand and alcohol percent. Using an experimental design, a further study reported increased craving after exposure to alcohol advertisements and this measure showed a positive association with the number of alcohol-dependence symptoms. In absolute terms, however, craving was relatively low. In three interview studies, respondents indicated that alcohol advertisements triggered a desire to drink, particularly those which contained the participants’ preferred drink and even where the advertisements were perceived negatively. Some reported that they viewed advertisements as being responsible for their relapse. Television was cited as being a particularly powerful medium, with feelings that television intruded into their own home. One study further reported that music and party scenes were particularly troubling in terms of creating an association with good times. Participants in both studies reported negative emotions associated with viewing alcohol advertisements, including loss, lack of belonging, anger, sadness, guilt and exclusion from the norm. Participants in these studies reported needing to use strategies to avoid alcohol advertising, either through turning off and avoiding adverts or recalling the negative aspects of alcohol use. The retail environment was also identified in one further qualitative study as being challenging for drinkers in recovery. High visibility of alcohol, especially in small shops where it is harder to avoid alcohol products, and in-store advertising were identified as risks to recovery. • Taken together, the findings of the studies included in this review suggest that an effect of alcohol marketing in people with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem is likely. • Several studies report effects of alcohol marketing such as influences on positive alcohol-related emotions and cognitions and alcohol craving, which may translate into effects on alcohol consumption. There is also evidence that alcohol marketing is perceived to act as a trigger by people in recovery from alcohol problems and pose a risk to recovery. • This review demonstrates that the impact of alcohol marketing on people with or at risk of an alcohol problem should be a concern for marketing regulators and a focus for future research. • Future research should include longitudinal and experimental studies to determine whether alcohol advertisement has a causal effect on alcohol use in people with or at risk of an alcohol problems, including the differential effects between these groups and of different types of marketing

    Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location over time

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    Background Exposure to tobacco and alcohol on-screen promotes use and despite regulations and policies to limit impact, these behaviours remain common. We report a longitudinal analysis of tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in three popular UK television soap operas, to examine changing social norms between 2002-2022. Methods We used one-minute interval coding to measure content in programmes in two one-week periods in three years (2002, 2012 and 2022). Change in probability of actual and implied use of tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol over time was examined using logistic regression. Results We coded 2505 intervals from 78 episodes. Tobacco content occurred in 22% of episodes and significantly decreased from 2002 to 2022 (OR 0.15 95% CI 0.06-0.40). Tobacco use changed over time with decreasing use indoors and increasing use outdoors. No e-cigarette use was identified. Alcohol content was found in 88% of episodes and while it also significantly decreased over time (OR 0.78 95% CI 0.61 – 0.99) it featured in 20% of broadcast minutes in 2022. Alcohol use in homes increased over time. Conclusion While tobacco imagery is increasingly rare on television, alcohol content has remained common. Current regulations are not sufficient to reduce exposure. Soap opera producers should consider the impact of on-screen tobacco and alcohol use and opportunities to change social norms and help protect future generations

    Model dependence of single-energy fits to pion photoproduction data

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    Model dependence of multipole analysis has been explored through energy-dependent and single-energy fits to pion photoproduction data. The MAID energy-dependent solution has been used as input for an event generator producing realistic pseudo data. These were fitted using the SAID parametrization approach to determine single-energy and energy-dependent solutions over a range of lab photon energies from 200 to 1200 MeV. The resulting solutions were found to be consistent with the input amplitudes from MAID. Fits with a χ\chi-squared per datum of unity or less were generally achieved. We discuss energy regions where consistent results are expected, and explore the sensitivity of fits to the number of included single- and double-polarization observables. The influence of Watson's theorem is examined in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Ambiguities in the partial-wave analysis of pseudoscalar-meson photoproduction

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    Ambiguities in pseudoscalar-meson photoproduction, arising from incomplete experimental data, have analogs in pion-nucleon scattering. Amplitude ambiguities have important implications for the problems of amplitude extraction and resonance identification in partial-wave analysis. The effect of these ambiguities on observables is described. We compare our results with those found in earlier studies.Comment: 12 pages of text. No figure

    On the pion-nucleon coupling constant

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    In view of persisting misunderstanding about the determination of the pion-nucleon coupling constants in the Nijmegen multienergy partial-wave analyses of pp, np, and pbar-p scattering data, we present additional information which may clarify several points of discussion. We comment on several recent papers addressing the issue of the pion-nucleon coupling constant and criticizing the Nijmegen analyses.Comment: 19 pages, Nijmegen preprint THEF-NYM-92-0

    Existence and stability of viscoelastic shock profiles

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    We investigate existence and stability of viscoelastic shock profiles for a class of planar models including the incompressible shear case studied by Antman and Malek-Madani. We establish that the resulting equations fall into the class of symmetrizable hyperbolic--parabolic systems, hence spectral stability implies linearized and nonlinear stability with sharp rates of decay. The new contributions are treatment of the compressible case, formulation of a rigorous nonlinear stability theory, including verification of stability of small-amplitude Lax shocks, and the systematic incorporation in our investigations of numerical Evans function computations determining stability of large-amplitude and or nonclassical type shock profiles.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    Spectral properties of zero temperature dynamics in a model of a compacting granular column

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    The compacting of a column of grains has been studied using a one-dimensional Ising model with long range directed interactions in which down and up spins represent orientations of the grain having or not having an associated void. When the column is not shaken (zero 'temperature') the motion becomes highly constrained and under most circumstances we find that the generator of the stochastic dynamics assumes an unusual form: many eigenvalues become degenerate, but the associated multi-dimensional invariant spaces have but a single eigenvector. There is no spectral expansion and a Jordan form must be used. Many properties of the dynamics are established here analytically; some are not. General issues associated with the Jordan form are also taken up.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Failing boys and moral panics: perspectives on the underachievement debate

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    The paper re-examines the underachievement debate from the perspective of the ‘discourse of derision’ that surrounds much writing in this area. It considers the contradictions and inconsistencies which underpin much of the discourse – from a reinterpretation of examination scores, to the conflation of the concepts of ‘under’ and ‘low’ achievement and finally to the lack of consensus on a means of defining and measuring the term underachievement. In doing so, this paper suggests a more innovative approach for understanding, re-evaluating and perhaps rejecting the notion of underachievement

    The role of the supply chain in the elimination and reduction of construction rework and defects: an action research approach

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    Since 2007, Ireland has suffered a circa 80% reduction in construction output. This has resulted in bankruptcy, unemployment and bad debt. Contractors have attached greater emphasis to production efficiency and cost reduction as a means of survival. An Action Research (AR) strategy was used in this research to improve processes adopted by a SME contractor for the control of defects in its supply chain. It is conservatively estimated that rework, typically accounts for, circa 5% of total project costs. Rework is wasteful and presents an obvious target for improvement. The research reported here concerns the (first) diagnosing stage of the AR cycle only, involving: observation of fieldwork, analysis of contract documents, and semi-structured interviews with supply chain members. The results indicate potential for supply chain participants to identify root causes of defects and propose solutions, having regard to best practice to avoid re-occurrence. A lack of collaborative forums to contribute to production improvement was identified. Additionally the processes, used to collect, manage and disseminate data were unstructured and uncoordinated, indicating scope for developing more efficient methods. The research indicates good understanding of the potential benefits for supply chain collaboration but suggests that the tools and knowledge to collaborate are currently lacking in the SME sector