15 research outputs found

    Ultra-pure digital sideband separation at sub-millimeter wavelengths

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    Deep spectral-line surveys in the mm and sub-mm range can detect thousands of lines per band uncovering the rich chemistry of molecular clouds, star forming regions and circumstellar envelopes, among others objects. The ability to study the faintest features of spectroscopic observation is, nevertheless, limited by a number of factors. The most important are the source complexity (line density), limited spectral resolution and insufficient sideband (image) rejection (SRR). Dual Sideband (2SB) millimeter receivers separate upper and lower sideband rejecting the unwanted image by about 15 dB, but they are difficult to build and, until now, only feasible up to about 500 GHz (equivalent to ALMA Band 8). For example ALMA Bands 9 (602-720 GHz) and 10 (787-950 GHz) are currently DSB receivers. Aims: This article reports the implementation of an ALMA Band 9 2SB prototype receiver that makes use of a new technique called calibrated digital sideband separation. The new method promises to ease the manufacturing of 2SB receivers, dramatically increase sideband rejection and allow 2SB instruments at the high frequencies currently covered only by Double Sideband (DSB) or bolometric detectors. Methods: We made use of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and fast Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) to measure and calibrate the receiver's front end phase and amplitude imbalances to achieve sideband separation beyond the possibilities of purely analog receivers. The technique could in principle allow the operation of 2SB receivers even when only imbalanced front ends can be built, particularly at very high frequencies. Results: This digital 2SB receiver shows an average sideband rejection of 45.9 dB while small portions of the band drop below 40 dB. The performance is 27 dB (a factor of 500) better than the average performance of the proof-of-concept Band 9 purely-analog 2SB prototype receiver.Comment: 5 page

    Vacuum-assisted healing of various-aetiology wounds: A systematic review

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    Background. The ever-growing rate of man-made accidents and disasters entails high traumatism. Traumas and other injuries, including purulent necrotic lesions, often lead to extensive wound defects requiring special surgeries for closure and to restore skin integrity.Objectives. A comparative inter-specialty review in trauma surgery on the vacuum therapy application in healing wounds of different locality and aetiology.Methods. The review includes relevant cases of use experience in vacuum-assisted healing of various locality and aetiology wounds, indexed in the PubMed, ScienceDirect and eLibrary databases for years 2014–2020. The following research techniques were employed: online, content, historical and descriptive analyses with a focus on specific issues in aetiology, pathogenesis and vacuum-assisted healing of various-locality wounds.Results. Vacuum-assisted healing of various locality and aetiology wounds is a current standard acting in complex with adequate surgical treatment, antibiotic therapy and early rehabilitation measures.Conclusion. Manifold literature sources, colleagues’ publications and guidelines for vacuum-assisted closure (VAC®-therapy Guidelines) substantiate the effect and promise of the vacuum-based approach in complex treatment of various-aetiology wounds. Further studies into the mechanisms of action and the elaboration of indications list are warranted for this method

    Antegrade lithoextraction as perspective technique for mechanical jaundice radical treatment

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    Objective. Improvement of treatment outcomes in patients with the cholelithiasis complicated by mechanical jaundice when it is impossible to apply retrograde techniques for biliary tract decompression.Material and Methods. From 2014 to 2017 in our hospital 1158 patients with cholelithiasis complicated by mechanical jaundice have been treated. The group consisted of 59 (5.1%) patients with initially predicted difficulties for endoscopic lithoextraction. In 12 of that group antegrade decompression was the only surgical method for completing treatment. In 2 cases the ‘rendezvous’ technique was used, and in 23 patients the antegrade decompression it was complemented with laparotomy and choledocholithotomy. In 22 patients for verification the nature of the bile-excreting ducts and the cholelithic occlusion revealed at the same time the first stage included an antegrade decompression that allowed to finish surgical treatment by an endoscopic transpapillary lithoextraction.Results. In the main group of clinical observations for 59 patients the surgical treatment complemented with an antegrade decompression was without fatal outcomes. All patients were cured of cholelithic occlusion and recovered. In the study group with 1099 patients that were treated with only an endoscopic lithoextraction 8 patients died that showed 0.7 ± 0.2% of operational mortality. Complications, in the form of operational wounds in the main group of observations were found in 7 patients and it was 11.8 ± 4.2%. Other postoperative complications in the main group were not observed. In the control group similar wound complications were seen in 13 patients (1.2%). In the control group with 57 patients we observed intraabdominal complications which resulted in mortality (5.2 ± 0.7%). Of those postoperative reversible pancreatitis was found in 34 patients, 3 patients had fulminant pancreonecrosis, in 4 cases there was profuse bleeding from a papillosphincterotomy area, in 3 cases we observed insertion of Dormia basket at lithoextraction, septic cholangitis was in 11 and duodenum perforation with retroperitoneal phlegmon was in 3 cases.Conclusion. Mortality in the group with antegrade treatment application for choledocholithiasis was not found. On the contrary, rather higher rate of complications in the control group testifies in advantage of the antegrade techniques for choledocholithiasis treatment in the shown cases


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     Relevance. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is one of methods to care patients with malignancy, hematologic and hereditary diseases; in most cases, it requires prolonged and massive substitutionary transfusion therapy. Analysis of effectiveness, cost and need for blood components in different types of HSCT would allow blood transfusion department for more accurate planning in blood output.Objective  – to determine the need for blood components in different types of HSCT.Material and methods. From December 2000 to December 2015, 851 patients with malignancies, hematologic and hereditary diseases who underwent 915 HSCT (54repeatedly) were included into the study.Results. Substitutionary transfusion therapy was required in 849 HSCT (92.8% of cases Red blood cell-containing blood components were used in 842 HSCT (92%), platelet containing – in 795 HSCT (86.8%), fresh frozen plasma – in 228 HSCT (24.9%). The total number of blood transfusion in 1 case of autologous HSCT was 14.7 doses, in allogeneic HSCT – 18.5 (p=0,01). On average, transfusion therapy for one recipient of autologous HSCT cost – 57 817.4 RUB, for recipient of allogeneic HSCT – 181 710.3 RUB. The need for blood components was increased in the presence of progression/relapse of the underlying disease (p=0.0001), allogeneic HSCT compared to autologous HSCT (p=0.0001), in patients with a long history of transfusion (more than 30 blood transfusions).Conclusion. Substitutionary transfusion therapy is a key factor increasing the effectiveness of treatment with the help of HSCT by prevention and treatment of anemic syndrome and hemorrhagic complications. Allogeneic HSCT compared to autologous HSCT was associated with significantly higher financial expenditure for providing substitutionary transfusion therapy.Введение. Трансплантация  гемопоэтических столовых клеток (ТГСК) – один из методов лечения ряда онкологических, гематологических  и наследственных  заболеваний,  в большинстве   случаев нуждается  в длительной и массивной  заместительной гемотрансфузионной терапии. Анализ эффективности, стоимости и потребности в компонентах крови при ТГСК позволит проводить более точное планирование при заготовке крови в условиях отделения переливания крови.Цель исследования – определить потребность в компонентах крови при различных видах ТГСК.Материал и методы. С декабря 2000 г. по декабрь 2015 г. в исследование включен 851 пациент с онкологическими, гематологическими и наследственными заболеваниями, которому было выполнено 915 ТГСК (их них 54 повторных).Результаты  исследования. Заместительная гемотрансфузионная  терапия потребовалась при 849 ТГСК (92,8 % случаев). Эритроцитсодержащие  компоненты крови использовались при  842 ТГСК (92 %), тромбоцитсодержащие – при 795 ТГСК (86,8 %), СЗП – при 228 ТГСК (24,9 %). Общее количество гемотрансфузий  на 1 случай аутологичной ТГСК составило 14,7 дозы, при аллогенной ТГСК – 18,5 (p=0,01). В среднем на одного реципиента аутологичной ТГСК для проведения заместительной гемотрансфузионной  терапии было  затрачено 57 817,4 р., на одного реципиента  аллогенной ТГСК – 181 710,3 р. Потребность  в компонентах   крови  увеличивалась при наличии прогрессии/рецидива основного заболевания (p=0,0001), аллогенной ТГСК  по сравнению с аутологичной   ТГСК (p=0,0001), у пациентов   с длительным трансфузионным  анамнезом (более 30 гемотрансфузий).Выводы. Заместительная гемотрансфузионная терапия является ключевым фактором, повышающим эффективность лечения с помощью метода ТГСК за счет профилактики и лечения анемического синдрома, геморрагических осложнений. Выполнение ТГСК от аллогенного донора сопряжено со значительно более высокими финансовыми затратами на обеспечение заместительной гемотрансфузионной терапии по сравнению с аутологичной ТГСК


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    The aim of the research is to identify factors influencing the safety and efficacy of the transfusion therapy with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). From January 1 to December 31, 2015, 329 patients with hematologic diseases and malignancies who had undergone 367 HSCT were included into the study. Transfusion therapy was conducted in 345 HSCT – 94 % of cases. Totally, 9074 cases of transfusion of blood components were recorded: red blood cellcontaining – 2378 (26.2 %), plateletcontaining – 6255 (68.9 %), fresh frozen plasma – 441 (4.9 %). АВ0incompatibility between the donor and recipient was determined in 60.4 % of cases (n=154) in HSCT from allogeneic donor. Acute «graft versus host disease» was observed in 34.9 % of cases (n=89). Hemorrhagic complications were in 46 cases (12.5 %), mainly nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhagic cystitis. Pprevention and treatment of anemic and hemorrhagic complications in HSCT requires longterm and massive transfusion therapy with the availability of АВ0-incompatibility. The use of leukofiltrated, γ - or x-ray irradiated, individually and immunologically compatible blood components can reduce the risk of development of acute and delayed transfusion reactions in HSCT. Цель исследования – выявить факторы, влияющие на безопасность и эффективность гемотрансфузионной терапии при трансплантации гемопоэтических стволовых клеток (ТГСК). С 1 января по 31 декабря 2015 г. в исследование включены 329 пациентов с онкологическими, гематологическими и наследственными заболеваниями, которым было выполнено 367 ТГСК. Проведение гемотрансфузионной терапии потребовалось при 345 ТГСК (94 % случаев). Суммарно было зафиксировано 9074 трансфузии компонентов крови: эритроцитсодержащих – 2378 (26,2 %), тромбоцитсодержащих – 6255 (68,9 %), свежезамороженной плазмы – 441 (4,9 %). При ТГСК от аллогенного донора АВ0-несовместимость между донором и реципиентом определялась в 60,4 % случаев (n=154). Острая реакция «трансплантат против хозяина» отмечалась в 34,9 % случаев (n=89). Геморрагические осложнения были в 46 случаях (12,5 %), среди которых преобладали носовые, желудочно-кишечные кровотечения и геморрагический цистит. Осуществление профилактики и лечения анемического синдрома и геморрагических осложнений при ТГСК требует длительной и массивной гемотрансфузионной терапии с учетом наличия АВ0-несовместимости. Применение лейкофильтрованных, γ - или рентгеноблученных, индивидуально иммунологически совместимых компонентов крови позволяет снизить риск развития острых и отсроченных гемотрансфузионных реакций при ТГСК


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    Background. Optimization of the process and improved efficiency of the prolonged compulsory enteroalimentation in the patients who require it for more than 4 weeks.Materials and Methods. We analyzed the first experience of percutaneous endoscopically assisted gastrostomy in 32 patients. Patients were treated in the neurosurgical and neurologic department of Research Scientific Institute – Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital no. 1 in Krasnodar.Results. Application efficiency of percutaneous endoscopically assisted gastrostomy for prolonged enteral feeding in patients with combined trauma and neurological deficiency was shown. The greatest number of complications 3 (33.3%) was observed in the group of patients with cranio-cereberal traumas


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    Aim. The research was conducted to evaluate the possibilities of the "Thrombodynamics" test in the integrated monitoring of the blood coagulation system and the choice of the method of prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications in the postoperative period in surgical patients.Materials and methods. 123 patients were operated for acute surgical pathology of abdominal organs. The "Thrombodynamics" test was used in a complex assessment of the state of the blood coagulation system. After the statistical processing by the methods of variation statistics, the results were used to predict the risk of the occurrence and changes in the volume of therapy for thromboembolic complications, taking into account the current understanding of the thrombodynamic properties of the fibrinous clot. Correction of the hemostasis system was based on "Russian Clinical Recommendations for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Complications" approved by the Expert Meeting on May 20, 2015.Results. It was found that 101 (82.1%) patients had abnormalities in the blood coagulation system after the surgery for acute abdominal cavity diseases complicated by peritonitis. We established the direct dependence of the predicted risk of thromboembolic complications on the degree of severity of secondary peritonitis. 52 (42.3%) patients needed a correction of thromboprophylactic therapy, which made it possible to exclude the occurrence of venous thromboembolic complications.Conclusion. The use of the "Thrombodynamics" test in the complex evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of the blood coagulation system in surgical patients with a complicated course of the disease in the perioperative period makes it possible to objectively assess the risks of the thromboembolic complications and to correct a thromboprophylactic therapy to exclude the thromboembolic complications

    The Neel IRAM KID Arrays (NIKA)

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    We are developing an instrument based on Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) known as the N,el IRAM KID Array (NIKA). Leveraging the experience gained from the first generation NIKA in 2009, an improved, dual-band (150 GHz and 240 GHz) instrument has been designed and tested at the Institut of RadioAstronomie Millimetrique (IRAM) 30-meter telescope in October 2010. The performances, in terms of sensitivity on-the-sky at 150 GHz, are already comparable to existing state-of-the-art bolometer-based instruments. NIKA represents thus the first real proof that KID are a viable technology for ground-based Astronomy. We will describe the instrument, the most recent results and the future plans for building a large resident mm-wave camera