792 research outputs found

    Advokasi Greenpeace Terhadap Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup

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    In order to realize the principles of sustainability and sustainability towards the environment, of course, it must depart from legal awareness by humans that everyone bears obligations and responsibilities towards future generations and towards each other in one generation by making efforts to preserve the carrying capacity of ecosystems and improve the quality of the environment. In a democracy that guarantees freedom of association and organization guaranteed by the Constitution to realize environmental concern, there is an international organization called Greenpeace, headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has 2.8 million supporters worldwide and has regional offices in 41 countries, including Indonesia. . The organization has a sensitivity to environmental issues such as natural exploitation or environmental destruction by individuals or corporations. The legal umbrella covering environmental aspects in Indonesia has been poured into UU NO. 32 of 2009 concerning the protection and management of the environment as well as other laws and regulations, however, it is very unfortunate that environmental issues have become a serious matter involving moral, economic and social aspects. One of the cases of environmental destruction that often occurs in Indonesia is mining activities by corporations covering issues of corruption, health and the environment. The involvement and active role of the community is urgently needed to oversee cases of environmental destruction for future generations of children and grandchildren.Dalam rangka untuk mewujudkan asas kelestarian dan berkelanjutan terhadap lingkungan hidup tentunya harus berangkat dari kesadaran hukum oleh setiap manusia bahwa setiap orang memikul kewajiban dan tanggung jawab terhadap generasi mendatang dan terhadap sesamanya dalam satu generasi dengan melakukan upaya pelestarian daya dukung ekosistem dan memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan hidup bersama. Di alam demokrasi Indonesia yang menjamin kebebasan berserikat dan berorganisasi yang dijamin oleh Konstitusi untuk mewujdukan kepedulian lingkungan terdapat sebuah organisasi Internasional yang Bernama Greenpeace yang berkantor pusat di Amsterdam, Belanda mempunyai 2,8 juta pendukung di seluruh dunia dan memiliki kantor regional di 41 negara termasuk di Indonesia. Organisasi tersebut memiliki kepekaan terhadap isu-isu lingkungan lingkungan seperti eksploitasi alam atau pengrusakan lingkungan oleh individu maupun korporasi. Payung hukum yang meliputi aspek lingkungan di Indonesia telah dituangkan ke dalam Undang-undang No 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan pengelolahan Lingkungan Hidup maupun peraturan perundang-undangan yang lain akan tetapi sangat disayangkan isu lingkungan menjadi hal serius yang menyangkut pada aspek moralitas, ekonomi dan sosial. Salah satu kasus pengrusakan lingkungan yang sering terjadi di Indonesia adalah kegiatan pertambangan oleh korporasi meliputi masalah budaya korupsi, Kesehatan maupun lingkungan. Keterlibatan dan peran aktif masyarakat luas sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengawal kasus-kasus pengrusakan lingkungan hidup demi generasi anak cucu mendatang. Kata Kunci: Organisasi; Lingkungan; Korporas

    Electrical conductive properties of some composites of gum arabic biopolymer and magnetite nanoparticles

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    DC electrical conductive properties of some composites of gum arabic biopolymer (host) and magnetite nanoparticles (guest) synthesized in different weight percentages have been studied as a function of temperature and applied bias voltage to explore the effect of the guest on the electrical conduction of the host. Two types of trap distributions (single discrete and exponential) have been found in these composites. The observed results show that the conductivity of the composites increases with increasing guest content along with a decrease in activation energy. Percolation theory has been employed for the analysis of the room temperature electrical conductivity enhancement with the variation of guest content. The activation energy and the pre-exponential factor values estimated following Arrhenius relation satisfies the compensation law

    Loan portfolio management and Liquidity Risk: The impact of limited liability and haircut

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    In this article, we consider the problem of a bank's loan portfolio in the context of liquidity risk, while allowing for the limited liability protection enjoyed by the bank. Accordingly, we construct a novel loan portfolio model with limited liability, while maintaining a threshold level of haircut in the portfolio. For the constructed three-time step loan portfolio, at the initial time, the bank raises capital via debt and equity, investing the same in several classes of loans, while at the final time, the bank either meets its liabilities or becomes insolvent. At the intermediate time step, a fraction of the deposits are withdrawn, resulting in liquidation of some of the bank's assets. The liquidated portfolio is designed with the goal of minimizing the liquidation cost. Our theoretical results show that model with the haircut constraint leads to lesser liquidity risk, as compared to the scenario of no haircut constraint being imposed. Finally, we present numerical results to illustrate the theoretical results which were obtained

    Source Separation using ICA

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    Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a statistical signal processing technique having emerging new practical application areas, such as blind signal separation such as mixed voices or images, analysis of several types of data or feature extraction. Fast independent component analysis (Fast ICA ) is one of the most efficient ICA technique. Fast ICA algorithm separates the independent sources from their mixtures by measuring non-gaussianity.In this paper we present a method that can separate the signals as individual channels from other channels and also remove the noise using fast ica algorithm. The method is to decompose a multi channel signal into statistically independent components

    Probing Internal Stress and Crystallinity in Wet Foam via Raman Spectroscopy

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    In this article, we correlate the internal stress and the characteristics of a vibrational mode in wet foam. Using microscope images, we estimate the average size of the bubbles in wet foam, at specific time intervals, over a duration of twenty four hours. Raman spectra are also recorded at the same time intervals, over the same time frame. We show that the internal stress, originated from the macroscopic structural change of foam with ageing, can be related to the observed Raman shift of the low frequency methylene rocking mode of the constituent surfactant molecules in foam. In this report we also show the capability of the Raman spectroscopy to reveal the crystallinity in foamy materials, when studied for a longer period of time.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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