9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pendekatan Semantic Object Model pada Rancangan Database Penatausahaan Aset Fasilitas Kantor

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    Database merupakan salah satu komponen yang paling penting dalam sebuah sistem informasi, karena merupakan dasar dalam menyediakan informasi atau kumpulan data yang ditampilkan melalui sistem informasi. Hasil analisis terhadap proses penatausahaan sebelumnya terdapat beberapa kekurangan dantaranya membutuhkan sebuah perangkat lunak yang terkomputerisasi, dan hal itu tidak terlepas dari adanya suatu database yang berfungsi sebagai media penyimpanan yang berhubungan dengan aplikasi yang ada. Pada penelitian ini penyusun menerapkan pendekatan Semantic Object Model dalam pemodelan datanya, yang dalam merepresentasikan objek-objeknya menggunakan diagram SOM. Pemodelan data dengan menggunakan Semantic Objet Model dapat memudahkan pengembang dalam mengimplementasikan model data tersebut karena, Semantic Object Model lebih detail dalam penggambaran model datanya, sehingga untuk melakukan proses selanjutnya yaitu pembuatan relational database lebih mudah

    Pengaturan Penerbangan Sipil Internasional Menurut Hukum Internasional Yang Melintasi Antar Negara

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    SETTING THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL LAW ACROSS THE INTER-STATE Civil aviation organization of International and national should refer to the norms of International and national laws that apply, to ensure the safety of passengers, crew aircraft, aircraft or goods transported. Where the implementation of civil aviation are arranged in a variety of International conventions The problem in this study is How open sky policy as air law instruments. How will the International law on state sovereignty over its territory and space in the International civil aviation settings How International law that crosses between States. This type of research used in this study is a normative legal research. Normative legal research is a research method that refers to the legal norms contained in laws and court decisions. Open sky policy as air law instruments. Open Sky Policy is an Open Skies agreement which allows air freight to make decisions in air travel capacity, pricing, and fully make liberal in the conditions of flight activity. Open sky policy (OSP) can be bilateral or multilateral. Setting International law on state sovereignty over space in the region is Article 1 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International civil aviation, which reads: The contracting states recognize that every state complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory (each State bound by the Convention guarantees existing sovereign air space above its territory fully and exclusively). The setting of International civil aviation under International law that crosses between the State is Article 2 of the 1944 Chicago Convention over again explained that for the purposes of the 1944 Chicago Convention is meant State border (state territory


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    Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB) province consists of two main islands, Lombok and Sumbawa, to the east of Bali Island, Indonesia. Most of the area is known to be moderately malaria endemic, but the exact malaria epidemiology has not been elucidated. At least 30 deaths per year are thought to be caused by falciparum malaria in Lombok alone, judging from the hospital data. According to the Gebrak Malaria Team in West Lombok, the annual incidence in the district of West Lombok from 1996 to 1999 was consistently over 40‰. In the present report, we describe the small malaria endemic foci in the West Lombok and Sumbawa districts. Falciparum malaria is predominant over vivax malaria and other types of malaria. There are 11 species of Anopheles vector, but three of these species, An. subpictus, An. maculates and An. barbirostris, are of primary importance in malaria transmission and An. sundaicus and An. aconitus are of secondary importance. Our data from Sekotong, West Lombok, and Sumbawa supported the importance of An. subpictus in coastal areas but suggested the existence of different transmission peaks according to environmental conditions. The usual transmission peak comes in the dry season but is affected by climatic and geographical conditions. Although there were many malaria endemic foci along the coast, the width and grade of the foci varied widely. The presence of malaria endemic foci inland, although likely, has not been definitively reported to date