9 research outputs found


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    Book Reviews

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    DEEP -A Statistical System in Dental Epidemiology is a monograph going to the root of the key issues in epidemiological data analysis: a sensible data management system, a powerful statistical modelling tool and an easily accessible tool for graphical representation to ease the interpretation and understanding of statistical results

    Projektiranje izvora stabilnog napona/struje i napona napajanja niske potrošnje za 9-bitni AD pretvornik sa simetričnim ulazima

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    This paper presents the design of a low-power voltage reference, bias current and the supply voltage for a 9-bit fully differential ADC. The references, power supply circuits and the ADC are integrated in one circuit, i.e. chip. The proposed chip is implemented in the UMC 0.18 μm CMOS process and occupies 800×700 μm^2 . The circuit supply voltage V DD is obtained from the external RF signal. When the circuit is active VDD is used as a supply for the rest of the circuitry. The circuit generates supply, reference voltages and currents when V DD exceeds the upper voltage level V_HIGH ≈1.82 V. When VDD is lower than the lower voltage level V LOW ≈1.35 V, the circuit is off. When the circuit is active, the current consumption is 22 μA. The presented results are based on measurements.U ovom radu opisano je projektiranje izvora stabilnog napona, stabilnih struja i napona napajanja za 9-bitni AD pretvornik sa simetričnim ulazima. Izvori stabilnih napona, struja i AD pretvornik integrirani su u jedan čip. Opisani čip je projektiran u 0,18 um CMOS procesu tvrtke UMC i zauzima 800x700 um^2. Napon napajanja čipa VDD je dobiven iz vanjskog RF signala. Kad je čip aktivan VDD se koristi kao napajanje za ostale dijelove čipa. Stabilni napon, struja i napon napajanja uključuju se kad VDD prijeđe gornju naponsku granicu V_HIGH~1.82 V. Kada je VDD niži od donje naponske razine V_LOW~1.35 V, čip je isključen. Kad je čip uključen, potrošnja struje je 22 uA. Rezultati predstavljeni u ovom radu temelje se na mjerenjima

    Comparison of Field-To-Line Coupling Models: Coupled Transmission Lines Model versus Single-cell Corrected Taylor Model

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    International audienceModels for field-to-line coupling are interesting be- cause they help to predict the immunity of PCBs and explain the relation between routing and immunity. In this article a meandered PCB trace illuminated by EM field in a TEM cell is analysed. The near-end and far-end coupling is predicted using two models: a detailed and an approximative one. The detailed model is a circuit of coupled multi-conductor transmission lines evaluated with a circuit simulator. The approximative model consists of a single Taylor cell with an analytical modification evaluated using a numerical computing tool. Both predictions are compared with measurements and turn out to be equally precise. The advantage of the coupled lines model is its flexibility, the advantage of the modified Taylor model is its ease of use

    Severity-adjusted evaluation of liver transplantation on health outcomes in urea cycle disorders

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    Purpose: Liver transplantation (LTx) is performed in individuals with urea cycle disorders when medical management (MM) insufficiently prevents the occurrence of hyperammonemic events. However, there is a paucity of systematic analyses on the effects of LTx on health-related outcome parameters compared to individuals with comparable severity who are medically managed. Methods: We investigated the effects of LTx and MM on validated health-related outcome parameters, including the metabolic disease course, linear growth, and neurocognitive outcomes. Individuals were stratified into “severe” and “attenuated” categories based on the genotype-specific and validated in vitro enzyme activity. Results: LTx enabled metabolic stability by prevention of further hyperammonemic events after transplantation and was associated with a more favorable growth outcome compared with individuals remaining under MM. However, neurocognitive outcome in individuals with LTx did not differ from the medically managed counterparts as reflected by the frequency of motor abnormality and cognitive standard deviation score at last observation. Conclusion: Whereas LTx enabled metabolic stability without further need of protein restriction or nitrogen-scavenging therapy and was associated with a more favorable growth outcome, LTx—as currently performed—was not associated with improved neurocognitive outcomes compared with long-term MM in the investigated urea cycle disorders.</p

    Severity-adjusted evaluation of liver transplantation on health outcomes in urea cycle disorders

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    Purpose: Liver transplantation (LTx) is performed in individuals with urea cycle disorders when medical management (MM) insufficiently prevents the occurrence of hyperammonemic events. However, there is a paucity of systematic analyses on the effects of LTx on health-related outcome parameters compared to individuals with comparable severity who are medically managed. Methods: We investigated the effects of LTx and MM on validated health-related outcome parameters, including the metabolic disease course, linear growth, and neurocognitive outcomes. Individuals were stratified into “severe” and “attenuated” categories based on the genotype-specific and validated in vitro enzyme activity. Results: LTx enabled metabolic stability by prevention of further hyperammonemic events after transplantation and was associated with a more favorable growth outcome compared with individuals remaining under MM. However, neurocognitive outcome in individuals with LTx did not differ from the medically managed counterparts as reflected by the frequency of motor abnormality and cognitive standard deviation score at last observation. Conclusion: Whereas LTx enabled metabolic stability without further need of protein restriction or nitrogen-scavenging therapy and was associated with a more favorable growth outcome, LTx—as currently performed—was not associated with improved neurocognitive outcomes compared with long-term MM in the investigated urea cycle disorders.</p