45 research outputs found

    Infection of Human Neutrophils With Leishmania infantum or Leishmania major Strains Triggers Activation and Differential Cytokines Release

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    Leishmaniases are neglected diseases, caused by intracellular protozoan parasites of the Leishmania (L.) genus. Although the principal host cells of the parasites are macrophages, neutrophils are the first cells rapidly recruited to the site of parasites inoculation, where they play an important role in the early recognition and elimination of the parasites. The nature of early interactions between neutrophils and Leishmania could influence the outcome of infection. Herein we aimed to evaluate whether different Leishmania strains, responsible for distinct clinical manifestations, could influence ex vivo functional activity of neutrophils. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were isolated from 14 healthy volunteers and the ex vivo infection of these cells was done with two L. infantum and one L. major strains. Infection parameters were determined and neutrophils activation was assessed by oxidative burst, degranulation, DNA release and apoptosis; cytokine production was measured by a multiplex flow cytometry analysis. Intracellular amastigotes were rescued to determine Leishmania strains survival. The results showed that L. infantum and L. major promastigotes similarly infected the neutrophils. Oxidative burst, neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase activity and apoptosis were significantly increased in infected neutrophils but with no differences between strains. The L. infantum-infected neutrophils induced more DNA release than those infected by L. major. Furthermore, Leishmania strains induced high amounts of IL-8 and stimulated the production of IL-1β, TNF-α, and TGF-β by human neutrophils. We observed that only one strain promoted IL-6 release by these neutrophils. The production of TNF-α was also differently induced by the parasites strains. All these results demonstrate that L. infantum and L. major strains were able to induce globally a similar ex vivo activation and apoptosis of neutrophils; however, they differentially triggered cytokines release from these cells. In addition, rescue of intracellular parasites indicated different survival rates further emphasizing on the influence of parasite strains within a species on the fate of infection

    The mating competence of geographically diverse Leishmania major strains in their natural and unnatural sand fly vectors

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    Invertebrate stages of Leishmania are capable of genetic exchange during their extracellular growth and development in the sand fly vector. Here we explore two variables: the ability of diverse L. major strains from across its natural range to undergo mating in pairwise tests; and the timing of the appearance of hybrids and their developmental stage associations within both natural (Phlebotomus duboscqi) and unnatural (Lutzomyia longipalpis) sand fly vectors. Following co-infection of flies with parental lines bearing independent drug markers, doubly-drug resistant hybrid progeny were selected, from which 96 clonal lines were analyzed for DNA content and genotyped for parent alleles at 4-6 unlinked nuclear loci as well as the maxicircle DNA. As seen previously, the majority of hybrids showed '2n' DNA contents, but with a significant number of '3n' and one '4n' offspring. In the natural vector, 97% of the nuclear loci showed both parental alleles; however, 3% (4/150) showed only one parental allele. In the unnatural vector, the frequency of uniparental inheritance rose to 10% (27/275). We attribute this to loss of heterozygosity after mating, most likely arising from aneuploidy which is both common and temporally variable in Leishmania. As seen previously, only uniparental inheritance of maxicircle kDNA was observed. Hybrids were recovered at similar efficiencies in all pairwise crosses tested, suggesting that L. major lacks detectable 'mating types' that limit free genetic exchange. In the natural vector, comparisons of the timing of hybrid formation with the presence of developmental stages suggest nectomonads as the most likely sexually competent stage, with hybrids emerging well before the first appearance of metacyclic promastigotes. These studies provide an important perspective on the prevalence of genetic exchange in natural populations of L. major and a guide for experimental studies to understand the biology of mating

    Leishmania eukaryotic initiation factor (LeIF) inhibits parasite growth in murine macrophages.

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    The leishmaniases constitute neglected global public health problems that require adequate control measures, prophylactic clinical vaccines and effective and non-toxic drug treatments. In this study, we explored the potential of Leishmania infantum eukaryotic initiation factor (LieIF), an exosomal protein, as a novel anti-infective therapeutic molecule. More specifically, we assessed the efficacy of recombinant LieIF, in combination with recombinant IFN-γ, in eliminating intracellular L. donovani parasites in an in vitro macrophage model. J774A.1 macrophages were initially treated with LieIF/IFN-γ prior to in vitro infection with L. donovani stationary phase promastigotes (pre-infection treatment), and resistance to infection was observed 72 h after infection. J774A.1 macrophages were also treated with LieIF/IFN-γ after L. donovani infection (post-infection treatment), and resistance to infection was also observed at both time points tested (19 h and 72 h) after infection. To elucidate the LieIF/IFN-γ-induced mechanism(s) that mediate the reduction of intracellular parasite growth, we examined the generation of potent microbicidal molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), within infected macrophages. Furthermore, macrophages pre-treated with LieIF/IFN-γ showed a clear up-regulation in macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α) as well as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) expression. However, significant different protein levels were not detected. In addition, macrophages pre-treated with LieIF/IFN-γ combined with anti-TNF-α monoclonal antibody produced significantly lower amounts of ROS. These data suggest that during the pre-treatment state, LieIF induces intramacrophage parasite growth inhibition through the production of TNF-α, which induces microbicidal activity by stimulating NO and ROS production. The mechanisms of NO and ROS production when macrophages are treated with LieIF after infection are probably different. Overall, these results indicate that LieIF is a good candidate for use as an anti-leishmanial molecule

    Molecular Analyses of Old World Leishmania RAPD Markers and Development of a PCR Assay Selective for Parasites of the L. donovani Species Complex

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    International audienceThree amplicons, appearing in a species-specific manner on the electrophoregrams of RAPD reactions that were obtained with primer OPA1, OPA1-800, OPA1- 900, and OPA1-1200, are analyzed in this study. The study revealed that each of these products is composed of one Leishmania DNA band, taxonomically conserved among the different Old World species studied. Subsequently, only the electrophoretic position of the RAPD products can be considered species-specific. In addition, sequence data, genomic organization, and chromosomal location have proved that these fragments are different and physically independent. However, they possess common features related to the presence of different kinds of short DNA repeats, more particularly microsatellites and a CCCTTC motive, corresponding to the 3' half of the OPA1 primer. These results suggest that the OPA1 primer has initiated amplification from different priming sites, having a species-specific location. This corresponds to sequence micro-heterogeneity of DNA fragments present within the different species and leading eventually to a selective amplification of different RAPD products. This characteristic has been used to develop an original selective PCR test based on the sequence of the OPA1-800 product, in which only DNAs from the L. donovani species complex are amplified. Restriction site polymorphisms and sequence variations are identified within the PCR fragment amplified from these parasite DNAs. In fact, the OPA1-800 fragment proved to be a useful DNA marker either as a DNA probe or as a target for PCR-based assays. This tool can therefore be recommended for the control of Old World Leishmania parasites, such as species discrimination, molecular tracking of isolates, or study of polymorphisms within the L. donovani species complex. Moreover, the molecular bases underlying the amplification of the RAPD fragments studied correspond to mechanisms already described. Although they do not account for the amplification of all Leishmania RAPD products, such mechanisms stress some of the pitfalls of the technique, which need to be taken into consideration. We have identified at least misleading observations of DNA bands amplified in a species-specific manner, in spite of their presence in the genome of the other taxa, and relatedness between bands within the amplification profiles. Therefore, recommendations for careful interpretation of RAPD data in population genetics or phylogenetic analyses are reiterated. Molecular analyses are essential to validate conclusions

    New Insights on the Adjuvant Properties of the Leishmania infantum Eukaryotic Initiation Factor

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    Vaccination is the most effective tool against infectious diseases. Subunit vaccines are safer compared to live-attenuated vaccines but are less immunogenic and need to be delivered with an adjuvant. Adjuvants are essential for enhancing vaccine potency by improving humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Only a limited number of adjuvants are licensed for human vaccines, and their mode of action is still not clear. Leishmania eukaryotic initiation factor (LeIF) has been described having a dual role, as a natural adjuvant and as an antigen that possesses advantageous immunomodulatory properties. In this study, we assessed the adjuvant properties of recombinant Leishmania infantum eukaryotic initiation factor (LieIF) through in vitro and in vivo assays. LieIF was intraperitoneally administered in combination with the protein antigen ovalbumin (OVA), and the widely used alum was used as a reference adjuvant. Our in vitro studies using J774A.1 macrophages showed that LieIF induced stimulatory effects as demonstrated by the enhanced surface expression of CD80 and CD86 co-stimulatory molecules and the induced production of the immune mediators NO and MIP-1α. Additionally, LieIF co-administration with OVA in an in vivo murine model induced a proinflammatory environment as demonstrated by the elevated expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and NF-κB2 genes in peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). Furthermore, PEC derived from OVA-LieIF-immunized mice exhibited elevated expression of CD80 molecule and production of NO and MIP-1α in culture supernatants. Moreover, LieIF administration in the peritoneum of mice resulted in the recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes at 24 h post-injection. Also, we showed that this immunopotentiating effect of LieIF did not depend on the induction of uric acid danger signal. These findings suggest the potential use of LieIF as adjuvant in new vaccine formulations against different infectious diseases

    Characterization of immunomodulatory activity of eIF4A protein

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    Effect of pre-infection treatment of J774A.1 macrophages with LieIF/IFN-Îł on intracellular <i>L. donovani</i> growth inhibition.

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    <p>(A) at early (4 h) and (B) late (72 h) time points after infection. J774A.1 cells were stimulated with recombinant LieIF (10 µg/ml) and recombinant ΙFN-γ (1 ng/ml). <i>L. donovani</i> growth inhibition at the late time point (72 h) is associated with reduction of the infection rate (C) and the parasite load (D). The parasite growth inhibition was determined by the colorimetric method alamarBlue and OD was measured at 570/630 nm. Infection rate and parasite load were determined by microscopic observation upon Giemsa's staining of slides to count the mean number of infected macrophages considering 200 macrophages and the mean number of intracellular amastigotes in 200 infected macrophages, respectively. Data are presented as the mean ± S.D of at least three independent experiments. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (p≤0.05).</p

    Correlation of TNF-α production with generation of ROS in parasitized J774A.1 cells.

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    <p>The effect of TNF-α on ROS production in J774A.1 cells pre- and post- infection treated (A and B, respectively) with recombinant LieIF/IFN-γ (10 µg/ml and 1 ng/ml respectively), with or without anti-mouse TNF-α monoclonal antibody (4 µg/ml), was determined at the late time point (72 h) after <i>L. donovani</i> infection. Cells were analyzed for intracellular ROS with FACS Calibur. All data are presented as the mean ± S.D. of three independent experiments. Data are expressed by the formula: Geo Mean  =  Geo Mean<sub>(J774+LieIF+MON2+IFN-γ)</sub> – Geo Mean<sub>(J774+MON2+IFN-γ).</sub></p

    Expression and purification of the recombinant LieIF protein.

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    <p>(A) An aliquot of the purified LeIF was resolved by SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. The positions of the Bio-Rad prestained marker (in kDa) are indicated at the left. (B) The identity of the protein LeIF was verified by using rabbit anti-LieIF primary polyclonal antibodies (1/1000 dilution).</p