22 research outputs found

    Impurity Knight shift in quantum dot Josephson junctions

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    Spectroscopy of a Josephson junction device with an embedded quantum dot reveals the presence of a contribution to level splitting in external magnetic field that is proportional to cosϕ\cos \phi, where ϕ\phi is the gauge-invariant phase difference across the junction. To elucidate the origin of this unanticipated effect, we systematically study the Zeeman splitting of spinful subgap states in the superconducting Anderson impurity model. The magnitude of the splitting is renormalized by the exchange interaction between the local moment and the continuum of Bogoliubov quasiparticles in a variant of the Knight shift phenomenon. The leading term in the shift is linear in the hybridisation strength Γ\Gamma (quadratic in electron hopping), while the subleading term is quadratic in Γ\Gamma (quartic in electron hopping) and depends on ϕ\phi due to spin-polarization-dependent corrections to the Josephson energy of the device. The amplitude of the ϕ\phi-dependent part is largest for experimentally relevant parameters beyond the perturbative regime where it is investigated using numerical renormalization group calculations. Such magnetic-field-tunable coupling between the quantum dot spin and the Josephson current could find wide use in superconducting spintronics.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Perturbation theory results available as supplemental material, NRG calculation input files available on Zenod

    Gate-tunable kinetic inductance parametric amplifier

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    Superconducting parametric amplifiers play a crucial role in the preparation and readout of quantum states at microwave frequencies, enabling high-fidelity measurements of superconducting qubits. Most existing implementations of these amplifiers rely on the nonlinearity from Josephson junctions, superconducting quantum interference devices or disordered superconductors. Additionally, frequency tunability arises typically from either flux or current biasing. In contrast, semiconductor-based parametric amplifiers are tunable by local electric fields, which impose a smaller thermal load on the cryogenic setup than current and flux biasing and lead to vanishing crosstalk to other on-chip quantum systems. In this work, we present a gate-tunable parametric amplifier that operates without Josephson junctions, utilizing a proximitized semiconducting nanowire. This design achieves near-quantum-limited performance, featuring more than 20 dB gain and a 30 MHz gain-bandwidth product. The absence of Josephson junctions allows for advantages, including substantial saturation powers of -120dBm, magnetic field compatibility up to 500 mT and frequency tunability over a range of 15 MHz. Our realization of a parametric amplifier supplements efforts towards gate-controlled superconducting electronics, further advancing the abilities for high-performing quantum measurements of semiconductor-based and superconducting quantum devices.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits

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    Superconducting (or Andreev) spin qubits have recently emerged as an alternative qubit platform with realizations in semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowires. In these qubits, the spin degree of freedom is intrinsically coupled to the supercurrent across a Josephson junction via the spin-orbit interaction, which facilitates fast, high-fidelity spin readout using circuit quantum electrodynamics techniques. Moreover, this spin-supercurrent coupling has been predicted to facilitate inductive multi-qubit coupling. In this work, we demonstrate a strong supercurrent-mediated coupling between two distant Andreev spin qubits. This qubit-qubit interaction is of the longitudinal type and we show that it is both gate- and flux-tunable up to a coupling strength of 178 MHz. Finally, we find that the coupling can be switched off in-situ using a magnetic flux. Our results demonstrate that integrating microscopic spin states into a superconducting qubit architecture can combine the advantages of both semiconductors and superconducting circuits and pave the way to fast two-qubit gates between remote spins.Comment: 26 pages, 27 figure

    Studying Light-Harvesting Models with Superconducting Circuits

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    The process of photosynthesis, the main source of energy in the animate world, converts sunlight into chemical energy. The surprisingly high efficiency of this process is believed to be enabled by an intricate interplay between the quantum nature of molecular structures in photosynthetic complexes and their interaction with the environment. Investigating these effects in biological samples is challenging due to their complex and disordered structure. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new approach for studying photosynthetic models based on superconducting quantum circuits. In particular, we demonstrate the unprecedented versatility and control of our method in an engineered three-site model of a pigment protein complex with realistic parameters scaled down in energy by a factor of 10510^5. With this system we show that the excitation transport between quantum coherent sites disordered in energy can be enabled through the interaction with environmental noise. We also show that the efficiency of the process is maximized for structured noise resembling intramolecular phononic environments found in photosynthetic complexes.Comment: 8+12 pages, 4+12 figure

    Observation of vanishing charge dispersion of a nearly-open superconducting island

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    Isolation from the environment determines the extent to which charge is confined on an island, which manifests as Coulomb oscillations such as charge dispersion. We investigate the charge dispersion of a nanowire transmon hosting a quantum dot in the junction. We observe rapid suppression of the charge dispersion with increasing junction transparency, consistent with the predicted scaling law which incorporates two branches of the Josephson potential. We find improved qubit coherence times at the point of highest suppression, suggesting novel approaches for building charge-insensitive qubits

    A gate-tunable, field-compatible fluxonium

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    Circuit quantum electrodynamics, where photons are coherently coupled to artificial atoms built with superconducting circuits, has enabled the investigation and control of macroscopic quantum-mechanical phenomena in superconductors. Recently, hybrid circuits incorporating semiconducting nanowires and other electrostatically-gateable elements have provided new insights into mesoscopic superconductivity. Extending the capabilities of hybrid flux-based circuits to work in magnetic fields would be especially useful both as a probe of spin-polarized Andreev bound states and as a possible platform for topological qubits. The fluxonium is particularly suitable as a readout circuit for topological qubits due to its unique persistent-current based eigenstates. In this Letter, we present a magnetic-field compatible hybrid fluxonium with an electrostatically-tuned semiconducting nanowire as its non-linear element. We operate the fluxonium in magnetic fields up to 1T and use it to observe the φ0\varphi_0-Josephson effect. This combination of gate-tunability and field-compatibility opens avenues for the exploration and control of spin-polarized phenomena using superconducting circuits and enables the use of the fluxonium as a readout device for topological qubits

    Direct manipulation of a superconducting spin qubit strongly coupled to a transmon qubit

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    Spin qubits in semiconductors are currently one of the most promising architectures for quantum computing. However, they face challenges in realizing multi-qubit interactions over extended distances. Superconducting spin qubits provide a promising alternative by encoding a qubit in the spin degree of freedom of an Andreev level. Such an Andreev spin qubit could leverage the advantages of circuit quantum electrodynamic, enabled by an intrinsic spin-supercurrent coupling. The first realization of an Andreev spin qubit encoded the qubit in the excited states of a semiconducting weak-link, leading to frequent decay out of the computational subspace. Additionally, rapid qubit manipulation was hindered by the need for indirect Raman transitions. Here, we exploit a different qubit subspace, using the spin-split doublet ground state of an electrostatically-defined quantum dot Josephson junction with large charging energy. Additionally, we use a magnetic field to enable direct spin manipulation over a frequency range of 10 GHz. Using an all-electric microwave drive we achieve Rabi frequencies exceeding 200 MHz. We furthermore embed the Andreev spin qubit in a superconducting transmon qubit, demonstrating strong coherent qubit-qubit coupling. These results are a crucial step towards a hybrid architecture that combines the beneficial aspects of both superconducting and semiconductor qubits

    Spectroscopy of spin-split Andreev levels in a quantum dot with superconducting leads

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    We use a hybrid superconductor-semiconductor transmon device to perform spectroscopy of a quantum dot Josephson junction tuned to be in a spin-1/2 ground state with an unpaired quasiparticle. Due to spin-orbit coupling, we resolve two flux-sensitive branches in the transmon spectrum, depending on the spin of the quasi-particle. A finite magnetic field shifts the two branches in energy, favoring one spin state and resulting in the anomalous Josephson effect. We demonstrate the excitation of the direct spin-flip transition using all-electrical control. Manipulation and control of the spin-flip transition enable the future implementation of charging energy protected Andreev spin qubits.Comment: Updated references. Main: 8 pages, 4 figures. Supplement: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Electric field tunable superconductor-semiconductor coupling in Majorana nanowires

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    We study the effect of external electric fields on superconductor-semiconductor coupling by measuring the electron transport in InSb semiconductor nanowires coupled to an epitaxially grown Al superconductor. We find that the gate voltage induced electric fields can greatly modify the coupling strength, which has consequences for the proximity induced superconducting gap, effective g-factor, and spin-orbit coupling, which all play a key role in understanding Majorana physics. We further show that level repulsion due to spin-orbit coupling in a finite size system can lead to seemingly stable zero bias conductance peaks, which mimic the behavior of Majorana zero modes. Our results improve the understanding of realistic Majorana nanowire systems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, supplemental information as ancillary fil

    Data processing and plotting underlying the manuscript: Mitigation of quasiparticle loss in superconducting qubits by phonon scattering

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    This file contains all of the processing and plotting of the data. In addition it contains most of the raw data, with the exception of the raw time traces which are provided in a separate file. </p