108 research outputs found
Plaza de toros en Toulouse
La plaza de toros de Toulouse ha sido construida en tres meses; tiene una capacidad para 12.500 espectadores; 49,26 m de diámetro interior; 90,05 m de diámetro exterior, y 18,50 m de altura. A excepción de los soportes principales, losas, antepechos nudos, el resto de la estructura se ha prefabricado en taller a pie de obra. En este trabajo se describe la obra, sus caracterÃsticas más importantes y los métodos constructivos empleados en su ejecución
The relationship between moose browsing, habitat structure and predation pressure on insect herbivores
Grazing and browsing by large ungulates can have a strong effect on habitat composition and structure. Associated effects can be reduction in the abundance of palatable tree species and alter understory properties, thereby affecting habitat complexity. Changes in habitat structure and complexity can in turn affect arthropod predation pressure, as arthropod predators are strongly influenced by habitat characteristics. This may be increasingly important in production forests, as such systems are often more vulnerable to disturbances such as pest insects. However, studies exploring this indirect link between ungulates and predation rate are sparse. We explore this link through the comparison of fenced plots excluding ungulates (for four years) with associated control plots replicated in 16 forest stands covering a large geographical area. We measured vegetation characteristics to assess the effect of exclusion on habitat structure. We used plasticine models to compare predation rates in fenced and control plots on pine trees. In addition, we sampled herbivorous insects to explore the potential relationship between predation and herbivore abundance. We could only demonstrate a weak effect of browser exclusion on habitat structure, suggesting that the time of exclusion was too short to cause a vegetation response. In terms of arthropod predation, we found that predation was positively affected by understory cover, but not related to herbivore abundance. Understory properties such as species composition and biomass has been demonstrated to be affected by ungulates in other studies. Therefore, we propose that ungulate browsing -despite weak effects of browsing exclusion in our study -can affect arthropod predation via changes in the understory, which could potentially affect pest populations. Our study is one of the first attempts to connect effects of mammalian browsing to changes in predation rates on herbivorous insects.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH on behalf of Gesellschaft fur Okologie. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Duplications of KIAA1549 and BRAF screening by Droplet Digital PCR from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded DNA is an accurate alternative for KIAA1549-BRAF fusion detection in pilocytic astrocytomas
Pilocytic astrocytomas represent the most common glioma subtype in young patients and account for 5.4% of all gliomas. They are characterized by alterations in the RAS–MAP kinase pathway, the most frequent being a tandem duplication on chromosome 7q34 involving the BRAF gene, resulting in oncogenic BRAF fusion proteins. BRAF fusion involving the KIAA1549 gene is a hallmark of pilocytic astrocytoma, but it has also been recorded in rare cases of gangliogliomas, 1p/19q co-deleted oligodendroglial tumors, and it is also a common feature of disseminated oligodendroglial-like leptomeningeal neoplasm. In some difficult cases, evidence for KIAA1549-BRAF fusion is of utmost importance for the diagnosis. Moreover, because the KIAA1549-BRAF fusion constitutively activates the MAP kinase pathway, it represents a target for drugs such as MEK inhibitors, and therefore, the detection of this genetic abnormality is highly relevant in the context of clinical trials applying such new approaches. In the present study, we aimed to use the high sensitivity of Droplet Digital PCR (DDPCR™) to predict KIAA1549-BRAF fusion on very small amounts of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue in routine practice. Therefore, we analyzed a training cohort of 55 pilocytic astrocytomas in which the KIAA1549-BRAF fusion status was known by RNA sequencing used as our gold standard technique. Then, we analyzed a prospective cohort of 40 pilocytic astrocytomas, 27 neuroepithelial tumors remaining difficult to classify (pilocytic astrocytoma versus ganglioglioma or diffuse glioma), 15 dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors, and 18 gangliogliomas. We could demonstrate the usefulness and high accuracy (100% sensitivity and specificity when compared to RNA sequencing) of DDPCR™ to assess the KIAA1549-BRAF fusion from very low amounts of DNA isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. BRAF duplication is both necessary and sufficient to predict this fusion in most cases and we propose that this single analysis could be used in routine practice to save time, money, and precious tissue
Effets du remplacement de la farine de poisson par du concentré protéique de soja sur la lipogénèse et les lipides hépatiques chez la truite arc en ciel
*INRA Station d'Hydrobiologie, laboratoire Nutrition des poissons;St Pée sur Nivelle (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Hydrobiologie, laboratoire Nutrition des poissons;St Pée sur Nivelle (FRA) Diplôme : DU
Journal de grève
Barets Paul. Journal de grève . In: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Vol. 115, décembre 1996. Les nouvelles formes de domination dans le travail (2) pp. 3-26
Plaza de toros en Toulouse
La plaza de toros de Toulouse ha sido construida en tres meses; tiene una capacidad para 12.500 espectadores; 49,26 m de diámetro interior; 90,05 m de diámetro exterior, y 18,50 m de altura. A excepción de los soportes principales, losas, antepechos nudos, el resto de la estructura se ha prefabricado en taller a pie de obra. En este trabajo se describe la obra, sus caracterÃsticas más importantes y los métodos constructivos empleados en su ejecución
Développement staturopondéral et statut nutritionnel des enfants opérés de laparoschisis
Le laparoschisis est une anomalie de fermeture de la paroi abdominale antérieure, para-ombilicale droite, avec extériorisation d'anses intestinales. Nous avons étudié tous les enfants nés porteurs de laparoschisis dans la région Auvergne en janvier 2007 et mars 2011. Il s'agit d'une étude monocentrique rétrospective portant sur les périodes anténatale et néonatale et sur le devenir pédiatrique. Seize dossiers ont pu être colligés. Deux patients sont décédés en période néonatale et quatre ont été perdus de vue. Les facteurs de risque identifiés sont le jeune âge maternel, la primiparité, la précarité. La durée de KT, reflet indirect de la durée de nutrition parentérale, est de 51 jours en moyenne. La durée d'hospitalisation est de 64.23 jours pour tous les enfants. Elle est de 57,44 jours pour les enfants opérés en un temps et de 79,5 jours pour les enfants opérés en deux temps. Notre travail montre un retard de croissance staturo-pondéral et un statut nutritionnel limite à 18 mois pour nos enfants opérés de laparoschisis, mais en fin d'étude l'effectif est constitué en majorité d'anciens hypotrophes.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF
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