13 research outputs found

    Innovation Intensity: From IT Use and Innovative Culture to Organizational Performance

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    Drawing from past research on information technology (IT) use, organizational culture, and innovation, the present study tests a model exploring the effects of collaborative and experiential culture as well as internally and externally-focused use of IT on innovation intensity and organizational performance. As the innovation process is complex and uncertain, we try to open the black box of innovation intensity by exploring the roles played by the use of IT and the innovation culture. The research model was tested via a structural equation model using PLS with data collected from 395 top executives. Results indicate that intense use of internally and externally- focused IT positively affect innovation intensity. The results also show that collaborative culture increases innovation intensity. In turn, innovation intensity increases both operational and financial performance

    Chapitre 2. Jocelyna Dubuc et le Spa Eastman : une passion contagieuse

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    INTRODUCTION ET RÉSUMÉ Ce cas présente le rôle entrepreneurial d’une femme qui a créé et développé une entreprise. Jocelyna Dubuc a fait preuve d’avant-gardisme en créant une entreprise d’un type nouveau, essentiellement vouée au bien-être et au mieux-être de l’individu. Outre l’innovation, ce cas souligne le rôle social exceptionnel joué par cette entrepreneure et les efforts particuliers qu’elle a déployés à travers son entreprise pour répondre aux besoins changeants de la société. Dans cet..

    Excessive change and coping in the working population

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    Purpose – Two complementary objectives are addressed in this paper. First, several studies are introduced based on the assumption that organizational change is now excessive. The purpose of this paper is to propose an operational definition to change excessiveness, and the authors assess whether it is a generalized phenomenon at a societal level. Second, these studies are habitually mobilizing coping theories to address their purpose. However, an integrated model of coping, including appraisals and coping reactions towards change is still to be tested. Thus, the assessment is anchored in an application of the Stimulus-Response Theory of Coping (SRTC). Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative study is conducted by administering questionnaires to a nationwide representative sample (n=1,002). Anderson and Gerbing (1991) two-step approach is used to validate the study and tests its hypothesized model. Change excessiveness is measured in order to observe if it is a generalized phenomenon in the working population. Its effects on coping are modelled through the fully mediated SRTC. Therefore, the hypothetical model predicted that the relationships between the perception of excessive change contexts and negative coping reactions is fully mediated by negative appraisals towards change contexts. Findings – Perceptions of excessive change is a normally distributed and a statistically centralized phenomenon. As hypothesized, an structural equation modelling test of the SRTC shows a full mediation effect of negative appraisal between change intensity and negative coping to change. Originality/value – This paper empirically tests a nationwide sample where organizational change may be too excessive for individuals’ positive coping. It is the first to generalize the observation of change excessiveness as perceived by employees to a nationwide level. Moreover, it addresses the gap between change excessiveness and coping theories in modelling the SRTC through its three components: event, appraisals, and coping reactions. Finally, it presents managerial discussions towards the strategic necessity for organizational change and its potential “too-much-of-a-good-thing” effects

    Development of an interprofessional program for cardiovascular prevention in primary care: A participatory research approach

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    Background: The chronic care model provides a framework for improving the management of chronic diseases. Participatory research could be useful in developing a chronic care model–based program of interventions, but no one has as yet offered a description of precisely how to apply the approach. Objectives: An innovative, structured, multi-step participatory process was applied to select and develop (1) chronic care model–based interventions program to improve cardiovascular disease prevention that can be adapted to a particular regional context and (2) a set of indicators to monitor its implementation. Methods: Primary care clinicians (n = 16), administrative staff (n = 2), patients and family members (n = 4), decision makers (n = 5), researchers, and a research coordinator (n = 7) took part in the process. Additional primary care actors (n = 26) validated the program. Results: The program targets multimorbid patients at high or moderate risk of cardiovascular disease with uncontrolled hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes. It comprises interprofessional follow-up coordinated by case-management nurses, in which motivated patients are referred in a timely fashion to appropriate clinical and community resources. The program is supported by clinical tools and includes training in motivational interviewing. A set of 89 process and clinical indicators were defined. Conclusion: Through a participatory process, a contextualized interventions program to optimize cardiovascular disease prevention and a set of quality indicators to monitor its implementation were developed. Similar approach might be used to develop other health programs in primary care if program developers are open to building on community strengths and priorities

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    Cet ouvrage présente douze cas de réussites entrepreneuriales. Ces cas illustrent divers types de pratiques en entrepreneuriat : propriétaires-dirigeants de PME, travailleurs autonomes, créateurs de grande entreprise et essaimages. Écrits dans une langue claire et vivante, ces cas présentent des témoignages éloquents qui constituent une source d'inspiration et de réflexion pour quiconque s'intéresse à l'entrepreneuriat ! Qu'il soit utilisé dans le cadre de cours ou de lecture personnelle, l'ouvrage est d'autant plus intéressant qu'il établit pour chaque cas des objectifs d'apprentissage et suggère des questions qui ouvrent à de nombreuses pistes de réflexion. L'ouvrage est complété par une bibliographie qui propose une liste impressionnante de biographies d'entrepreneurs