27 research outputs found

    Combining Near Infrared Spectroscopy and functional MRI during Continuous Performance Test in healthy subjects

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    Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'06: pp. 1944-1947.The study of cognitive functions is a major challenge of the modern functional imaging. Activation of specific cerebral area is obtained from the observation of physic characteristic affected by changes occurring in the blood flow resulting from an increased metabolic consumption. In this work two imaging techniques are used, the functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) and the Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), in order to assess cerebral performance during the execution of a well known sustained attention task, the Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CPT). With fMRI analysis were found activations in the frontal, parietal and supplementary motor areas, whereas NIRS system showed a region-wise difference in the variations of parameters and different activation trend localized in the middle-right frontal area. The combined analysis of the two techniques allows to obtain more detailed information and places itself as a first step toward a result of multimodal image integration

    Proliferation characteristics and polyploidization of cultured myofibroblasts from a patient with fibroblastic rheumatism

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    Fibroblast-like cells were obtained from a nodule of a patient with fibroblastic rheumatism, and grown in culture for different times (from passage 3 to 21). These cells as well as the fibroblasts taken from an unaffected skin area (controls) of the same patient, have been investigated by fluorescence microscopy, cytochemical methods and cytometry, to evaluate their cytodifferentiation features and cytokinetic characteristics. In addition, in low-passage cultures, the secretion of collagen and of non-collagenic proteins was evaluated using electrophoretic techniques. The immunolabeling with antibodies against sm-specific a-actin (which was taken as a marker of myofibroblasts) showed that, already in low-passage cultures, the percentage of myofibroblasts was higher in the nodule-derived cell populations, and progressively increased with increasing passages. This suggests that myofibroblasts have higher proliferation potential than control fibroblasts. Myofibroblasts were also found to undergo polyploidization and hypertrophy, especially in high-passage cultures. Based on these results, it may be hypothesized that in fibroblastic rheumatism the development of the typical nodules could depend on the intrinsic capability of myofibroblats of proliferating faster than normal fibroblasts and of becoming polyploid and hypertrophic. Nodule-derived cells in culture synthesized slightly less collagen and non-collagen proteins than did the control fibroblasts; this suggests that the increased fibrosis observed in nodules in situ could be likely dependent on a reduced degradation of the extracellular matrix components

    The wide world of technological telerehabilitation for pediatric neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders – a systematic review

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    IntroductionThe use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for assessing and treating cognitive and motor disorders is promoting home-based telerehabilitation. This approach involves ongoing monitoring within a motivating context to help patients generalize their skills. It can also reduce healthcare costs and geographic barriers by minimizing hospitalization. This systematic review focuses on investigating key aspects of telerehabilitation protocols for children with neurodevelopmental or neurological disorders, including technology used, outcomes, caregiver involvement, and dosage, to guide clinical practice and future research.MethodThis systematic review adhered to PRISMA guidelines and was registered in PROSPERO. The PICO framework was followed to define the search strategy for technology-based telerehabilitation interventions targeting the pediatric population (aged 0–18) with neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders. The search encompassed Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases. Independent reviewers were responsible for selecting relevant papers and extracting data, while data harmonization and analysis were conducted centrally.ResultsA heterogeneous and evolving situation emerged from our data. Our findings reported that most of the technologies adopted for telerehabilitation are commercial devices; however, research prototypes and clinical software were also employed with a high potential for personalization and treatment efficacy. The efficacy of these protocols on health or health-related domains was also explored by categorizing the outcome measures according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). Most studies targeted motor and neuropsychological functions, while only a minority of papers explored language or multi-domain protocols. Finally, although caregivers were rarely the direct target of intervention, their role was diffusely highlighted as a critical element of the home-based rehabilitation setting.DiscussionThis systematic review offers insights into the integration of technological devices into telerehabilitation programs for pediatric neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders. It highlights factors contributing to the effectiveness of these interventions and suggests the need for further development, particularly in creating dynamic and multi-domain rehabilitation protocols. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of promoting home-based and family-centered care, which could involve caregivers more actively in the treatment, potentially leading to improved clinical outcomes for children with neurological or neurodevelopmental conditions.Systematic review registrationPROSPERO (CRD42020210663)

    Recent applications of CE- and HPLC-MS in the analysis of human fluids.

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    The present review intends to cover the literature on the use of CE-/LC-MS for the analysis of human fluids, from 2010 until present. It has been planned to provide an overview of the most recent practical applications of these techniques to less extensively used human body fluids, including, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, synovial fluid, nipple aspirate, tear fluid, breast fluid, amniotic fluid, and cerumen. Potential pitfalls related to fluid collection and sample preparation, with particular attention to sample clean-up procedures, and methods of analysis, from the research laboratory to a clinical setting will also be addressed. While being apparent that proteomics/metabolomics represent the most prominent approaches for global identification/quantification of putative biomarkers for a variety of human diseases, evidence is also provided of the suitability of these sophisticated techniques for the detection of heterogeneous components carried by these fluids

    Advances in the analysis of "less-conventional" human body fluids: An overview of the CE- and HPLC-MS applications in the years 2015-2017.

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    Aim of this article is to focus the attention of the reader on the application of CE/MS and LC/MS to the analysis of human body fluids not currently used for the diagnosis of disorders and, for this reason, catalogued as "less/nonconventional" fluids, that is, tears, nasal secretions, cerumen, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, sputum, exhaled breath condensate, nipple aspirate, breast milk, amniotic fluid, bile, seminal plasma, liposuction aspirate fluid, and synovial fluid. The pool of articles presented in this report demonstrates that, rather than being neglected, these fluids are an important resource for the evaluation of possible pathologic conditions. Thus, being a sort of mirror that reflects the normal internal characteristics and disease state of an individual, they benefit of an increasing appreciation. This review follows a previous report of this series and covers the latest developments in this field that have been published in specialist journals in the years 2015-2017

    Optimizing separation efficiency of 2-DE procedures for visualization of different superoxide dismutase forms in a cellular model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD) have been associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species. In AD and PD patients, superoxide dismutase (SOD1) was also indicated as a major target of oxidative damage. In particular, in brain tissue of these patients, different SOD1 isoforms have been identified, although their functional role still remains to be elucidated. In the light of the possibility that different SOD1 entities could be expressed also in other neurodegenerative disorders, as a sort of unifying event with AD and PD, we have investigated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells with mutated SOD1 gene H46R as cellular model. 2-DE using a narrow-range IPG 4–7 strips in the first dimension and linear 15% SDS-PAGE in the second allowed to separate different SOD1 spots. MALDI-TOF MS and CapLC-MS/MS have been used for their complete identification. This is the first report in which the presence of SOD1 (iso)forms in a cellular model of ALS has been evidenced

    Optimizing separation efficiency of 2-DE procedures for visualization of different superoxide dismutase forms in a cellular model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD) have been associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species. In AD and PD patients, superoxide dismutase (SOD1) was also indicated as a major target of oxidative damage. In particular, in brain tissue of these patients, different SOD1 isoforms have been identified, although their functional role still remains to be elucidated. In the light of the possibility that different SOD1 entities could be expressed also in other neurodegenerative disorders, as a sort of unifying event with AD and PD, we have investigated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells with mutated SOD1 gene H46R as cellular model. 2-DE using a narrow-range IPG 4–7 strips in the first dimension and linear 15% SDS-PAGE in the second allowed to separate different SOD1 spots. MALDI-TOF MS and CapLC-MS/MS have been used for their complete identification. This is the first report in which the presence of SOD1 (iso)forms in a cellular model of ALS has been evidenced

    (1)H NMR To Evaluate the Metabolome of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALf) in Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS): Toward the Development of a New Approach for Biomarker Identification.

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    This report describes the application of NMR spectroscopy to the profiling of metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALf) of lung transplant recipients without bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) (stable, S, n = 10), and with BOS at different degrees of severity (BOS 0p, n = 10; BOS I, n = 10). Through the fine-tuning of a number of parameters concerning both sample preparation/processing and variations of spectra acquisition modes, an efficient and reproducible protocol was designed for the screening of metabolites in a pulmonary fluid that should reflect the status of airway inflammation/injury. Exploiting the combination of mono- and bidimensional NMR experiments, 38 polar metabolites, including amino acids, Krebs cycle intermediates, mono- and disaccharides, nucleotides, and phospholipid precursors, were unequivocally identified. To determine which signature could be correlated with the onset of BOS, the metabolites' content of the above recipients was analyzed by multivariate (PCA and OPLS-DA) statistical methods. PCA analysis (almost) totally differentiated S from BOS I, and this discrimination was significantly improved by the application of OPLS-DA, whose model was characterized by excellent fit and prediction values (R2 = 0.99 and Q2 = 0.88). The analysis of S vs BOS 0p and of BOS 0p vs BOS I samples showed a clear discrimination of considered cohorts, although with a poorer efficiency compared to those measured for S vs BOS I patients. The data shown in this work assess the suitability of the NMR approach in monitoring different pathological lung conditions

    Morph-specific protein patterns in the femoral gland secretions of a colour polymorphic lizard

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    Colour polymorphism occurs when two or more genetically-based colour morphs permanently coexist within an interbreeding population. Colouration is usually associated to other life-history traits (ecological, physiological, behavioural, reproductive …) of the bearer, thus being the phenotypic marker of such set of genetic features. This visual badge may be used to inform conspecifics and to drive those decision making processes which may contribute maintaining colour polymorphism under sexual selection context. The importance of such information suggests that other communication modalities should be recruited to ensure its transfer in case visual cues were insufficient. Here, for the first time, we investigated the potential role of proteins from femoral gland secretions in signalling colour morph in a polymorphic lizard. As proteins are thought to convey identity-related information, they represent the ideal cues to build up the chemical modality used to badge colour morphs. We found strong evidence for the occurrence of morph-specific protein profiles in the three main colour-morphs of the common wall lizard, which showed both qualitative and quantitative differences in protein expression. As lizards are able to detect proteins by tongue-flicking and vomeronasal organ, this result support the hypothesis that colour polymorphic lizards may use a multimodal signal to inform about colour-morph

    Respiratory Proteomics Today: Are Technological Advances for the Identification of Biomarker Signatures Catching up with Their Promise? A Critical Review of the Literature in the Decade 2004–2013.

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    To improve the knowledge on a variety of severe disorders, research has moved from the analysis of individual proteins to the investigation of all proteins expressed by a tissue/organism. This global proteomic approach could prove very useful: (i) for investigating the biochemical pathways involved in disease; (ii) for generating hypotheses; or (iii) as a tool for the identification of proteins differentially expressed in response to the disease state. Proteomics has not been used yet in the field of respiratory research as extensively as in other fields, only a few reproducible and clinically applicable molecular markers, which can assist in diagnosis, having been currently identified. The continuous advances in both instrumentation and methodology, which enable sensitive and quantitative proteomic analyses in much smaller amounts of biological material than before, will hopefully promote the identification of new candidate biomarkers in this area. The aim of this report is to critically review the application over the decade 2004–2013 of very sophisticated technologies to the study of respiratory disorders. The observed changes in protein expression profiles from tissues/fluids of patients affected by pulmonary disorders opens the route for the identification of novel pathological mediators of these disorders