47 research outputs found

    Scaling pain threshold with microRNAs

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    Tuning pain with a defined microRNA cluster</jats:p

    Neurotrophin signalling in the human nervous system

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    This review focuses on neurotrophins and their tyrosine kinase receptors, with an emphasis on their relevance to the function and dysfunction in the human nervous system. It also deals with measurements of BDNF levels and highlights recent findings from our laboratory on TrkB and TrkC signalling in human neurons. These include ligand selectivity and Trk activation by neurotrophins and non-neurotrophin ligands. The ligand-induced down-regulation and re-activation of Trk receptors is also discussed

    Measuring and validating the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in human serum

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) secreted by neurons is a significant component of synaptic plasticity. In humans, it is also present in blood platelets where it accumulates following its biosynthesis in megakaryocytes. BDNF levels are thus readily detectable in human serum and it has been abundantly speculated that they may somehow serve as an indicator of brain function. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty with regard to the range of BDNF levels that can be considered normal, how stable these values are over time and even whether BDNF levels can be reliably measured in serum. Using monoclonal antibodies and a sandwich ELISA, this study reports on BDNF levels in the serum of 259 volunteers with a mean value of 32.69 ± 8.33 ng/ml (SD). The mean value for the same cohort after 12 months was not significantly different (N = 226, 32.97 ± 8.36 ng/ml SD, p = 0.19). Power analysis of these values indicates that relatively large cohorts are necessary to identify significant differences, requiring a group size of 60 to detect a 20% change. The levels determined by ELISA could be validated by Western blot analyses using a BDNF monoclonal antibody. While no association was observed with gender, a weak, positive correlation was found with age. The overall conclusions are that BDNF levels can be reliably measured in human serum, that these levels are quite stable over one year, and that comparisons between two populations may only be meaningful if cohorts of sufficient sizes are assembled

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in megakaryocytes

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    The biosynthesis of endogenous BDNF has thus far been examined in neurons where it is expressed at very low levels, in an activity-dependent fashion. In humans, BDNF has long been known to accumulate in circulating platelets, at levels far higher than in the brain. During the process of blood coagulation, BDNF is released from platelets which has led to its extensive use as a readily accessible biomarker, under the assumption that serum levels may somehow reflect brain levels. To identify the cellular origin of BDNF in platelets, we established primary cultures of megakaryocytes, the progenitors of platelets, and found that human and rat megakaryocytes express the BDNF gene. Surprisingly, the pattern of mRNA transcripts is similar to neurons. In the presence of thapsigargin and of external calcium, the levels of the mRNA species leading to efficient BDNF translation rapidly increase. Under these conditions, pro-BDNF, the obligatory precursor of biologically active BDNF, becomes readily detectable. Megakaryocytes store BDNF in α-granules, with more than 80% of them also containing platelet factor 4. By contrast, BDNF is undetectable in mouse megakaryocytes, in line with the absence of BDNF in mouse serum. These findings suggest that alterations of BDNF levels in human serum as reported in studies dealing with depression or physical exercise may primarily reflect changes occurring in megakaryocytes and platelets, including the ability of the latter to retain and release BDNF

    A new mouse line reporting the translation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor using green fluorescent protein

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    While BDNF is receiving considerable attention for its role in synaptic plasticity and in nervous system dysfunction, identifying brain circuits involving BDNF-expressing neurons has been challenging. BDNF levels are very low in most brain areas, except for the large mossy fiber terminals in the hippocampus where BDNF accumulates at readily detectable levels. This report describes the generation of a mouse line allowing the detection of single brain cells synthesizing BDNF. A bicistronic construct encoding BDNF tagged with a P2A sequence preceding GFP allows the translation of BDNF and GFP as separate proteins. Following its validation with transfected cells, this construct was used to replace the endogenous Bdnf gene. Viable and fertile homozygote animals were generated, with the GFP signal marking neuronal cell bodies translating the Bdnf mRNA. Importantly, the distribution of immunoreactive BDNF remained unchanged, as exemplified by its accumulation in mossy fiber terminals in the transgenic animals. GFP-labeled neurons could be readily visualized in distinct layers in the cerebral cortex where BDNF has been difficult to detect with currently available reagents. In the hippocampal formation, quantification of the GFP signal revealed that <10% of the neurons do not translate the Bdnf mRNA at detectable levels, with the highest proportion of strongly labeled neurons found in CA3

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor released from blood platelets prevents dendritic atrophy of lesioned adult central nervous system neurons

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    In humans and other primates, blood platelets contain high concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor due to the expression of the BDNF gene in megakaryocytes. By contrast, mice, typically used to investigate the impact of CNS lesions, have no demonstrable levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in platelets, and their megakaryocytes do not transcribe significant levels of the Bdnf gene. Here, we explore potential contributions of platelet brain-derived neurotrophic factor with two well-established CNS lesion models, using ‘humanized’ mice engineered to express the Bdnf gene under the control of a megakaryocyte-specific promoter. Retinal explants prepared from mice containing brain-derived neurotrophic factor in platelets were labelled using DiOlistics and the dendritic integrity of retinal ganglion cells assessed after 3 days by Sholl analysis. The results were compared with retinas of wild-type animals and with wild-type explants supplemented with saturating concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor or the tropomyosin kinase B antibody agonist, ZEB85. An optic nerve crush was also performed, and the dendrites of retinal ganglion cells similarly assessed 7-day post-injury, comparing the results of mice containing brain-derived neurotrophic factor in platelets with wild-type animals. In mice engineered to contain brain-derived neurotrophic factor in platelets, the mean serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels were 25.74 ± 11.36 ng/mL for homozygous and 17.02 ± 6.44 ng/mL for heterozygous mice, close to those determined in primates. Retinal explants from these animals showed robust preservation of dendrite complexity, similar to that seen with wild-type explants incubated with medium supplemented with brain-derived neurotrophic factor or the tropomyosin receptor kinase B antibody agonist, ZEB85. The Sholl areas under curve were 1811 ± 258, 1776 ± 435 and 1763 ± 256 versus 1406 ± 315 in the wild-type control group (P ≤ 0.001). Retinal ganglion cell survival based on cell counts was similar in all four groups, showing ∼15% loss. A robust neuroprotective effect was also observed following optic nerve crush when assessing the dendrites of the retinal ganglion cells in the transgenic mouse, with Sholl area under the curve significantly higher compared to wild-type (2667 ± 690 and 1921 ± 392, P = 0.026), with no significant difference in the contralateral eye controls. Repeat experiments found no difference in cell survival, with both showing ∼50% loss. These results indicate that platelet brain-derived neurotrophic factor has a strong neuroprotective effect on the dendrite complexity of retinal ganglion cells in both an ex vivo and in vivo model, suggesting that platelet brain-derived neurotrophic factor is likely to be a significant neuroprotective factor in primates

    The placenta protects the fetal circulation from anxiety-driven elevations in maternal serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays crucial roles in brain function. Numerous studies report alterations in BDNF levels in human serum in various neurological conditions, including mood disorders such as depression. However, little is known about BDNF levels in the blood during pregnancy. We asked whether maternal depression and/or anxiety during pregnancy were associated with altered serum BDNF levels in mothers (n = 251) and their new-born infants (n = 212). As prenatal exposure to maternal mood disorders significantly increases the risk of neurological conditions in later life, we also examined the possibility of placental BDNF transfer by developing a new mouse model. We found no association between maternal symptoms of depression and either maternal or infant cord blood serum BDNF. However, maternal symptoms of anxiety correlated with significantly raised maternal serum BDNF exclusively in mothers of boys (r = 0.281; P = 0.005; n = 99). Serum BDNF was significantly lower in male infants than female infants but neither correlated with maternal anxiety symptoms. Consistent with this observation, we found no evidence for BDNF transfer across the placenta. We conclude that the placenta protects the developing fetus from maternal changes in serum BDNF that could otherwise have adverse consequences for fetal development

    Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Objective To determine the levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the serum of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) to evaluate the potential of serum BDNF as a biomarker for MS. Methods Using a recently validated enzyme‐linked immunoassay (ELISA) we measured BDNF in patients with MS (pwMS), diagnosed according to the 2001 McDonald criteria and aged between 18 and 70 years, participating in a long‐term cohort study with annual clinical visits, including blood sampling, neuropsychological testing, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results were compared with an age‐ and sex‐matched cohort of healthy controls (HC). Correlations between BDNF levels and a range of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging variables were assessed using an adjusted linear model. Results In total, 259 pwMS and 259 HC were included, with a mean age of 44.42 ± 11.06 and 44.31 ± 11.26 years respectively. Eleven had a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), 178 relapsing remitting MS (RRMS), 56 secondary progressive MS (SPMS), and 14 primary progressive MS (PPMS). Compared with controls, mean BDNF levels were lower by 8 % (p˂0.001) in pwMS. The level of BDNF in patients with SPMS was lower than in RRMS (p = 0.004). Interpretation We conclude that while the use of comparatively large cohorts enables the detection of a significant difference in BDNF levels between pwMS and HC, the difference is small and unlikely to usefully inform decision‐making processes at an individual patient level

    Selective activation and down-regulation of Trk receptors by neurotrophins in human neurons co-expressing TrkB and TrkC

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    In the central nervous system, most neurons co-express TrkB and TrkC, the tyrosine kinase receptors for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT3). As NT3 can also activate TrkB, it has been difficult to understand how NT3 and TrkC can exert unique roles in the assembly of neuronal circuits. Using neurons differentiated from human embryonic stem cells expressing both TrkB and TrkC, we compared Trk activation by BDNF and NT3. To avoid the complications resulting from TrkB activation by NT3, we also generated neurons from stem cells engineered to lack TrkB. We found that NT3 activates TrkC at concentrations lower than those of BDNF needed to activate TrkB. Downstream of Trk activation, the changes in gene expression caused by TrkC activation were found to be similar to those resulting from TrkB activation by BDNF, including a number of genes involved in synaptic plasticity. At high NT3 concentrations, receptor selectivity was lost as a result of TrkB activation. In addition, TrkC was down-regulated, as was also the case with TrkB at high BDNF concentrations. By contrast, receptor selectivity as well as reactivation were preserved when neurons were exposed to low neurotrophin concentrations. These results indicate that the selectivity of NT3/TrkC signalling can be explained by the ability of NT3 to activate TrkC at concentrations lower than those needed to activate TrkB. They also suggest that in a therapeutic perspective, the dosage of Trk receptor agonists will need to be taken into account if prolonged receptor activation is to be achieved

    Fully human agonist antibodies to TrkB using autocrine cell-based selection from a combinatorial antibody library

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    The diverse physiological roles of the neurotrophin family have long prompted exploration of their potential as therapeutic agents for nerve injury and neurodegenerative diseases. To date, clinical trials of one family member, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), have disappointingly failed to meet desired endpoints. Contributing to these failures is the fact that BDNF is pharmaceutically a nonideal biologic drug candidate. It is a highly charged, yet is a net hydrophobic molecule with a low molecular weight that confers a short t1/2 in man. To circumvent these shortcomings of BDNF as a drug candidate, we have employed a function-based cellular screening assay to select activating antibodies of the BDNF receptor TrkB from a combinatorial human short-chain variable fragment antibody library. We report here the successful selection of several potent TrkB agonist antibodies and detailed biochemical and physiological characterization of one such antibody, ZEB85. By using a human TrkB reporter cell line and BDNF-responsive GABAergic neurons derived from human ES cells, we demonstrate that ZEB85 is a full agonist of TrkB, comparable in potency to BDNF toward human neurons in activation of TrkB phosphorylation, canonical signal transduction, and mRNA transcriptional regulation