11 research outputs found

    EMSO ERIC’s authentication and authorization infrastructure

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    A fundamental component of the EMSO ERIC cyber-infrastructure that integrates multiple ocean variables from EMSO ERIC regional facilities is its data management platform. The EMSO data management platform transition to pre-production enabled the deployment of EMSO ERIC data services based on harmonization, widely used specifcations, and FAIR principles. It establishes an appropriate workfow for taking stewardship of every stage of the data lifecycle on an architecture based on robustness and fault tolerance, including redundancy and failover capabilities, scalability, and security. This work presents EMSO ERIC’s authentication and authorization infrastructure, which provides security and accountability and enables personalized services.Peer Reviewe

    MOODA: the module for ocean observatory data analysis and harmonization

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    The development of straightforward tools in data analysis plays a signifcant role in the available accumulative data from marine observatories. A large number of diferent variables recorded with diferent formats in marine observatories require methodologies that allow analysis and integration of these data automatically. In this paper, we present the MOODA open-source Python package, which provides an extensive range of procedures for harmonization and analysis of data from marine observatories, including feature extraction, quality control, fltering features, and visualization tools. We present the key aspects of the design and implementation of the package (mooda v1.x). MOODA is an integral component of the European Multidisciplinary Seafoor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) data management platform to harmonize and manage data from the diferent marine observatories. MOODA’s dynamic development model based on user feedback achieves a continuous enhancement and integration of the library.Peer Reviewe

    Water quality monitoring program through the KduSTICK, a low-cost and Do-It-Yourself instrument connected by the Internet of Things

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    Monitoring water transparency provides an indicator of the environmental status of the water body. One parameter to estimate the water transparency is the light difuse attenuation coefcient (Kd). In the framework of the H2020 project MONOCLE (Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries), we have developed an improved version of the KdUINO (Bardaji et al., 2016) consisting of a moored instrument used to assess water transparency. This new version, the KduSTICK, estimates Kd near the surface in real-time following these specifcations: cost-efective, portable, real-time monitoring and easy to use with minimal training. This instrument transmits data by using the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. In particular, our research group participates in the initiative “The Things Network” (TTN), an IoT network based on LoRaWAN. This device is easy to deploy and maintain, and it is suitable for citizen-science based water quality monitoring programs.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::6 - Aigua Neta i Sanejament::6.3 - Per a 2030, millorar la qualitat de l’aigua mitjançant la reducció de la contaminació, l’eliminació dels abocaments i la reducció al mínim de la descàrrega de materials i productes químics perillosos, la reducció a la meitat del percentatge d’aigües residuals sense tractar, i un augment substancial a escala mundial del reciclat i de la reutilització en condicions de segureta

    The module for ocean observatory data analysis of EMSO

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    The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) is a large-scale, distributed, Marine Research Infrastructure (RI). EMSO consists of ocean observation systems for long-term, high-resolution, (near) real-time monitoring of environmental processes including natural hazards, climate change, and marine ecosystems. EMSO observatory nodes are at key sites around Europe, from the Arctic to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea. To analyse the EMSO data, we develop the Module for Ocean Observatory Data Analysis (MOODA). MOODA is a software with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed for scientists. The software helps to facilitate data access (mainly off-line) for further analysis by the scientific community. Some of the features the MOODA offers are: (1) Direct data access with complex query capabilities; (2) Data filtering methods based on metadata information; (3) Complex visualization tools; (4) Summary reports of the validated data generated from a specific query, including event annotations; (5) Specific data analysis tools for different scientific disciplines; (6) The system will be designed to be open, adaptable and scalable allowing future contributions from researchers and developers from all the disciplines associated to the EMSO observatories. The code is written in Python, and it is available on GitHub. MOODA aims to make informative plots as a central part of exploring and understanding data.Postprint (published version

    OGC SWE-based Data Acquisition System Development for EGIM on EMSODEV EU Project

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    The EMSODEV[1] (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory DEVelopment) is an EU project whose general objective is to set up the full implementation and operation of the EMSO distributed Research Infrastructure (RI), through the development, testing and deployment of an EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). This research infrastructure will provide accurate records on marine environmental changes from distributed local nodes around Europe. These observations are critical to respond accurately to the social and scientific challenges such as climate change, changes in marine ecosystems, and marine hazards. In this paper we present the design and development of the EGIM data acquisition system. EGIM is able to operate on any EMSO node, mooring line, sea bed station, cabled or non-cabled and surface buoy. In fact a central function of EGIM within the EMSO infrastructure is to have a number of ocean locations where the same set of core variables are measured homogeneously: using the same hardware, same sensor references, same qualification methods, same calibration methods, same data format and access, and same maintenance procedures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Data acquisition system development for EGIM on EMSODEV EU Project

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    The EMSODEV1 (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-- column Observatory DEVelopment) is a UE project whose general objective is to set up the full implementation and operation of the EMSO distributed Research Infrastructure (RI), through the development, testing and deployment of an EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). The EGIM module will measure various ocean parameters in a long-term consistent, accurate and comparable manner. These measurements are critical to respond accurately to the social and scientific challenges such as climate change, changes in marine ecosystems, and marine hazards. Here we present the current status of the EGIM data acquisition system development.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development of a citizen monitoring program for the Barcelona coastal waters: the Scientific Patí Vela (PATI CIENTIFIC)

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    The first results of the PATI CIENTIFIC project are presented. This is a collaborative project funded by a Barcelona Institute of Culture’s grant for research and innovation under the 2019 Barcelona Science Plan. The main objective of this project is to develop a monitoring program for the coastal waters of Barcelona through a small-sailboat feet of the traditional and sustainable Patí de Vela (sailing skate). This pleasure boat is to become a scientifc sailing skate. This feet will acquire the essential oceanographic variables along the Catalan coast, which will be incorporated and accessible in a web platform. We present the initial adaptations done to the Patí de Vela to have an onboard platform holding the scientifc instruments (sensors and devices) for sampling the Barcelona coastal waters. These adaptations allow the systematic measurements of the essential physical and biogeochemical variables. These data, which will allow detecting variations along the coast, hence identifying potential sources of contamination and also providing the necessary knowledge of natural and anthropogenic seasonality, and will be freely available on a web platform. The PATI CIENTIFIC project will increase our knowledge of the coastal waters of the Barcelona coast, encouraging participation in sea monitoring activities and increasing social awareness on the need to love and protect our oceans.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::14 - Vida Submarin

    The module for ocean observatory data analysis of EMSO

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    The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) is a large-scale, distributed, Marine Research Infrastructure (RI). EMSO consists of ocean observation systems for long-term, high-resolution, (near) real-time monitoring of environmental processes including natural hazards, climate change, and marine ecosystems. EMSO observatory nodes are at key sites around Europe, from the Arctic to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea. To analyse the EMSO data, we develop the Module for Ocean Observatory Data Analysis (MOODA). MOODA is a software with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed for scientists. The software helps to facilitate data access (mainly off-line) for further analysis by the scientific community. Some of the features the MOODA offers are: (1) Direct data access with complex query capabilities; (2) Data filtering methods based on metadata information; (3) Complex visualization tools; (4) Summary reports of the validated data generated from a specific query, including event annotations; (5) Specific data analysis tools for different scientific disciplines; (6) The system will be designed to be open, adaptable and scalable allowing future contributions from researchers and developers from all the disciplines associated to the EMSO observatories. The code is written in Python, and it is available on GitHub. MOODA aims to make informative plots as a central part of exploring and understanding data

    A comprehensive sounding of the ionospheric HF radio link from Antarctica to Spain

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    Since 2003, our group has been investigating the performance of different transmission techniques for low-power low-interference High Frequency (HF) ionospheric communication systems. Specifically, we have focused on the link between the Spanish Antarctic Station (SAS) Juan Carlos I in Livingston Island and Ebro Observatory (OE) in Spain, in order to transmit the data gathered from some geomagnetic sensors. These transmission techniques require a valuable knowledge of the channel behavior, thus a comprehensive narrowband and wideband sounding of the ionospheric channel is needed. Some significant improvements both in the system and in the signal processing have been done to achieve this goal. The analysis time and the frequency band have been extended to 24 hours per day and to the whole HF band (2-30 MHz). Moreover, new measurements of the absolute propagation time and the Doppler frequency shift are introduced. In this paper, the sounding results obtained using the new system are presente

    OGC SWE-based Data Acquisition System Development for EGIM on EMSODEV EU Project

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    The EMSODEV[1] (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory DEVelopment) is an EU project whose general objective is to set up the full implementation and operation of the EMSO distributed Research Infrastructure (RI), through the development, testing and deployment of an EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). This research infrastructure will provide accurate records on marine environmental changes from distributed local nodes around Europe. These observations are critical to respond accurately to the social and scientific challenges such as climate change, changes in marine ecosystems, and marine hazards. In this paper we present the design and development of the EGIM data acquisition system. EGIM is able to operate on any EMSO node, mooring line, sea bed station, cabled or non-cabled and surface buoy. In fact a central function of EGIM within the EMSO infrastructure is to have a number of ocean locations where the same set of core variables are measured homogeneously: using the same hardware, same sensor references, same qualification methods, same calibration methods, same data format and access, and same maintenance procedures.Peer Reviewe