456 research outputs found


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    This essay aims the process optimization when referred to aeronautical projects. By using mesh generators softwares and simulations made in CFD, the article employs numerical techniques to simulate airfoils and shows that is possible to extract accurated and conservative outcomes when compared to wind tunnel results. The test cases studied were based on the Selig 1223 type of airfoil and developed into the ANSYS platform, whereas by using the ICEM mesh tool, structured meshs were generated and imported to the CFX enviroment, where they could be simulated and analyzed

    Symmetry transform in the Faddeev-Jackiw quantization of dual models

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    We study the presence of symmetry transformations in the Faddeev-Jackiw approach for constrained systems. Our analysis is based in the case of a particle submitted to a particular potential which depends on an arbitrary function. The method is implemented in a natural way and symmetry generators are identified. These symmetries permit us to obtain the absent elements of the sympletic matrix which complement the set of Dirac brackets of such a theory. The study developed here is applied in two different dual models. First, we discuss the case of a two-dimensional oscillator interacting with an electromagnetic potential described by a Chern-Simons term and second the Schwarz-Sen gauge theory, in order to obtain the complete set of non-null Dirac brackets and the correspondent Maxwell electromagnetic theory limit.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex file, no figur

    Canonical Transformations in a Higher-Derivative Field Theory

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    It has been suggested that the chiral symmetry can be implemented only in classical Lagrangians containing higher covariant derivatives of odd order. Contrary to this belief, it is shown that one can construct an exactly soluble two-dimensional higher-derivative fermionic quantum field theory containing only derivatives of even order whose classical Lagrangian exhibits chiral-gauge invariance. The original field solution is expressed in terms of usual Dirac spinors through a canonical transformation, whose generating function allows the determination of the new Hamiltonian. It is emphasized that the original and transformed Hamiltonians are different because the mapping from the old to the new canonical variables depends explicitly on time. The violation of cluster decomposition is discussed and the general Wightman functions satisfying the positive-definiteness condition are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    BFFT quantization with nonlinear constraints

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    We consider the method due to Batalin, Fradkin, Fradkina, and Tyutin (BFFT) that makes the conversion of second-class constraints into first-class ones for the case of nonlinear theories. We first present a general analysis of an attempt to simplify the method, showing the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to have first-class constraints for nonlinear theories but that are linear in the auxiliary variables. There are cases where this simplification cannot be done and the full BFFT method has to be used. However, in the way the method is formulated, we show with details that it is not practicable to be done. Finally, we speculate on a solution for these problems.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Geometric Quantization of Topological Gauge Theories

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    We study the symplectic quantization of Abelian gauge theories in 2+12+1 space-time dimensions with the introduction of a topological Chern-Simons term.Comment: 13 pages, plain TEX, IF/UFRJ/9

    A model for time-dependent cosmological constant and its consistency with the present Friedmann universe

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    We use a model where the cosmological term can be related to the chiral gauge anomaly of a possible quantum scenario of the initial evolution of the universe. We show that this term is compatible with the Friedmann behavior of the present universe.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex 4, twocolumn (minor corrections and improved reference list. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Gauging the SU(2) Skyrme model

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    In this paper the SU(2) Skyrme model will be reformulated as a gauge theory and the hidden symmetry will be investigated and explored in the energy spectrum computation. To this end we purpose a new constraint conversion scheme, based on the symplectic framework with the introduction of Wess-Zumino (WZ) terms in an unambiguous way. It is a positive feature not present on the BFFT constraint conversion. The Dirac's procedure for the first-class constraints is employed to quantize this gauge invariant nonlinear system and the energy spectrum is computed. The finding out shows the power of the symplectic gauge-invariant formalism when compared with another constraint conversion procedures present on the literature.Comment: revised version, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Melhoramento genético do dendezeiro visando à obtenção de materiais melhorados, adaptados às condições locais, pela utilização de germoplasma de caiaué (Elaeis oleifera).

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    O fator limitante à exploração comercial do híbrido interespecífico de dendê consiste na sua baixa produção em óleo, quando comparado aos híbridos dura e psifera. A busca de uma solução a longo prazo para esse problema consiste no estabelecimento de um programa de retrocruzamentos para o dendê, tendo por objetivo elevar a produtividade em óleos desses materiais, preservando ao mesmo tempo características agronômicas relevantes do caiaué como, por exemplo, a provável resistência ou tolerância às principais pragas e doenças do dendezeiro.bitstream/item/89197/1/PA-10-Raimundo-Nonato.pd

    Melhoramento genético do dendezeiro visando ao aumento da produtividade.

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    O presente trabalho visa ao aumento da produtividade do dendezeiro, através do melhoramento genético.bitstream/item/89199/1/PA-09-Raimundo-Nonato.pd