56 research outputs found

    Attitudes and beliefs regarding organ donation among South Asian people in the UK

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    There is an acute shortage of organ donors in the UK, specifically among South Asian communities. This article reports the findings from the largest ever study undertaken among South Asian people in the UK that seeks to explore attitudes and beliefs towards organ donation. This article highlights that seemingly intractable factors, such as religion and culture, are often tied to more complex issues, such as distrust in the medical system and lack of awareness, that contribute to the shortage of organ donors among South Asian communities in the U

    Causes of changes in carotid intima-media thickness: a literature review

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    Regulated release of nitric oxide by nonhematopoietic stroma controls expansion of the activated T cell pool in lymph nodes

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    Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) and lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are nonhematopoietic stromal cells of lymphoid organs. They influence the migration and homeostasis of naive T cells; however, their influence on activated T cells remains undescribed. Here we report that FRCs and LECs inhibited T cell proliferation through a tightly regulated mechanism dependent on nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2). Expression of NOS2 and production of nitric oxide paralleled the activation of T cells and required a tripartite synergism of interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor and direct contact with activated T cells. Notably, in vivo expression of NOS2 by FRCs and LECs regulated the size of the activated T cell pool. Our study elucidates an as-yet-unrecognized role for the lymph node stromal niche in controlling T cell responses

    Clinician's Commentary on Parsons et al.

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    Identificação de locais com potencial de transmissão de dengue em Porto Alegre através de técnicas de geoprocessamento Identification of places with potential transmission of dengue fever in Porto Alegre using Geographical Information Systems

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    Ainda pouco se conhece sobre as condições socioambientais que favorecem a permanência do Aedes aegypti em áreas urbanas e sua capacidade de transmissão de dengue. A proposta desse trabalho é localizar os casos da doença e a presença do vetor, e identificar fatores sócio-ambientais que caracterizam esses locais, através de técnicas de geoprocessamento, procurando desenvolver um modelo de prevenção de dengue. O vetor foi encontrado principalmente nas zonas sul e leste da cidade, apresentando uma grande dispersão no município, enquanto a maior parte dos casos está localizada na parte central da cidade. Os setores que apresentaram casos possuem características de alta renda. Por outro lado, nos setores com a presença de vetor são verificadas a predominância de casas e boa infraestrutura de saneamento. A diferença dos padrões de distribuição de casos e vetor assegurou para o ano de 2002 a ausência detransmissão do vírus no município.<br>The social-environmental conditions that promote the continuity of Aedes aegypti in urban areas and its capacity for dengue transmission have yet to be determined. The aim of this work was to locate dengue cases and vector presence, then to identify social-environmental factors that characterize these sites, through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), with a view to developing a dengue fever prevention model. The vector was mainly located in south and east areas of the city, with a broad dispersion, while most of the cases were located in the central region of the city. The sectors with cases present characteristics of high income. Otherwise, sectors with vector present a predominance of houses and good sanitation infrastructure. The difference between cases and vector spatial patterns ensured for 2002 an absence of dengue transmission in the city

    Distribuição espacial de doenças endêmicas no município de Ribeirão Preto (SP) Spatial distribution of endemic diseases in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State

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    A percepção de que algumas doenças acontecem em determinados lugares é antiga. A preocupação em estudar as relações entre o homem e o meio resultou em diversos trabalhos de geografia médica, voltados à análise da distribuição espacial das doenças. Este estudo seccional foi desenvolvido no município de Ribeirão Preto (SP) e teve como objetivo ilustrar, por meio de agravos de saúde (dengue, hanseníase e tuberculose), de que forma uma ferramenta de um sistema de informação geográfica permite a identificação de áreas heterogêneas, fornecendo subsídios para a escolha de estratégias e intervenções específicas de acordo com a necessidade dos moradores, bem como a priorização de recursos para grupos mais vulneráveis. A população compreendeu os casos de dengue, hanseníase e tuberculose notificados no ano 2000 em Ribeirão Preto. Os dados foram coletados na Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do município. Para a obtenção dos mapas temáticos, os dados foram geocodificados com auxílio do software MapInfo 7.8 e Spring 4.3. Os mapas temáticos ilustraram a distribuição da densidade de casos de dengue, hanseníase e tuberculose no município como uma maneira complementar de análise de informações de saúde, apontando as áreas prioritárias para o controle destas doenças.<br>The perception that some diseases happen in certain places is old. The concern in studying the relation between the human being and the environment resulted in several studies of medical geography, directed to the analysis of diseases spatial distribution. This sectional study was carried out in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, and aimed to illustrate, through health problems (dengue, leprosy and tuberculosis), how a Geographic Information System tool allows the identification of heterogeneous areas, providing support for the choice of strategies and specific interventions according to the need of residents, as well as, priority of resources to more vulnerable groups. The population comprised cases of dengue, leprosy and tuberculosis notified in Ribeirão Preto in 2000. Data were collected in the Health Secretary Epidemiological Surveillance of the city. In order to obtain the thematic maps, data were geo-codified with the software MapInfo 7.8 e Spring 4.3. The thematic maps showed the density distribution of dengue, leprosy and tuberculosis cases in the city as a way to complement the analysis of health information, pointing priority areas for the control of these diseases
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