22 research outputs found

    Accelerated Blood Clearance (ABC) phenomenon favors the accumulation of tartar emetic in pegylated liposomes in BALB/c mice liver.

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    Tartar emetic (TE) was the first drug used to treat leishmaniasis.However, its use was discontinued due to high toxicity. Association of TE with liposomes is a strategy to reduce its side effects. Pegylated liposomes (Lpeg) present lower rates of uptake by macrophages and prolonged circulation compared to their nonpegylated counterparts. However, repeated administration of Lpeg can cause an Accelerated Blood Clearance (ABC) phenomenon, whereby recognition of liposomes by antibodies results in faster phagocytosis. Thiswork evaluated the effect of TE administration on histopathological aspects and the effect of the ABC phenomenon on targeting and toxicity in mice. Our results show that treatment with free or liposomal TE had no effect on the erythrocyte count, on liver and spleen weight, and on hepatic, splenic, and cardiac histology in mice. Severe lesions were observed on the kidneys of animals treated with a single dose of free TE. Treatment with TE in Lpeg after induction of ABC phenomenon caused a significant increase in Sb level in the liver without toxicity. Furthermore, mice treated with TE in liposomes showed normal renal histopathology. These results suggest site-specific targeting of Sb to the liver after induction of ABC phenomenon with no toxicity to other organs

    Acute and sub chronic toxicity study of aqueous extract from the leaves and branches of Campomanesia velutina (Cambess) O. Berg.

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Campomanesia velutina leaves and branches infusions are used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat diarrhea and to ameliorate intestinal cramps, respectively. Aim of the study: Carry out the acute and sub chronic pre-clinical evaluation and thus assess the safety and toxicological potential of the specie. Materials and methods: In vivo toxicity was evaluated by acute and sub chronic toxicity assays conducted according to the guidelines of the Brazilian Agency of National Health Surveillance (Ag?ncia Nacional de Vigil?ncia Sanit?ria ? ANVISA). For acute toxicity evaluation, a single dose of aqueous extracts from the leaves (AEL) and branches (AEB) of Campomanesia velutina were orally administered to mice at doses of 300, 600 and 1200 mg/kg. Then, the animals were observed for 14 days. In the sub chronic study, the extracts were orally administered to mice for 14 days at doses of 300, 600 and 1200 mg/kg. To assess the toxicological effects, animals were closely observed on general behavior, clinical signs of toxicity, body weight, food and water intake. At the end of the experiment, it was performed biochemical and hematological evaluations, as well as histopathological analysis from the following organs: brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, small intestine (section) and left kidney. Preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and colorimetric pharmacognostic tests. Results: In oral acute assay, treatment with AEB at the major dose (1200 mg/kg) caused diarrhea, abdominal cramps and tremors in females. These effects were reversed at 4th hour. Normochromic normocytic anemia was observed in males treated with AEL 300 mg/kg and AEB 600 and 1200 mg/kg as well as in females treated with AEB 300 and 1200 mg/kg. The kidney of all treated animals showed moderate inflammation and a few hemorrhagic points. In sub chronic assay, treatment with AEL 600 mg/kg, AEL 1200 mg/kg and AEB 1200 mg/kg caused hyper excitability in females that was not reversed. Treatments also had impact on weight gain and the relative weight of males? brain was increased on group treated with AEL 300 mg/kg, AEB 300 and AEB 1200 mg/kg. Although changes in hematological parameters were not observed, serum creatinine levels were significantly higher in males treated with AEB 300 mg/kg. Besides, the heart of all treated animals showed intense hyperemia. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds. Conclusions: Toxicity signs were mainly observed after treatment with AEL and AEB at the two highest tested doses (600 and 1200 mg/kg), suggesting that the extracts are relatively safe at its effective dose (300 mg/kg). However, alterations on hematological and biochemical parameters and on the kidney and heart of the animals were not closely related with the dose, implying caution on its use

    A novel approach based on nanotechnology for investigating the chronic actions of short-lived peptides in specific sites of the brain.

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    This review presents a novel experimental approach for investigating the chronic actions of short-lived peptides in specific sites of the brain. This method combines the advantages of three different techniques: liposome encapsulation, site-specific microinjection and telemetry. First, liposomes can be designed to remain located at the injection site for a long period of time, where they protect encapsulated peptide from rapid degradation and act as a sustained-release system. Secondly, microinjection allows the administration of peptides in specific sites of the brain with minimal side effects. Finally, using telemetry, it is possible to register physiological parameters and their circadian variations in undisturbed freemoving animals for several days. Angiotensin-(1–7) and angiotensin II were used as peptide models, in order to validate the proposed method. Following the unilateral microinjection of the liposome-encapsulated peptides into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of Wistar rats, longlasting cardiovascular actions were elicited, for several days. Importantly, new physiological actions of angiotensin-(1–7) at the RVLM were unmasked: modulation of the circadian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate. It is felt that this method can be applied to a wide variety of shortlived bioactive peptides and should encounter numerous applications in the field of neurosciences.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regpep.2006.11.02

    Enhanced schistosomicidal efficacy of tartar emetic encapsulated in pegylated liposomes.

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of liposomes to improve the efficacy of tartar emetic (TA) against established Schistosoma mansoni infection. TA was used as a schistosomicidal drug model and both conventional liposomes (CL) and long-circulating pegylated liposomes (LCL) were evaluated. In the first experiment, TA, either free or encapsulated within CL or LCL, was given intraperitoneally (i.p.) as a single dose of 11 mg Sb/kg to mice experimentally infected with S. mansoni. Only the group treated with LCL showed a significant (55%) reduction in the worm burden, compared to the control groups (untreated or treated with empty LCL). In the second experiment, the efficacy of TA-containing LCL was evaluated at a higher dose (27 mg Sb/kg) by both subcutaneous (s.c.) and i.p. routes. Reduction levels of 67 and 82% were achieved by s.c. and i.p. routes, respectively. Strikingly, all mice survived to this high dose of antimony. This is in contrast with free TA that was lethal in 100% of mice at the same dose. The present work demonstrates that LCL reduce the acute toxicity of TA and effectively deliver this drug to S. mansoni during the late stages of parasite infection

    Preclinical monitoring of drug association in experimental chemotherapy of Chagas? disease by a new HPLC-UV method.

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    A combination of drugs in experimental chemotherapy of Chagas? disease may increase the effectiveness of treatment. To evaluate the possible mechanisms that influence the improvement of therapy, we investigated the pharmacokinetic interaction between benznidazole and itraconazole in a murine model treated orally with single doses of 5 mg of each compound separately or together. Blood samples from treated mice were collected at different intervals for 48 h, and a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-UV method was used to quantify both drugs in the plasma. A decrease of 1.5-fold in the maximum drug concentration in the plasma (Cmax) and an increase of 2.66-fold in the volume of distribution (V) and 7.5-fold in the elimination half-life (t1/2 ) of benznidazole when coadministered with itraconazole were observed. The parameters area under the curve (AUC0-t), area under the curve extrapolated to infinity (AUC0- ), time to maximum concentration of drug in serum (Tmax), and clearance (CL) for benznidazole were not significantly different in this therapeutic regime. None of the evaluated parameters for ITC demonstrated a significant difference between isolated and associated administration. These results suggest that the main effect of this interaction leads to accumulation of benznidazole in the biological system. This effect may contribute to the improved therapeutic efficacy of this combination of drugs, in addition to synergism of the different mechanisms of action of benznidazole and itraconazole against Trypanosoma cruzi in vivo

    Site-specific microinjection of liposomes into the brain for local infusion of a short-lived peptide.

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    The short-lived peptide, angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)), was encapsulated in different liposome preparations, in order to evaluate the influence of membrane fluidity, membrane surface, liposome size and dose of peptide on the cardiovascular effects of the encapsulated peptide at a specific site of the brain. These preparations were microinjected unilaterally into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of Wistar rats, and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were registered by telemetry. Pegylated, rigid and calibrated (200 nm) liposomes, containing 50 ng of Ang-(1-7), elicited a significant increase of MAP for at least 7 days, in contrast to empty liposomes or non-pegylated liposomes. When a two-fold higher peptide dose was employed or when pegylated liposomes were used in the fluid state or uncalibrated, less pronounced pressor effects were observed. These data show that the cardiovascular responses to the microinjection of Ang-(1-7)- containing liposomes into the RVLM can be modulated through the manipulation of liposome characteristics. These results can be explained by the influence of liposome characteristics on the flux of peptide release. It is expected that this new method will encounter numerous applications in the study of the chronic actions of short-lived bioactive peptides in specific sites of the brain

    Long-lasting cardiovascular effects of liposomes-entrapped angiotensin-(1-7) at the rostral ventrolateral medulla.

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of liposomes as a tool for the sustained release of the short half-life peptides of the renin-angiotensin system in a specific site of the brain. Angiotensin (Ang)-(1-7) was selected for this study because of its known cardiovascular effects at the level of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) and because of the considerable interests in elucidating its physiopathological role as a neuromodulator. Ang-(1-7)– containing liposomes (LAng) were microinjected unilaterally in the RVLM of Wistar rats, and the effects on blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate were evaluated by telemetry. Empty liposomes (Lemp) were used as control. LAng elicited a significant pressor effect during daytime and bradycardia during nighttime that lasted for 5 and 3 days, respectively. These cardiovascular effects resulted in a significant attenuation of the circadian variations of MAP and heart rate. In the case of MAP, a significant inversion of the circadian rhythm was observed on day 2 after LAng microinjection. None of these effects were observed following microinjection of Lemp. Using this novel technique, it was possible to establish, in chronic conditions, the pressor effect of Ang-(1-7) at the RVLM. Moreover, our data unmasks a new physiological role for Ang-(1-7) at the level of the RVLM: modulation of the circadian rhythms of MAP and heart rate

    Perfil do processo de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína.

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    Avaliar e caracterizar o perfil cicatricial induzido pela alantoína incorporada em uma emulsão óleo/água, sob os aspectos planimétrico e histológico. Métodos: Ratos Wistar fêmeas (n=60) foram agrupados aleatoriamente em três grupos experimentais grupo controle – sem tratamento (C); grupo tratado com emulsão pura (E); grupo tratado com emulsão contendo 5% de alantoína (EA). As emulsões contendo ou não alantoína foram administradas topicamente durante 14 dias e a área da ferida foi avaliada por planimetria e por análise histológica qualitativa e quantitativa em modelo de ferida aberta. Resultados: Na análise planimétrica não foi observado diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais. Os resultados da análise histológica sugerem que o mecanismo de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína ocorre via controle da resposta inflamatória e estímulos à proliferação fibroblástica e síntese de matrix extracelular de maneira mais intensa e rapidamente em relação aos grupos controles. Conclusão: Este trabalho mostra pela primeira vez o perfil histológico de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína em ratos, demonstrando ser capaz de melhorar e acelerar o processo de reconstituição da pele.Purpose: To evaluate and characterize the wound healing process profile induced by allantoin incorporated in soft lotion oil/water emulsion using the planimetric and histological methods. Methods: Female Wistar rats (n=60) were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups: (C) control group-without treatment; (E) group treated with soft lotion O/W emulsion excipients; (EA) group treated with soft lotion O/W emulsion containing allantoin 5%. The emulsions either containing or not allantoin were topically administered for 14 days and the wound area was evaluated by planimetry and by qualitative and quantitative histological analysis of open wound model. Results: The data which were obtained and analyzed innovate by demonstrating, qualitatively and quantitatively, by histological analysis, the profile of healing process induced by allantoin. The results suggest that the wound healing mechanism induced by allantoin occurs via the regulation of inflammatory response and stimulus to fibroblastic proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Conclusion: This work show, for the first time, the histological wound healing profile induced by allantoin in rats and demonstrated that it is able to ameliorate and fasten the reestablishment of the normal skin

    Biopharmaceutics classification system : importance and inclusion in biowaiver guidance.

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    O tratamento farmacológico é essencial frente a várias patologias e é fundamental que a política de medicamentos tenha por objetivo oferecer à população tratamento seguro, eficaz e de preço acessível. Uma forma de alcançar esse objetivo é por meio da bioisenção, definida como a substituição de estudos de bioequivalência in vivo por estudos in vitro. Para bioisentar novos medicamentos sob a forma farmacêutica sólida oral de liberação imediata são utilizados dados de permeabilidade intestinal e solubilidade do fármaco, bem como sua dissolução a partir da forma farmacêutica. O Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCG) é um esquema científico que divide os fármacos em classes de acordo com solubilidade e permeabilidade e vem sendo utilizado como critério para bioisenção em diversas legislações. O presente artigo faz uma avaliação desta utilização, abordando os conceitos gerais e parâmetros utilizados pelo SCB, fazendo um relato histórico da aplicação da bioisenção, das exigências pertinentes às legislações vigentes, dos benefícios e riscos inerentes a uma tomada de decisão sobre bioisenção baseada neste critério. Os resultados revelaram que a utilização do SCB como critério amplia enormemente as possibilidades de bioisenção, contribuindo para o maior acesso da população em geral a medicamentos com garantida eficácia, segurança e menor custo.Pharmacological therapy is essential in many diseases treatment and it is important that the medicine policy is intended to offering safe and effective treatment with affordable price to the population. One way to achieve this is through biowaiver, defined as the replacement of in vivo bioequivalence studies by in vitro studies. For biowaiver of new immediate release solid oral dosage forms, data such as intestinal permeability and solubility of the drug are required, as well as the product dissolution. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is a scientific scheme that divides drugs according to their solubility and permeability and has been used by various guides as a criterion for biowaiver. This paper evaluates biowaiver application, addressing the general concepts and parameters used by BCS, making a historical account of its use, the requirements pertaining to the current legislation, the benefits and risks associated with this decision. The results revealed that the use of BCS as a biowaiver criterion greatly expands the therapeutics options, contributing to greater therapy access of the general population with drug efficacy and safety guaranteed associated to low cost

    Perfil do processo de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína.

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    Avaliar e caracterizar o perfil cicatricial induzido pela alantoína incorporada em uma emulsão óleo/água, sob os aspectos planimétrico e histológico. Métodos: Ratos Wistar fêmeas (n=60) foram agrupados aleatoriamente em três grupos experimentais grupo controle – sem tratamento (C); grupo tratado com emulsão pura (E); grupo tratado com emulsão contendo 5% de alantoína (EA). As emulsões contendo ou não alantoína foram administradas topicamente durante 14 dias e a área da ferida foi avaliada por planimetria e por análise histológica qualitativa e quantitativa em modelo de ferida aberta. Resultados: Na análise planimétrica não foi observado diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais. Os resultados da análise histológica sugerem que o mecanismo de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína ocorre via controle da resposta inflamatória e estímulos à proliferação fibroblástica e síntese de matrix extracelular de maneira mais intensa e rapidamente em relação aos grupos controles. Conclusão: Este trabalho mostra pela primeira vez o perfil histológico de cicatrização induzido pela alantoína em ratos, demonstrando ser capaz de melhorar e acelerar o processo de reconstituição da pele.Purpose: To evaluate and characterize the wound healing process profile induced by allantoin incorporated in soft lotion oil/water emulsion using the planimetric and histological methods. Methods: Female Wistar rats (n=60) were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups: (C) control group-without treatment; (E) group treated with soft lotion O/W emulsion excipients; (EA) group treated with soft lotion O/W emulsion containing allantoin 5%. The emulsions either containing or not allantoin were topically administered for 14 days and the wound area was evaluated by planimetry and by qualitative and quantitative histological analysis of open wound model. Results: The data which were obtained and analyzed innovate by demonstrating, qualitatively and quantitatively, by histological analysis, the profile of healing process induced by allantoin. The results suggest that the wound healing mechanism induced by allantoin occurs via the regulation of inflammatory response and stimulus to fibroblastic proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Conclusion: This work show, for the first time, the histological wound healing profile induced by allantoin in rats and demonstrated that it is able to ameliorate and fasten the reestablishment of the normal skin