658 research outputs found

    Doctoral advising, research productivity and the academic balancing act: insights from Michael A. Hitt, Edwin A. Locke, Fred Luthans, Lyman W. Porter, and Anne Tsui

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    Achieving academic success requires diligence among all concerned – doctoral students, academic advisors, and institutions. This paper presents interviews of five outstanding scholars who have dedicated their lives to research productivity, academic advising, and scholarly service. The work/life balance and output they achieved is the result of purposeful planning, tenacity, and passion for the field and students. The paper first introduces the topic of academic success, then initial thoughts from the authors are presented. Brief biographies of the scholars are shared to demonstrate academic contributions. Interviews are presented as direct quotes from participants, with collective insights offered after each specific question

    Sanders v. Ahlstrom : Brief of Respondent

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    JAMES LEE SANDERS, P l a i n t i f f and Appellant, v s . KRISTIN A. AHLSTROM, Defendant and Respondent Civil No. 2037

    Derechos humanos y democracia en Argentina: desafĂ­os de una agenda de futuro

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    En Argentina, la memoria de los derechos en un Estado de derecho se vincula de manera directa con la experiencia de la última dictadura militar y sus legados para el sistema democrático. Si bien en los últimos años se incorporó una historia más extendida en el tiempo de resistencias, y de crímenes de Estado, este último período presentó algunas características determinantes para la construcción institucional, entre ellas, la expresión extrema del terrorismo de Estado, la desaparición forzada de personas en forma masiva y la más absoluta inhumanidad de los métodos; pero, también, la formación y consolidación del movimiento de derechos humanos. Se trata de una historia de corto plazo tanto para un pueblo como a nivel mundial. A partir de la historia y la memoria, el activismo junto al campo intelectual y el académico han revisitado algunas discusiones clásicas sobre ciudadanía, soberanía o derechos políticos para, desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos, comprender y enfrentar la violencia ejercida desde el Estado. Pero a partir de una participación activa de múltiples actores del pensamiento, se avanzó hacia el reconocimiento de nuevos derechos y la integración de su perspectiva en el desarrollo de las políticas públicas. Este proceso de ampliación no ha sido lineal ni progresivo, por el contrario, fue construido a partir de una agenda destinada en ciertos momentos a la resistencia, en otros, al sostenimiento y, en ocasiones, a la extensión del concepto de derechos y su cumplimiento

    \u3ci\u3eLockett\u3c/i\u3e Symposium: The Other Lockett

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    Sandra’s case was perfect for the New York Times. James’s makes for choice tabloid reading. Few people realize that two Locketts were involved in the famous Lockett case–Sandra and her brother, James. Sandra is famous because she is the Lockett in the United States Supreme Court decision. James is unknown because the Ohio Supreme Court remanded his case to Akron for a new trial. Sandra lost her direct appeal in the Ohio Supreme Court. Eventually the United States Supreme Court granted review and reached its all-important decision striking down Ohio’s death penalty statute and mandating that capital defendants be permitted to introduce mitigation at their sentencing trials. Meanwhile, James battled through two retrials in Akron, Ohio. James’s case did not establish important precedent like Sandra’s, but it had many twists and turns and colorful characters. The retrials were adventures. For example, the original trial Judge, James Barbuto, prominently displayed a blowup of the newspaper report of President Kennedy’s assassination with the headline “Sniper’s Bullet Strikes Down President” in his jury deliberation room. When we moved to have him remove it, he declined. When we moved to remove him from the case, he declined. Nonetheless, he stepped aside after we petitioned the Ohio Supreme Court to remove him. Years later, Geraldo Rivera, referring to Barbuto as the “Italian Stallion,” revealed the judge’s regular sexual encounters with prostitutes and female defendants in his chambers, as well as his use of an enforcer to keep his illegal conduct secret. “Read all about it.

    January 2002 - Staff Meeting Minutes

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    LES NOUVELLES FORMES D’ENGAGEMENT EN FRANCE. DISPOSITIFS INSTITUTIONNELS ET PARTICIPATIONS JUVÉNILES (VINCENZO CICCHELLI) Ce qu’il y a d’inédit dans l’engagement contemporain Pour comprendre la signification de l’essor récent en France de nouvelles formes d’engagement des adolescents et des jeunes, il est nécessaire d’avoir à l’esprit les deux éléments qui les caractérisent. D’une part, des responsables gouvernementaux, des élus locaux, des agents administratifs, des responsables associatifs ..

    James Lee Sanders v. Kristin S. Ahlstrom : Petition for Rehearing

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    JAMES LEE SANDERS, EUGENE P. SANDERS, ELISE SANDERS and JAMES P. and ELISE SANDERS as guardians ad litem for EUGENE P. SANDERS, JR., CHELISE SANDERS and JERRY HERMANSON, minors, Plaintiffs and Appellant, vs. KRISTIN S. AHLSTROM, Defendant and Respondent. Case No. 860088-C

    February 12, 2010 - Staff Meeting Minutes

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    October 9, 1999 - Staff Meeting Minutes

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