522 research outputs found

    The Role of the Interfacial Protein Film in Meat Batter Stabilization

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    The microstructure of meat batters made with equal ionic strengths of NaCl, MgC1 2 , CaCl2 and KCl (IS- 0.43) and a reduced-NaCl batter (IS- 0.43) were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Micrographs revealed that fat globules with smooth and rough protein coats were present in all treatments. The roughly-coated globules were prevalent in the unstable batters. Pores were observed in the interfacial protein film (IPF) surrounding the globul es and were more prevalent in the globules with rough protein coats. Fat was seen to exude from the pores in both types of globules, Fat globules were shown to be immobilized by the physical binding of their IPF to the pro tein matrix. Thread~like protein strands appeared to play a role in binding the smaller fat globules to the protein matrix. The IPF had a complex, multilayered structure. Some of the larger globules had internal protein structures which were connected to the IPF and which partitioned and further stabilized the fat. The results indicate that fat emulsification and the interfacial film are important in preventing fat separation in meat batters

    The Effect of Chloride Salts on the Texture, Microstructure and Stability of Meat Batters

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    The stability, texture and microstructure of six mechanically deboned chicken meat bat.ters prepared with NaCL (1.25 and 2.5%) and replacement of the 2. 5 NaCl with HgC12 , CaC12 , KCl and LiCl based on isoionic strength were examined . The uncooked HgCL2 batter showed the poorest fat binding, The monovalent chloride salts produced stable cooked batters, whereas both divalent salts did not, CaC12 produced a more unstable batter than MgC1 2 High correlation was found between water and fat loss and total cookout losses from cooked batters. Texture was significantly affected by the type of chloride salt used. The divalent chloride salt batters had low brittleness and were simllar in texture. They had a different texture profile from monovalent chloride salt batters . Hardness and springiness were found to be related to batter stability. Microstructural differences between treatments reflected differences in batter stability and appeared to explain some of the textural differences. The protein matrices of the monovalent chloride salt batters were all simllar. However, LiCl produced a more tightly interwoven matrix than the others. Extensive coalescence was evident in the batters made with HgC12 and CaC La which resulted in the format:ion of fat channels. In addition, their protein matrices were highly aggregated. Batter stability and texture appear to depend on the structure and integrity of the matrix as well as t he formation of a stable protein film around fat globules

    Universal Loss Dynamics in a Unitary Bose Gas

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    The low temperature unitary Bose gas is a fundamental paradigm in few-body and many-body physics, attracting wide theoretical and experimental interest. Here we first present a theoretical model that describes the dynamic competition between two-body evaporation and three-body re-combination in a harmonically trapped unitary atomic gas above the condensation temperature. We identify a universal magic trap depth where, within some parameter range, evaporative cooling is balanced by recombination heating and the gas temperature stays constant. Our model is developed for the usual three-dimensional evaporation regime as well as the 2D evaporation case. Experiments performed with unitary 133 Cs and 7 Li atoms fully support our predictions and enable quantitative measurements of the 3-body recombination rate in the low temperature domain. In particular, we measure for the first time the Efimov inelasticity parameter η\eta * = 0.098(7) for the 47.8-G d-wave Feshbach resonance in 133 Cs. Combined 133 Cs and 7 Li experimental data allow investigations of loss dynamics over two orders of magnitude in temperature and four orders of magnitude in three-body loss. We confirm the 1/T 2 temperature universality law up to the constant η\eta *

    Emergence of chaotic scattering in ultracold Er and Dy

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    We show that for ultracold magnetic lanthanide atoms chaotic scattering emerges due to a combination of anisotropic interaction potentials and Zeeman coupling under an external magnetic field. This scattering is studied in a collaborative experimental and theoretical effort for both dysprosium and erbium. We present extensive atom-loss measurements of their dense magnetic Feshbach resonance spectra, analyze their statistical properties, and compare to predictions from a random-matrix-theory inspired model. Furthermore, theoretical coupled-channels simulations of the anisotropic molecular Hamiltonian at zero magnetic field show that weakly-bound, near threshold diatomic levels form overlapping, uncoupled chaotic series that when combined are randomly distributed. The Zeeman interaction shifts and couples these levels, leading to a Feshbach spectrum of zero-energy bound states with nearest-neighbor spacings that changes from randomly to chaotically distributed for increasing magnetic field. Finally, we show that the extreme temperature sensitivity of a small, but sizeable fraction of the resonances in the Dy and Er atom-loss spectra is due to resonant non-zero partial-wave collisions. Our threshold analysis for these resonances indicates a large collision-energy dependence of the three-body recombination rate

    KP line solitons and Tamari lattices

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    The KP-II equation possesses a class of line soliton solutions which can be qualitatively described via a tropical approximation as a chain of rooted binary trees, except at "critical" events where a transition to a different rooted binary tree takes place. We prove that these correspond to maximal chains in Tamari lattices (which are poset structures on associahedra). We further derive results that allow to compute details of the evolution, including the critical events. Moreover, we present some insights into the structure of the more general line soliton solutions. All this yields a characterization of possible evolutions of line soliton patterns on a shallow fluid surface (provided that the KP-II approximation applies).Comment: 49 pages, 36 figures, second version: section 4 expande