58 research outputs found

    Menelaus's theorem for hyperbolic quadrilaterals in the Einstein relativistic velocity model of hyperbolic geometry

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    Hyperbolic Geometry appeared in the first half of the 19th century as an attempt to understand Euclid's axiomatic basis of Geometry. It is also known as a type of non-Euclidean Geometry, being in many respects similar to Euclidean Geometry

    Smarandache's Pedal Polygon Theorem in the Poincare Disc Model of Hyperbolic Geometry

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    In this note, we present a proof of the hyperbolic a Smarandache's pedal polygon theorem in the Poincare disc model of hyperbolic geometry


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    In this paper I discussed the factors that influence the cultural adaptation of products. Globalization determines the companies to operate abroad; therefore the firms sell their products to markets where the consumer patterns might differ from their national market. It is of high importance to be able to understand and to adapt to local consumer habits. The culture has a strong influence on products adaptation in particular, and on international marketing in general. Companies must be able to adapt their products, but, in the same time, to keep the note of originality, so that the global image of brand to gain consistency. Global brands provide a larger advantage regarding the marketing activities and costs. Savy companies are capable to recognize and to use cultural differences in their use.product adaptation, international marketing, cultural factors.


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    Good corporate governance is an important step in building market confidence and encouraging more stable, long-term international investment flows. Many countries see better corporate governance practices as a way to improve economic dynamism and thus enhance overall economic performance. This paper sets out to further develop our understanding of corporate governance and its effects on corporate performance and economic performance. In doing so, it addresses some of the underlying factors that promote efficient corporate governance, and examines some of the economic implications associated with various corporate governance systems. I provide an framework for understanding how corporate governance can affect corporate performance. In the wake of a literature survey, I find that corporate governance matters for economic performance, insider ownership matters the most, outside ownership concentration destroys market value, direct ownership being superior to indirect.corporate governance, company performance

    A model for enterprises’ environmental scanning

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    Today’s environment determines companies to use scanning activities in order to seize the opportunities and to avoid the threats. Individual factors and organizational factors influence the scanning behavior. The examination of the environment can be presented in a model based on environment analyzability and organizational intrusiveness.environmental scanning, organizational factors, strategy formulation

    Retail store design and environment as branding support in the services marketing

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    The services are intangibles, therefore their quality is difficult to be evaluated by the client and building a strong brand image is a challenging task. The services are distributed using diverse channels such as: company retail stores, dealers, franchise. The service companies are interested in the environment of the location, not only to increase sells but also in order to boost the image of the company. The excitement that a retail store induces to a client can modify the perception of the brand. The client values more a brand that distributes its services in a luxury, high-tech retail environment than a discount store. In this paper we intended to investigate the techniques that a service company is using to enhance the brand image in a retail location. For this purpose, the various aspects of the retail store design and environment were analyzed in connection with the customer-based brand equity model. This original association will offer the services companies’ new perspectives on how to leverage brand image.retail environment, brand architecture, point of sale marketing


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    In this paper we investigated the sources of “Buy Romanian” attitude. We formulated three constructs namely Buy Romanian, nationalism and internationalism and we measured them by developing three scales. The scales were included in a questionnaire that was administered to 110 respondents. Performing statistical analysis, the results showed us that Buy Romanian is influenced by the general opinion toward the Romanian products and by nationalism orientation. There is no correlation among Buy Romanian and internationalism. These findings are useful because in order to stimulate buying behavior of Romanian products by Romanian consumers, it is necessary to spot the deepest motivations.consumer behaviour, buying motivations, nationalism, internationalism


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    The complexity of economic life and the necessity to prepare the students for a very competitive environment has determined the members of the teaching body to find new teaching methods. An increasing importance was awarded to the study case method, successfully promoted by Harvard Business School. The case method is also used as recruitment technique or to test the abilities of employees. In our country this teaching method is used only seldom, by using copied cases from the prestigious universities that do not fit in the Romanian economic picture. In this paper we will present the features that recommend the case method as an excellent teaching tool.teaching methods, case method, competence building


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    In this paper we analyzed the branding in small business. Using a desk research on Internet and the press we have identified the practices small businesses use to enhance their brand and the brand dynamics in small business. Our main contribution is that we tried to figure out the strategy of branding in small business. This need further to be investigated in order to understand how branding works in small business and to better capture the role of branding in small business.branding, small business, brand strategy