106 research outputs found

    Rethinking Mobile Delivery: Using Quick Response Codes to Access Information at Point of Need

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    posterThis poster covers the use of quick response (QR) codes to provide instant mobile access to information, digital collections, educational offerings, the library website, subject guides, text messages, videos, and personnel in the library. The authors explain the array of uses and the value of using QR codes to push customized information to patrons

    The Rise of the Fringe Financial Services in Winnipeg's North End: Client Experiences, Firm Legitimacy and Community-Based Alternatives

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    This report documents research undertaken... to examine the rise of fringe financial services in Winnipeg's North End. Fringe financial services include a variety of financial services such as loans and cheque-cashing that are offered by fringe banks. Although fringe banks are becoming more common today they generally operate on the margin of the mainstream banking and credit union system in Canada. Fringe banks include pawnshops, cheque-cashing firms, payday lenders, rent-to-own firms, tax refund advancers, finance companies and 'white-label' automatic teller machine providers. This report explores client experiences with fringe banks, it examines the issue of fringe bank legitimacy and it develops a model and provides a preliminary feasibility assessment of an alternative model to fringe banks for low- income people

    Arthritis and cognitive impairment in older adults

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    Adults aged 65 or older with arthritis may be at increased risk for cognitive impairment [cognitive impairment but not dementia (CIND) or dementia]. Studies have found associations between arthritis and cognition impairments; however, none have examined whether persons with arthritis develop cognitive impairments at higher rates than those without arthritis. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we estimated the prevalence of cognitive impairments in older adults with and without arthritis, and examined associations between arthritis status and cognitive impairments. We calculated incidence density ratios (IDRs) using generalized estimating equations to estimate associations between arthritis and cognitive impairments adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, income, depression, obesity, smoking, the number of chronic conditions, physical activity, and birth cohort. The prevalence of CIND and dementia did not significantly differ between those with and without arthritis (CIND: 20.8%, 95% CI 19.7-21.9 vs. 18.3%, 95% CI 16.8-19.8; dementia: 5.2% 95% CI 4.6-5.8 vs. 5.1% 95% CI 4.3-5.9). After covariate control, older adults with arthritis did not differ significantly from those without arthritis for either cognitive outcome (CIND IDR: 1.6, 95% CI = 0.9-2.9; dementia IDR: 1.1, 95% CI = 0.4-3.3) and developed cognitive impairments at a similar rate to those without arthritis. Older adults with arthritis were not significantly more at risk to develop cognitive impairments and developed cognitive impairments at a similar rate as older adults without arthritis over 6 years

    LapsilÀhtöinen pedagogiikka varhaiskasvattajien kanssa konstruoituna

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    TÀmÀ artikkeli esittelee lapsilÀhtöistÀ pedagogiikkaa yhdessÀ konstruoituna varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten kanssa. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat lapsilÀhtöisen pedagogiikan ilmenemismuodot, sekÀ laadukas lapsilÀhtöinen pedagogiikka. Osallistujajoukko koostuu lapsilÀhtöiseen pedagogiikkaan sitoutuneista kasvattajista Virosta, Englannista, Yhdysvalloista ja Suomesta. Teoriaohjaava sisÀllönanalyysi perustuu viikon ajalta kerÀtylle 29 pedagogiselle pÀivÀkirjalle joista löysimme 351 lapsilÀhtöistÀ episodia. LapsilÀhtöisen pedagogiikan teoreettinen kehys perustuu kolme ydinkomponentille: lapsi toiminnan subjektina, edestakainen vuorovaikutus sekÀ kehkeytyvÀ opetussuunnitelma. Aineistossa edestakainen vuorovaikutus perustuu aikuisen aktiiviseen rooliin, jossa lasten elÀmismaailmat sekÀ intressit kohtaavat. Opettajilla on valmiuksia tarjota sisÀltöjÀ, mutta erityisesti joustaa toiminnasta opetussuunnitelman kehkeytymiseksi. LapsilÀhtöisyys ei ole sidottu yksinomaan lapsen aloitteisiin, eikÀ yksittÀisiin toimintamuotoihin. Laadukkaassa lapsilÀhtöisessÀ pedagogiikassa aikuinen harkitsee rooliaan erityisellÀ herkkyydellÀ palvellen teoillaan lapsen tilannekohtaisia intressejÀ. This paper is a showcase of child-initiated pedagogies as co-constructed with early childhood education practitioners in four countries: Finland, England, Estonia and the USA. The paper also seeks to construe high-quality child-initiated pedagogies. The committed practitioners of child-initiated pedagogies were asked to document a week of their in form of pedagogical diary. The data consists of 29 pedagogical diaries, out of which 351 child-initiated episodes were extracted. An abductive content analysis was performed on the data with the help of child-initiated framework consisting of three core components: child as a subject, reciprocal dialogue and emergent curriculum. The results emphasize the active roles of a practitioner in enabling reciprocal dialogue. Child-initiated pedagogies are not restricted by the type of activity, nor solely by child's initiative. High-quality child-initiated episodes show deep commitment and meaningfulness, attained through careful consideration of adult role and structural flexibility.</p

    LapsilÀhtöinen pedagogiikka varhaiskasvattajien kanssa konstruoituna

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    This paper is a showcase of child-initiated pedagogies as co-constructed with early childhood education practitioners in four countries: Finland, England, Estonia and the USA. The paper also seeks to construe high-quality child-initiated pedagogies. The committed practitioners of child-initiated pedagogies were asked to document a week of their in form of pedagogical diary. The data consists of 29 pedagogical diaries, out of which 351 child-initiated episodes were extracted. An abductive content analysis was performed on the data with the help of child-initiated framework consisting of three core components: child as a subject, reciprocal dialogue and emergent curriculum. The results emphasize the active roles of a practitioner in enabling reciprocal dialogue. Child-initiated pedagogies are not restricted by the type of activity, nor solely by child’s initiative. High-quality child-initiated episodes show deep commitment and meaningfulness, attained through careful consideration of adult role and structural flexibility.TĂ€mĂ€ artikkeli esittelee lapsilĂ€htöistĂ€ pedagogiikkaa yhdessĂ€ konstruoituna varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten kanssa. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat lapsilĂ€htöisen pedagogiikan ilmenemismuodot, sekĂ€ laadukas lapsilĂ€htöinen pedagogiikka. Osallistujajoukko koostuu lapsilĂ€htöiseen pedagogiikkaan sitoutuneista kasvattajista Virosta, Englannista, Yhdysvalloista ja Suomesta. Teoriaohjaava sisĂ€llönanalyysi perustuu viikon ajalta kerĂ€tylle 29 pedagogiselle pĂ€ivĂ€kirjalle joista löysimme 351 lapsilĂ€htöistĂ€ episodia. LapsilĂ€htöisen pedagogiikan teoreettinen kehys perustuu kolme ydinkomponentille: lapsi toiminnan subjektina, edestakainen vuorovaikutus sekĂ€ kehkeytyvĂ€ opetussuunnitelma. Aineistossa edestakainen vuorovaikutus perustuu aikuisen aktiiviseen rooliin, jossa lasten elĂ€mismaailmat sekĂ€ intressit kohtaavat. Opettajilla on valmiuksia tarjota sisĂ€ltöjĂ€, mutta erityisesti joustaa toiminnasta opetussuunnitelman kehkeytymiseksi. LapsilĂ€htöisyys ei ole sidottu yksinomaan lapsen aloitteisiin, eikĂ€ yksittĂ€isiin toimintamuotoihin. Laadukkaassa lapsilĂ€htöisessĂ€ pedagogiikassa aikuinen harkitsee rooliaan erityisellĂ€ herkkyydellĂ€ palvellen teoillaan lapsen tilannekohtaisia intressejĂ€

    ‘Maintaining balance and harmony’: Javanese perceptions of health and cardiovascular disease

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    Community intervention programmes to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors within urban communities in developing countries are rare. One possible explanation is the difficulty of designing an intervention that corresponds to the local context and culture
