8 research outputs found

    Measurement of severity of heat stress in sheep

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    Animals show optimum growth, health, and productivity within a range of environmental temperatures. Exposure of the sheep to higher temperature leads to heat stress, which negatively affects their well-being and productivity. In addition to ambient temperature (AT), other climatic factors like humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), and solar radiation (SR) also influence the degree of heat stress in sheep. Further, climate change caused a higher rate of temperature increase in the tropical region. Hence, there is an urgent necessity to develop a simple, reliable, and easy method to assess the degree of heat stress in sheep particularly during summer. In the mid-twentieth century, temperature-humidity index (THI) was introduced to evaluate the severity of summer stress and was extended to dairy animals as a tool to explain the welfare of the animals. Moreover, several THI equations were developed by various scientists based on prevailing AT and RH. However, the main drawback of the THI was that it did not account for other weather parameters like WS and SR, even though they also equally influenced the level of heat stress in animals. Research efforts pertain to establishing a suitable thermal index by incorporating all cardinal weather parameters. With this background, heat load index (HLI) was developed as an alternative to THI relating RH, WS, and black-globe temperature (accounts both AT and SR). The few other modern indices available to assess the severity of heat stress in sheep are black-globe temperature-humidity index (BGTHI), thermal comfort index (TCI), and global comprehension index (GCI). In addition to weather indices, some physiological indices are also used to assess heat stress in sheep. Physiological responses like rectal temperature and respiration rate are considered as good indicators of heat stress in sheep. Moreover, strong correlations between blood parameters like hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and endocrine parameters such as cortisol and thyroid hormones production are well established in sheep. Further, genomics and proteomics tools are providing advanced options to evaluate the adaptation processes of sheep. Some of the genes identified in sheep during heat stress are heat shock protein, heat shock factor-1, thyroid hormone receptor, and prolactin receptor genes. Besides, the identified thermo-tolerant genes could be used as an ideal marker for assessing the level of heat stress and may be further utilized for marker-assisted selection breeding programs to develop superior thermo-tolerant breeds

    Efeito da reabilitação vestibular sobre a qualidade de vida de idosos labirintopatas Vestibular rehabilitation's effect over the quality of life of geriatric patients with labyrinth disease

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    A tontura é um sintoma que acomete a população mundial, sendo observado maior prevalência em idosos devido ao processo de deterioração funcional dos sistemas auditivo e vestibular com o envelhecimento. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar prospectivamente o efeito da Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) como tratamento das labirintopatias de origem vascular e metabólica sobre a qualidade de vida de idosos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O estudo foi delineado como um ensaio clínico prospectivo, longitudinal, com a participação de 40 idosos de ambos os gêneros, divididos em 2 grupos, tontura de origem vascular ou metabólica. Os pacientes passaram por avaliações, orientações e a RV, que se baseou no protocolo de Cawthorne e Cooksey. A análise estatística dos dados foi feita através do teste t-Student e dos coeficientes de Pearson e Spearman. RESULTADOS: Pelas escalas de qualidade de vida utilizadas podemos observar que os aspectos avaliados melhoraram após a Reabilitação Vestibular. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a RV baseada nos protocolos de Cawthorne e Cooksey pode ser utilizada de modo benéfico nesta população.<br>Dizziness is a symptom that affects the population world over, being more prevalent in the elderly due to the process of functional deterioration of the hearing and vestibular systems with aging. AIM: The objective of this study was to evaluate prospectively the effect of Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR) as treatment for labyrinth disease of vascular and metabolic origin in the quality of life of geriatric patients. METHODS: The study was outlined as clinical-prospective, longitudinal, and observed, with the participation of 40 elder citizens of both genders, divided in 2 groups, dizziness of vascular or metabolic origin. The patients were evaluated and underwent VR - based on Cawthorne and Cooksey's protocol. The statistical analysis from the data was done through the t-Student test, the coefficients of Pearson and Spearman. RESULTS: based on quality of life scales showed that the individuals treated and assessed improved after Vestibular Rehabilitation. CONCLUSION: we concluded that VR, based on the protocols of Cawthorne and Cooksey, could be beneficial to this populatio

    Análise da prevalência de entidades coloproctológicas nos pacientes idosos do serviço de coloproctologia de um hospital universitário Analysis of the prevalence of coloproctological conditions elderly patients of the colorectal unit in a university hospital

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    INTRODUÇÃO: projeções mostram que em 2020, os idosos constituirão cerca de 13% da população brasileira. Esta transformação não é apenas demográfica, mas também epidemiológica. Há real necessidade de maior compreensão da prevalência de determinadas doenças na faixa etária geriátrica. OBJETIVO: avaliar queixas e diagnósticos em coloproctologia mais prevalentes na população acima de 60 anos, comparando-os com os de idade inferior. Avaliar o número de idosos encaminhados a procedimentos cirúrgicos, suas comorbidades e analisar as complicações cirúrgicas, comparando-as ao grupo controle. MÉTODO: revisão de prontuários do ambulatório de Coloproctologia do Hospital Universitário Cajuru. Pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: maiores de 60 anos de idade (idosos - grupo I) e menores de 60 anos (controles - grupo II). Os achados foram comparados entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: foram incluídos 1126 pacientes, 19,36% com mais de 60 anos. O número médio de queixas no grupo I foi de 1,21. As queixas mais frequentes nos idosos, com significância estatística foram: dor abdominal, constipação, diarreia e sangue oculto positivo. As doenças mais frequentes no grupo I foram: doença diverticular dos cólons, pólipos colônicos e câncer colorretal. No grupo I 58,36% apresentavam alguma comorbidade. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação às indicações cirúrgicas ou em relação às complicações pós-operatórias. CONCLUSÕES: os pacientes idosos apresentaram maior número médio de doenças diagnosticadas do que o grupo controle. Apresentaram também maior número de queixas colônicas e comorbidades associadas. Não houve diferença entre os dois grupos em relação às indicações cirúrgicas e às complicações pós-operatórias.<br>INTRODUCTION: It is expected that in 2020, elderly people will reach 13% of the Brazilian population. This involves epidemiologic and medical concerns. There is few data in the literature regarding colorectal and anal diseases in this population. OBJECTIVE: to compare data about colorectal and anal conditions in elderly people (older than 60 years) with younger patients, including associated diseases, surgical procedures and complications. METHOD: The charts of the patients of the outpatient colorectal unit were retrospectively reviewed. They were divided in two groups: older than 60 years (group I) and younger than 60 years (controls, group II). RESULTS: 1126 patients were included in this study. 19,36% were older than 60 years. The average number of complaints in the group I was 1,21. Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and positive fecal occult blood test were more frequent in the elderly. Anorectal complaints were more prevalent in the control group. The more prevalent conditions in group I, with statistical significance, were: diverticular disease, colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer. In group I, 58,36% had associated diseases. There was no statistical significance between the groups regarding surgical procedures and complications. CONCLUSIONS: Colonic diseases were more prevalent in the elderly group. They had more associated diseases compared with younger patients. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding surgical treatment and complications