2 research outputs found

    Agroecology in the Brazilian Amazon. A Review

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    Agroecological practices are alternatives for valuing and conserving the biodiversity of the Amazon as well as for integrating family farmers who survive from the exploitation of natural resources in the face of the expansion of large agricultural projects that have advanced in the region. In this respect, the objective of this study was to evaluate the scientific production related to agroecology in the Brazilian Amazon, in order to identify the main research gaps and set the foundations for new studies that will strengthen the debate on and policies to encourage sustainable agriculture. Our methodology was based on a systematic review of the literature using four academic research databases. The studies were published from 2000 to 2019. Through our database research, we obtained 36 articles that focused on agroecology in the Brazilian Amazon. Our results showed a certain level of diversity in terms of the geographic distribution of the municipalities included in the studies analyzed. Additionally, we detected diversity in terms of the dimensions addressed. For instance, reference was made to sustainable production systems based on agroecological principles, with emphasis on agroforestry systems. Additionally, socioeconomic and cultural aspects, such as the valuation of traditional knowledge and the importance of women in rural areas, were analyzed. Thus, the realization of in-depth studies that will analyze the process of agroecological transition with the use of different techniques, such as the statistical treatment of data and geoprocessing, can qualify agricultural production based on the agroecological practices in the Amazon

    Caracterização socioeconômica e ambiental de quintais urbanos em Marituba, estado do Pará

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    O trabalho analisa as características socioeconômicas e ambientais de quintais urbanos no município de Marituba, Região Metropolitana de Belém, estado do Pará. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de 32 questionários, junto aos participantes do projeto Quintais Amazônicos Maritubenses, tecnologia social que desenvolve metodologias, técnicas e produtos em interação com a comunidade, visando inclusão produtiva e transformação social. Entre as famílias entrevistadas, 50% moram no município há mais de 15 anos, 81% são mulheres, o que evidencia o intenso protagonimo feminino no processo produtivo dos quintais. Constatou-se que 62% dos entrevistados possuem mais de 40 anos de idade e 41% possuem ensino médio completo. Espécies frutíferas, plantas medicinais e hortaliças compõem os grupos de plantas mais cultivados nos quintais, com percentuais de ocorrência de 91%, 72% e 72%, respectivamente, destacando-se dentro destes o limão (Citrus aurantiifolia), a pimenta dedo-de-moça (Capsicum baccatum L.) e a hortelã (Mentha spicata L.). A implementação do projeto Quintais Amazônicos Maritubenses, além de proporcionar o incremento na renda por meio da fabricação de subprodutos para comercialização, ampliou o nível de conscientização ambiental das famílias que passaram a reutilizar alguns materiais para a adubação dos quintais urbanos e aplicar defensivos naturais no controle de pragas e doenças das plantas cultivadas