305 research outputs found

    Rich student, happy student: The case study of Croatia

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    This research paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the financial and life satisfaction levels among the youth in Croatia, with a keen focus on understanding the intricate relationship between these two constructs. The primary objective of this study is to assess the significance of individual financial satisfaction as a key predictor of overall happiness and satisfaction levels. By leveraging a robust dataset collected from both university and high-school students in Croatia, and employing rigorous regression analysis techniques, we have uncovered compelling evidence that underscores the substantial influence of financial satisfaction on bolstering one\u27s life satisfaction. Our findings underscore the critical role of improving financial satisfaction and exercising effective control over personal finances in augmenting overall happiness levels. Through a nuanced exploration of these dimensions, this study paves the way for actionable insights and strategies to enhance well-being among the youth in Croatia

    Rich student, happy student: The case study of Croatia

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    This research paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the financial and life satisfaction levels among the youth in Croatia, with a keen focus on understanding the intricate relationship between these two constructs. The primary objective of this study is to assess the significance of individual financial satisfaction as a key predictor of overall happiness and satisfaction levels. By leveraging a robust dataset collected from both university and high-school students in Croatia, and employing rigorous regression analysis techniques, we have uncovered compelling evidence that underscores the substantial influence of financial satisfaction on bolstering one\u27s life satisfaction. Our findings underscore the critical role of improving financial satisfaction and exercising effective control over personal finances in augmenting overall happiness levels. Through a nuanced exploration of these dimensions, this study paves the way for actionable insights and strategies to enhance well-being among the youth in Croatia

    Memorandum of Association as a Legal Transaction on which a Company is Based

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    Raspravlja se druÅ”tveni ugovor kao temeljni konstitutivni akt druÅ”tva. Ističe se da je to pravni posao na kome se temelji druÅ”tvo, a po tome se ono razlikuje od drugih privatnopravnih zajednica osoba. Navodi se da pravni posao na kome se temelji druÅ”tvo može biti usvajanje statuta ili sklapanje druÅ”tvenog ugovora. Taj je pravni posao samo usvajanje statuta kada je riječ o dioničkom druÅ”tvu, kreditnoj uniji i o udruzi pravnoj osobi. Za sva druga druÅ”tva to je ugovor o osnivanju kojeg se naziva druÅ”tvenim ugovorom. Kritizira se zakonodavno rjeÅ”enje po kome je za osnivanje druÅ”tva za uzajamno osiguranje i zadruge potrebno sklopiti ugovor o osnivanju i usvojiti statut, jer nema potrebe da se druÅ”tvo temelji na dva pravna posla, a dvojnost temeljnih konstitutivnih akata druÅ”tva, osim Å”to nepotrebno opterećuje osnivanje, uzrokuje teÅ”koće i stvara pravnu nesigurnost. Iznose se obilježja druÅ”tvenih ugovora pojedinih druÅ”tava i analiziraju temeljna pitanja koja se u vezi s njima postavljaju kao Å”to su sklapanje, sadržaj, tumačenje odredbi, primjena prava, izmjena i dr. Ocjenjuje se njihova podobnost za uređenje odnosa u svakome od tipova druÅ”tava u kome uređuju odnose. Pritom se ukazuje na očitu razliku u zakonodavnom pristupu uređenju druÅ”tvenog ugovora u druÅ”tvima osoba od uređenja druÅ”tvenog ugovora druÅ”tva s ograničenom odgovornoŔću. To se pripisuje razlici gospodarske važnosti tih druÅ”tava. Pritom nije riječ o razlici u broju tih druÅ”tava, nego o njihovu utjecaju na gospodarski život. Ističe se da je temelj za sve druÅ”tvene ugovore druÅ”tava osoba ugovor o ortaÅ”tvu tako da se u njihovu zakonodavnom uređenju, kada su i pravne osobe, poziva na propise kojima se uređuje ortaÅ”tvo (javno trgovačko druÅ”tvo), a kada je riječ o drugim druÅ”tvima osoba pravnim osobama upućuje na podrednu primjenu propisa o javnom trgovačkom druÅ”tvu čime se opet sve temelji na propisima o ortaÅ”tvu. Kada druÅ”tvo osoba nema pravnu osobnost (tajno druÅ”tvo, udruga bez pravne osobnosti) ionako se sve temelji na ortaÅ”tvu, jer je tajno druÅ”tvo varijanta ortaÅ”tva, a takva udruga je ortaÅ”tvo. Navodi se da je pravna narav druÅ”tvenog ugovora određena time Å”to je organizacijski ugovor trajne naravi. Na njega se primjenjuju propisi o odgovarajućem druÅ”tvu i, uz neke izuzetke, propisi kojima se uređuju obvezni odnosi. Ističe se da se druÅ”tveni ugovori u dijelu u kome sadrže materijalne sastojke tumače objektivno kao propis, a kada je riječ o formalnim sastojcima po pravilima za tumačenje ugovora. NaglaÅ”ava se da za izmjenu tog ugovora nije uvijek potrebna suglasnost svih članova druÅ”tva, kao Å”to je to slučaj općenito s ugovorima, nego da se njime a nekada i propisom određuju većine glasova kojima članovi donose odluku o izmjeni ugovora. Zaključuje se da je druÅ”tveni ugovor pogodnije sredstvo za uređenje pitanja od značaja za djelovanje druÅ”tva od statuta zbog veće prilagodljivosti potrebama članova i mogućnosti da se njime uredi veći raspona pitanja u druÅ”tvu i u vezi s njim.In this article a memorandum of association, as a fundamental act of formation of companies, is discussed. It is emphasised that that it is a legal act on which a company is based and that differentiates it from other private law societies. It is stated that a legal act on which a company can be based is either adoption of a statute or conclusion of a memorandum of association. Only adoption of a statute is needed for formation of joint stock companies, credit unions and associations that are legal entities. The formation of all the other companies requires a legal act which is called memorandum of association. A legislative solution that requires both adoption of a statute and conclusion of a memorandum of association for formation of mutual insurance companies and co-operative society is criticised since there is no need for a company to be constituted on the basis of two legal acts, and duality of constitutional acts burdens the formation unnecessarily, produces problems and creates legal insecurity. The author presents features of memorandums of association of certain companies and analyses basic questions related to them, such as conclusion, content, interpretation of their provisions, application of law, modification etc. Their suitability to regulate relations in every type of a company is evaluated. With regard to that, it is indicated that there is a manifest difference in legislative approach to regulation of the memorandum of association in partnerships and companies of limited liability. This is attributed to the difference of their economical importance which does not consist of difference in numbers of those companies, but their influence to the economic life. It is emphasised that the base for all the memorandum of associations of partnerships is the contract of partnership (societas). Within legislative regulation of partnerships, even when we talk about legal persons, provisions on contract of partnership (societas) are referred to, and within regulation of other companies that are legal persons, provisions on general partnerships are referred to. This actually means that everything is based on provisions on contract of partnership (societas). When a partnership has no legal capacity (silent partnership, association with no legal capacity), once again everything is based on societas since the secret company is a type of societas, and such an association is a societas. It is stated that the legal nature of memorandum of association is defined by the fact that it is an organisational contract of permanent nature. Rules on corresponding company are applied to it and, with some exceptions, rules on obligations. It is stressed that memorandums of association, in their part that contains substantive components, are interpreted objectively as acts, and with regard to their formal components, according to rules on interpretation of contracts. It is emphasised that consent of all the members is not always necessary to modify the contract, which is usual for other contracts, but it is prescribed either by the contract or by law which majority of voices is needed. It is concluded that the memorandum of association is a more appropriate mean to regulate questions of importance for functioning of the company due to its greater adjustability to needs of members and its possibility to regulate greater area of questions in the company and regarding the company

    Financijskim obrazovanjem do povećanja znanja o financijama potroÅ”ača adolescenata

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    Purpose ā€“ The aim of this paper was to challenge the purpose of financial education in the context of financial literacy of adolescents, and to test the efficiency of the developed high-school study book and program ā€œMy money, my futureā€. Also, the purpose was to identify the predictors of financial knowledge before conducting the workshop, as well as the characteristics of adolescents with best performances on the financial knowledge test. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The data was collected from a purposive sample of teenagers who participated in ā€œMy money, my futureā€ program from October 2016 to February 2018 and the questionnaire employed was a three-part tool. Findings and implications ā€“ Financial interventions contribute to young peopleā€™s financial knowledge. Interest, previous financial education and ownership of a bank account were found to be valid and reliable predictors of higher levels of knowledge among teenagers. Furthermore, most high school students in the sample reported they had already engaged in saving behaviour, and more than half of them claimed to have bank accounts. Financial knowledge after the workshop was significant compared to their knowledge before the workshop. Greater knowledge before the workshop led to significantly higher levels of knowledge afterwards. Differences in the levels of financial knowledge were also tested with respect to gender. Limitations ā€“ The sample only includes high-school students and the research was conducted exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. Originality ā€“ The paper emphasized the importance of financial education programs in increasing the level of financial literacy and efficiency of future financial decision making among adolescents.Svrha - Cilj je članka istražiti utjecaj financijskog obrazovanja na financijsku pismenost adolescenata i testirati učinkovitost srednjoÅ”kolskog udžbenika i programa ā€žMoj novac, moja budućnostā€œ. Također, svrha je provedenog istraživanja identificirati prediktore financijskog znanja prije radionice, kao i karakteristike mladih s najboljim rezultatima kako bi se dodatno istražila učinkovitost financijskog obrazovanja. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup - Istraživanje je provedeno na adolescentima koji su sudjelovali u radionici ā€žMoj novac, moja budućnostā€œ od listopada 2016. do veljače 2018. godine te je koriÅ”ten upitnik kao instrument istraživanja. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Provedenim istraživanjem zaključeno je kako financijske intervencije pridonose znanju mladih. Kao prediktori veće razine znanja među tinejdžerima navode se interesi, prijaÅ”nje financijsko obrazovanje i vlasniÅ”tvo bankovnog računa. Nadalje, većina srednjoÅ”kolaca u uzorku ima razvijene Å”tedne navike i ponaÅ”anje u kontekstu Å”tednje te ima otvorene račune u bankama. Istraživanje razine financijskog znanja analizirano je u dvije faze, prije i nakon održane radionice (predtest i posttest). Nalazi ukazuju na to kako je financijsko znanje nakon radionice značajno veće od znanja prije sudjelovanja u radionici te kako je veće znanje prije radionice dovelo do znatno veće razine znanja nakon radionice. Razlika u razinama znanja istražena je i s obzirom na spol ispitanika. Ograničenja ā€“ Uzorak uključuje samo učenike srednjih Å”kola, a istraživanje je provedeno isključivo na području Republike Hrvatske. Doprinos ā€“ Članak naglaÅ”ava važnost programa financijskog obrazovanja za unaprjeđenje razine financijske pismenosti i učinkovitosti donoÅ”enja financijskih odluka u budućnosti

    Exploring the impact of family stressors on financial behavior: A study of Croatian youth

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    This paper examines the relationship between family stressors and subsequent financial behavior of young individuals in Croatia. Previous research indicates that family stressors are associated with increased levels of financial stress, resulting in impulsive purchases, risky financial behavior, and increased debt. More specifically, family stressors during youth are shown to significantly affect an individual\u27s financial behavior later in life. Research has shown that youth family stressors, such as poverty, parental divorce, and parental unemployment, can lead to financial stress and affect financial behavior in adulthood. This paper provides an illustrative review of the Family Stress Model (FSM) framework to understand how family stressors influence youngsters in the financial domain. Using regression modeling, we estimate that family stress significantly impacts the financial behavior of young individuals in Croatia. Specifically, the study finds that family stress is negatively associated with responsible financial behavior. These findings have important implications for policymakers and practitioners, particularly those involved in financial education and family support programs, highlighting the need to address family stress as a potential risk factor for poor financial outcomes among young individuals. It is important to recognize the relationship between youth family stressors and financial behavior and work on managing both to improve financial well-being in adulthood
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