4 research outputs found

    Seismic Seiches

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    The 25 October 2018 Mw = 6.7 Zakynthos earthquake (Ionian Sea, Greece): A low-angle fault model based on GNSS data, relocated seismicity, small tsunami and implications for the seismic hazard in the west Hellenic Arc

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    We present a joint analysis of seismological and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data of the seismic sequence that started on October 25, 2018 with a shallow Mw = 6.7 earthquake offshore Zakynthos (Ionian Sea, Greece). The inversion of the GNSS data shows the activation of a N-S striking thrust/oblique-slip fault at the African-Aegean plate interface with a length of ∼26 km, and depth shallower than 15 km. The fault-plane geometry is well constrained by GNSS with a low-dip angle (23°), and dip-direction towards east. This is consistent with the distribution of the relocated aftershocks (1811 events). Our analysis indicates that the October 25, 2018 event ruptured the Hellenic megathrust. This event highlights the high degree of seismic coupling in the western region of the Hellenic Arc. It also highlights the “strong” nature of the subducting slab with the occurrence of “locked” patches under the Ionian seafloor that fail during large, reverse/oblique-slip earthquakes. The latest, shallow seismic events of the western Hellenic arc (1976 Zakynthos, 1997 Strofades, 2018 Zakynthos) point to a sequence of low-angle events along the plate interface with most of co-seismic deformation taken up by the upper (Aegean) plate. The GNSS data also point to a similar pattern between the co-seismic strain release and the long-term (interseismic) strain accumulation along the west Hellenic Arc. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    The July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos Earthquake: Seismic and Geodetic Evidence for an Active North-Dipping Normal Fault at the Western End of the Gulf of Gökova (SE Aegean Sea)

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    On July 20, 2017 22:31 UTC, a strong Mw = 6.6 earthquake occurred at shallow depth between Kos Island (Greece) and Bodrum (Turkey). We derive a co-seismic fault model from joint inversion of geodetic data (GNSS and InSAR) assuming that the earthquake can be modelled by the slip of a rectangular fault buried in an elastic and homogeneous half-space. The GNSS observations constrain well most of the model parameters but do not permit to discriminate between south- and north-dipping planes. However, the interferograms, produced from C-band ESA Sentinel 1 data, give a clear preference to the north-dipping plane. We also map surface motion away from the satellite along the Turkish coast (from Bodrum towards the east) which reached about 17 cm onshore islet Karaada. The best-fit model is obtained with a 37° north-dipping, N283°E striking normal fault, in agreement with the published moment tensor solutions. The resolved slip vector is dominantly normal with a slight component of left-lateral motion (15°). The surface projection of the seismic fault outcrops in the Gökova ridge area, a well-developed bathymetric feature inside the western Gulf of Gökova. Our geodetic model fits the pattern of the shallow, north-dipping aftershocks obtained from rigorous relocation of all available recordings in the region (about 1120 events; relocated mainshock is at 36.955°N, 27.448°E; depth at 9.2 km ± 0.5 km). The relocated aftershocks also indicate clustering at both ends of the rupture and seismicity triggering mainly towards the east and the north, within 2 weeks following the mainshock. We also analysed regional GPS data (interseismic velocities) and obtained an extension rate of 3.2 mm/yr across the Gökova rift, along a direction N165°E. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG