72 research outputs found

    Editorial : A new start for biodiversity in 2010?

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    A new start for biodiversity in 2010?Editorial by Robert BarbaultRead more..

    Recherche fondamentale et pratiques de conservation : un dialogue indispensable

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    It is fashionable, nowadays, to talk about conservation biology, whoever you are, researcher or manager of a protected area. Everybody knows that conservation is a true science, with its specialized journals, its scientific societies and its textbooks. However, the coupling of words "conservation biology" holds two ambiguities: (1) it focusses on science, but a science of action - a "crisis discipline" as written by Michael Soulé; (2) conservation biology is not just biology. Taking into account these two ambiguities leads to a true revolution in the usual thinking about science. In the field of conservation, such an upheaval asks for a dialogue between scientists and wildlife managers for both parts: research obtains more relevance and conservation more efficienc

    Les traits quantitatifs du peuplement des ophidiens

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    The seasonal variations of the biomass of snakes in quadrats in the Lamto savanna have been studied, using hand collecting techniques. 37 species have been encountered in the study area, and an average yearly biomass of 150 g/ha (fresh weight) has been recorded. Seasonal fluctuations in numbers and biomass have been studied in the major habitats (plateau, slopes and low-lyin

    Ecologie de la reproduction et du développement larvaire d’un amphibien déserticole, Bufo pentoni Anderson, 1893, au Sénégal

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    The breeding ecology of Bufo pentoni, a sahelian toad, was studied near Dagana, Senegal, during the 1975 rainy season. Females lay their eggs 24 hours after the first rains, when the temporary ponds are filled. Later on, further laying occur after heavy rains during the three months of the annual rainy season. Embryonic development is very rapid, most tadpoles hatching about 30 hours after laying. The larval period does not last for more than 9-11 days, in field conditions. All tadpoles living in a same pond grow at the same speed, whereas those living in different ponds may grow at different speeds. Such a pattern of development is considered as adaptative to the extreme seasonality and unpredictibility of the Sahelian environment

    Le partage des ressources alimentaires entre les espèces de lézards du désert de Mapimi (Mexique)

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    The diet of several sympatric species of lizards has been studied in the Mapimi desert, Durango, Mexico, in order to eluci date the ways in which resource partitioning is achieved. Despite the optional specialization of the three Cnemidopho rus species (termite eaters) and of Phrynosoma modestum (an ant eater), all these lizards are mostly opportunistic feeders ; their diets are highly diversified and largely overlapping. The larger lizards, which feed upon both large and small prey species, should exert a strong competitive pressure upon smaller lizards which are limited to smaller prey. However, small lizards avoid such a competition either by having a specialized diet (e.g. Phrynosoma modestum) or by living in certain microhabitats (e.g. Cnemidophorus inornatus which is confined to Hilaria mutica communities) . In such an ecosystem, resource partitioning among sympatric lizard species is therefore mostly achieved through microhabitat preferences, and also through different feeding strategies (e.g. the « sit-and-wait » technique versus the « widely foraging » techni que)

    Agriculture et biodiversité. Valoriser les synergies

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    Que sait-on aujourd'hui des impacts, positifs et négatifs, de l’agriculture sur la biodiversité ? Quels services la biodiversité peut-elle apporter à l’agriculture, et à quelle hauteur de performance ? Comment favoriser au champ les synergies entre agriculture et biodiversité ? Quels instruments de politiques publics, économiques et juridiques, faut-il mettre en place pour promouvoir ces interactions ? Ces questions ont mobilisé un groupe pluridisciplinaire d’experts (écologues, agronomes, microbiologistes, spécialistes de santé végétale, économistes, juristes, sociologues), de différentes institutions (Inra, CNRS, IRD, Universités, Ecoles supérieures agronomiques) en France et à l’étrange

    Éditorial : 2010, un nouveau départ pour la biodiversité ? A new start for biodiversity in 2010 ?

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    2010: Un nouveau départ pour la biodiversité?Éditorial de Robert BarbaultLire la suite ..
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