242 research outputs found

    Deeply subducted continental fragments - Part 2: Insight from petrochronology in the central Sesia Zone (western Italian Alps)

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    Subducted continental terranes commonly comprise an assembly of subunits that reflect the different tectono-metamorphic histories they experienced in the subduction zone. Our challenge is to unravel how, when, and in which part of the subduction zone these subunits were juxtaposed. Petrochronology offers powerful tools to decipher pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) histories of metamorphic rocks that preserve a record of several stages of transformation. A major issue is that the driving forces for re-equilibration at high pressure are not well understood. For example, continental granulite terrains subducted to mantle depths frequently show only partial and localized eclogitization. The Sesia Zone (NW Italy) is exceptional because it comprises several continental subunits in which eclogitic rocks predominate and high-pressure (HP) assemblages almost completely replaced the Permian granulite protoliths. This field-based study comprises both main complexes of the Sesia terrane, covering some of the recently recognized tectonic subunits involved in its assembly; hence our data constrain the HP tectonics that formed the Sesia Zone. We used a petrochronological approach consisting of petrographic and microstructural analysis linked with thermodynamic modelling and U–Th–Pb age dating to reconstruct the P–T–t trajectories of these tectonic subunits. Our study documents when and under what conditions re-equilibration took place. Results constrain the main stages of mineral growth and deformation, associated with fluid influx that occurred in the subduction channel. In the Internal Complex (IC), pulses of fluid percolated at eclogite facies conditions between 77 and 55 Ma with the HP conditions reaching  ∼  2 GPa and 600–670 °C. By contrast, the External Complex (EC) records a lower pressure peak of  ∼  0.8 GPa for 500 °C at  ∼  63 Ma. The juxtaposition of the two complexes occurred during exhumation, probably at  ∼  0.8 GPa and 350 °C; the timing is constrained between 46 and 38 Ma. Mean vertical exhumation velocities are constrained between 0.9 and 5.1 mm year−1 for the IC, up to its juxtaposition with the EC. Exhumation to the surface occurred before 32 Ma, as constrained by the overlying Biella Volcanic Suite, at a mean vertical velocity between 1.6 and 4 mm year−1. These findings constrain the processes responsible for the assembly and exhumation of HP continental subunits, thus adding to our understanding of how continental terranes behave during subduction

    Digital data archive of zircon CL-images

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    For the PhD thesis 'Analysis of zircon from deep basement units: Correlation across orogenic cycles in the Southern and Western Alps' by Barbara E. Kunz a large number of zircon CL-images have been obtained. These images are the basis for all textural analysis of zircon as well as selecting suitable measurement spots for LA-ICP-MS analysis

    Upham’s Corner Main Street: Developing Ideas for Promoting Arts and Businesses in Upham’s Corner

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    Dorchester’s Upham’s Corner neighborhood is home to a diverse mix of neighborhood residents, many historical landmarks, and a commercial district. At one point, Upham’s Corner was one of the top five market hubs for New England. It was because of this market history that the Strand Theater was built as a community home, as a community connection, and as a network. UMass Boston’s College of Management undergraduate students have developed ideas for promoting the arts and bringing businesses to the Upham’s Corner neighborhood. Assistant Professor of Marketing, Werner Kunz, coordinated the project with students in his “Services Marketing” class to present ideas to integrate the existing Upham’s Corner community, strengthen the culture, and bring outsiders to the neighborhood. The student team presented their recommendations to Max MacCarthy, executive director of Upham’s Corner Main Street

    Parés pour l’avenir ? La soutenabilité du modèle allemand en question

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    Cet article analyse la façon dont des acteurs économiques allemands voient les défis auxquels leur pays, et plus largement l’Europe, sont confrontés ; mais aussi les risques et les chances qu’ils associent à l’avenir. L’attitude optimiste des personnes interrogées ne signifie cependant pas qu’elles n’ont aucune inquiétude concernant les prochaines années et décennies.Le premier de ces défis, qui est en même temps une particularité allemande, renvoie à la transition démographique – ses conséquences sont loin de se limiter au marché du travail. Les questions liées à l’énergie et à la politique énergétique suivent de très près : le tournant énergétique apparaît comme un projet politique très ambitieux, qui comporte une véritable charge explosive pour la politique intérieure allemande et aura de très importantes conséquences sur la puissance économique du pays. Au-delà, la crise qui touche la zone euro est un sujet de préoccupation pour la plupart des acteurs économiques, qui souvent s’interrogent sur la pérennité et la poursuite de l’intégration européenne.In diesem Artikel wird untersucht, welche Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken wirtschaftliche Akteure aus Deutschland für ihr eigenes Land und für Europa identifizieren. Die Befragten blicken eher optimistisch in die Zukunft. Allerdings sind sie auch nicht frei von Zukunftssorgen. Herausforderung Nummer eins für Deutschland sei der demografische Wandel – und das über die arbeitsmarktpolitische Dimension hinaus. Es folgen die Bereiche Energie und Energiepolitik: Die Energiewende gilt als extrem ehrgeiziges Projekt mit großer innenpolitischer Sprengkraft und potenziell erheblichen Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaftskraft der Bundesrepublik. Darüber hinaus trieben die Eurokrise und ihre vielfältigen Auswirkungen die Gesprächspartner genauso um wie die eher grundsätzliche Frage nach dem Erhalt und der weiteren Ausgestaltung der europäischen Integration

    Neenaki režimi mobilnosti in radikalno izobraževanje odraslih v času neoliberalizma

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    Andragoška spoznanja se v tokratni številki ukvarjajo s sodobnim pomenom temeljev radikalnega izobraževanja odraslih ter obstoječih in nastajajočih prostorov in iniciativ radikalnega izobraževanja odraslih, katerih skupni cilj je kritično proučiti sodobne neenakosti, ki jih ustvarjajo neoliberalne politike migracij in neenaki režimi mobilnosti, ter se boriti proti njim. Prispevki se osredotočajo na pobude, ki vključujejo elemente radikalnega izobraževanja v najširšem smislu in ki jih (so)oblikujejo migranti in begunci ter druge skupine, obravnavane kot migrantske ali manjšinske, ter na pobude, katerih cilj je progresivno poseganje v realnost, ki jo raziskujejo prispevki

    Unequal Mobility Regimes and Radical Adult Education in Neoliberal Times

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    This special issue brings together contributions that explore the contemporary relevance of radical adult education foundations and existing and emerging radical adult education spaces and initiatives, which share an aim to critically examine and mobilise against today’s unequal neoliberal migration and mobility regimes. The contributions focus on initiatives that have radical educational components in the broadest sense, are (co-)developed by migrants, refugees, and other migrantised and minoritized people, and which aim at a progressive intervention in the realities under investigation

    In die Zukunft gedacht: Französische und deutsche Unternehmer blicken auf das Jahr 2025

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    Als direkte Folge der Krise ist das Thema Wirtschaft in aller Munde. Im Laufe der Wahlkämpfe oder im Zuge der Verhandlungen zwischen den europäischen Ländern, zum Beispiel über die Hilfe für Griechenland oder die Organisation der Bankenunion, ist immer wieder von Staatsschulden, Strukturreformen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit die Rede. So haben sich die Bürger an eine Sprache gewöhnt, mit der Dinge bezeichnet werden, die für die meisten Menschen bislang jenseits der eigenen Lebenswelt lagen. Die Meinungen der Politiker, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Intellektuellen sind hinlänglich bekannt und die nationalen Unterschiede in ökonomischen Fragen ausführlich diskutiert. Weitgehend unbekannt sind hingegen die Erwartungen der Unternehmer und Manager - obwohl sie es doch sind, die beim Thema "Wirtschaft" mit am direktesten betroffen sind. Diese Erkenntnis stellt den Ausgangspunkt dieser Studie dar. Ihr Sinn und Zweck besteht darin, zu untersuchen, welche Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken wirtschaftliche Akteure für ihr eigenes Land und für Europa identifizieren

    From dementia mindsets to emotions and behaviors:Predicting person-centered care in care professionals

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    Background and Objective: High-quality care standards for dementia care are increasingly based on person-centered care principles. To better understand facilitating factors of person-centered care this research focuses on individual characteristics of care professionals. Applying mindset theory to dementia care, we examined dementia mindsets (viewing dementia symptoms as either malleable or fixed) in care professionals. We tested whether there is a positive relationship between a malleable dementia mindset and person-centered care as well as a negative relationship between a fixed dementia mindset and person-centered care. Moreover, we examined whether care professionals’ emotional responses in care situations help explain associations between dementia mindsets and person-centered care. Research Design and Method: In two cross-sectional studies, care professionals of long-term care facilities (total N = 370) completed a measure of dementia mindsets and reported their emotional and behavioral responses to five care scenarios. Regression and mediation analyses were performed. Findings: The tested hypotheses were partially supported. A fixed dementia mindset predicted reported person-centered care negatively, while a malleable dementia mindset did not. Mediation analyses suggest that reduced negative emotions may underlie the association between a malleable mindset and reported person-centered care, while reduced positive emotions in care situations may underlie the association of a fixed mindset and reported person-centered care. Study 2 partially replicated these findings. A fixed mindset and positive emotional responses were the most robust predictors of reported person-centered care. Discussion and Implications: This study extends knowledge on facilitators (positive emotional responses to care situations) and barriers (fixed dementia mindset) to person-centered care in care professionals working with persons with dementia. We discuss how dementia mindsets and emotional responses to care situations may be a fruitful target for trainings for care professionals

    Dementia as fixed or malleable:Development and validation of the dementia mindset scale

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    Background and Objectives Care professionals differ in how they experience and respond to dementia caregiving. To explain such differences, we developed a new measure: the Dementia Mindset Scale. This scale captures the extent to which care professionals view dementia as stable and fixed (akin to the biomedical perspective) or as flexible and malleable (akin to the person-centered approach). Research Design and Methods We conducted four studies to develop the scale. We tested items for comprehensibility, assessed the scale’s factorial structure and psychometric properties, and investigated its predictive validity for care professionals’ well-being. Results A new scale with a two-factor structure—distinguishing a malleable dementia mindset from a fixed dementia mindset—was developed. Results showed good convergent and divergent validity. Moreover, the dementia mindsets predicted aspects of job-related well-being in care professionals. Discussion and Implications The scale allows for the assessment of individual differences in how care professionals see dementia. This insight can be used to improve interventions aimed at enhancing care professionals’ well-being and quality of care

    The scid mouse as an experimental model for the evaluation of anti-Pneumocystis carinii therapy

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    The usefulness of scid mice bearing endogenous Pneumocystis carinii infection as a model for experimental chemotherapy was examined using standard compounds known to be effective against P. carinii. Trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole was able to reduce pulmonary P. carinii cysts in a dose-dependent manner within the dose range studied (10/50 to 100/500 TMP/SMX mg/kg/d, bd, po, 5 days per week for 30 treatments). However, alterations in associated symptoms of infection (reduced body weight, increased lung weight, increased blood leucocytes and erythrocytes), was apparently not linearly dose-dependent. Blood and lung lavage fluid levels of sulphamethoxazole one hour post administration of trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole was dose-dependent, but not linear with dose, andwas apparently correlated to cyst reduction; trimethoprim was below the limit of detection at this time. Treatment of micewith 100/500 mg/kg/day trimethoprim/ sulphamethoxazole required 2 weeks (bd for 10 days of treatment) before changes in indices of infection became significant. Pentamidine (20 mg/kg, sc, three times per week for 3 weeks) was nearly as effective as high-dose trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole in reducing cysts, whereas lower doses were ineffective. Despite being unable to reduce pulmonary P. carinii infection, even low doses of pentamidine (6 or 2mg/kg, sc, three times per week for 3 weeks) were able to reduce lung weights and blood leucocyte levels. This model of pulmonary P. carinii infections is amenable to chemotherapeutic intervention in an apparently dose-dependent fashion, and can be used to evaluate the capacity of compounds to eradicate P. carinii and resolve signs of infectio