42 research outputs found

    External mechanical perturbations challenge postural stability in dogs

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    This study aimed to explore the effect of external mechanical perturbations on postural stability (PS) in dogs using the body center of pressure (COP). Thirteen sound adult dogs were included in this study. PS was tested during quiet standing on a pressure measurement plate. The conditions included a standard standing measurement and external mechanical perturbations conducted using six settings on a motorized training platform with different intensities of speed and amplitude. Measurement conditions were compared using linear mixed-effects models, followed by multiple comparisons using Sidak’s alpha correction procedure. Compared with the standing measurement, external mechanical perturbations resulted in a significant increase in almost all COP parameters, indicating a challenge for the PS. Furthermore, an increase in amplitude had a greater effect than an increase in speed, whereas the combination of the highest intensities of amplitude and speed was not well tolerated by the dogs. The mediolateral COP displacement was significantly greater than the craniocaudal COP displacement during standing measurement and conditions with a small amplitude, whereas no significant difference was observed during settings with an increased amplitude. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the effects of a balance training device in dogs. Therefore, the intensity of the training programs on motorized platforms or similar devices can be controlled by the wobbling amplitude of the platform

    Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy

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    State of the Art and Future Prospects of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Veterinary Medicine: A Systematic Review

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    Virtual reality and augmented reality are new but rapidly expanding topics in medicine. In virtual reality, users are immersed in a three-dimensional environment, whereas in augmented reality, computer-generated images are superimposed on the real world. Despite advances in human medicine, the number of published articles in veterinary medicine is low. These cutting-edge technologies can be used in combination with existing methods in veterinary medicine to achieve diagnostic/therapeutic and educational goals. The purpose of our review was to evaluate studies for their use of virtual reality and augmented reality in veterinary medicine, as well as human medicine with animal trials, to report results and the state of the art. We collected all of the articles we included in our review by screening the Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science databases. Of the 24 included studies, 11 and 13 articles belonged to virtual reality and augmented reality, respectively. Based on these articles, we determined that using these technologies has a positive impact on the scientific output of students and residents, can reduce training costs, and can be used in training/educational programs. Furthermore, using these tools can promote ethical standards. We reported the absence of standard operation protocols and equipment costs as study limitations

    The effects of Kinesio Taping on the trajectory of the forelimb and the muscle activity of the Musculus brachiocephalicus and the Musculus extensor carpi radialis in horses.

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of Kinesio Taping on the trajectory of the forelimb and the muscle activity of the M. brachiocephalicus and the M. extensor carpi radialis in horses. 19 horses and ponies of different breeds (body weight: 496±117 kg), gender (8 mares, 10 geldings and 3 stallions) and ages (14.9±6.9 years old) were analysed without Kinesio Tape ("no tape"), with Kinesio Tape (muscle facilitation application on both muscles of both sides, "with tape") and immediately after Kinesio Taping ("post tape") through kinematic motion analysis and surface electromyography on a treadmill at the walk (speed: 1.5±0.1 m/s) and trot (speed: 3.1±0.3 m/s).The results of the surface electromyography (maximum muscle activity at the walk and trot) and the kinematic motion analysis (maximum stride length and maximum height of the forelimbs flight arc at the walk and trot) showed that there were no significant differences between "no tape", "with tape" and "post tape".To sum up, Kinesio Taping on the M. brachiocephalicus and the M. extensor carpi radialis does not affect (in a positive or negative manner) the trajectory of the forelimb or the muscle activity of the M. brachiocephalicus and the M. extensor carpi radialis in horses

    Effect of multiple use and sterilization on sealing performance of bipolar vessel sealing devices.

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    BackgroundAdvanced bipolar vessel sealing devices are widely used in human and veterinary medicine to reduce the operation time and intraoperative blood loss. Because most devices are made for a single use, their application is cost intensive. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of multiple uses and sterilization on the performance of bipolar vessel sealing devices.MethodsThe burst pressure of sealed porcine renal arteries was compared between the disposable devices "LigaSure"(Valleylab) and "Caiman"(Braun Vetcare) and the reuseable device "MarSeal"(KLS Martin). Additionally, the influence of the sterilization process was investigated, and the sealing time, number of cutting activations and tissue sticking were noted.ResultsThe disposable devices showed reliable performances over multiple activations and sterilization cycles, except for one Caiman device. Seals created with all devices achieved supra-physiologic burst pressures, with the highest pressure measured in a cycle using a MarSeal device.DiscussionDuring 25 activations with and without intermittent sterilization, no correlation was found between increasing seal numbers and decreasing burst pressure. However, the number of cycles in our study was limited to five.ConclusionFor limited numbers of cycles and sterilization procedures, seals created with the disposable vessel sealing devices LigaSure and Caiman achieved burst pressures comparaable to those produced with the reuseable MarSeal

    Evaluation of the Femoral and Tibial Alignments in Dogs: A Systematic Review

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    The assessment of limb conformations in veterinary orthopedics is a significant tool used to determine the quantitative degree of limb malalignments. As in human medicine, various studies have been undertaken in veterinary medicine to determine the values in different dog breeds and to determine the values in healthy and diseased dogs. The objectives of this systematic review were to evaluate the reported values in these articles separately, to compile the standard values, and to compare the values between dogs with and without various orthopedic diseases. All of the articles included in this systematic review were collected by screening the Scopus, PubMed/Medline, and Web of Science databases. The articles were evaluated according to the measured alignments, imaging methods, dog breeds, and the health status of the dogs. Each alignment was investigated separately, and the results are summarized. Twenty-nine studies were included in this systematic review. According to the studies, in the frontal plane, distal femoral alignments, as well as proximal and distal tibial alignments, corresponded to the severity of the medial patellar luxation. The difference between affected and non-affected dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease was limited to the proximal tibial alignments in the sagittal plane

    Evaluation of a pressure plate for detection of hind limb lameness in cats.

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    Detection of lameness in cats can be very time-consuming and frustrating. Feline studies have shown that the success of treatment can be evaluated by measurement of the ground reaction force (GRF). However, the possibility of multiple limb involvement or the presence of a compensatory mechanism has not been investigated. Furthermore, there has been no research in cats on possible differences in GRFs between those with stifle problems and those with hip problems, as reported in dogs. In this study, we compared temporospatial parameters and GRFs in 20 lame cats after femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO) or stifle disease to those in 15 healthy cats. An orthopedic examination was performed in all cats and radiographs were obtained to confirm the disease. GRFs, including peak vertical force (PFz), vertical impulse (IFz), time to PFz, and temporospatial parameters, including step length, paw contact area, and stance phase duration, were calculated. We also calculated the symmetry index (SI) in the forelimbs and hind limbs. The GRFs were normalized to total force (% TF). We found that the IFz (% TF) and PFz (% TF) were lower in the affected limb than in the other limbs in the lame cats. When the lame cats were compared with the sound cats, this difference was only significant for IFz (% TF). The SI values for the PFz and IFz were significantly higher in the hind limbs than in the forelimbs in the lame cats group but there was no difference in the SI according to whether the problem was in the hip or stifle. There were also differences in stance phase duration and paw contact area in both the forelimbs and hind limbs between the sound group and the lame group. There was no difference in PFZ (% TF) or IFZ (% TF) in the affected limb between the lame cats with stifle and those after FHO; however, there were changes in time to PFz and step length. In conclusion, mild to moderate lameness can be detected and measured in cats using pressure plates. The compensatory mechanisms in cats at a walk appear to involve shifting the weight to the other three legs without favoring either the contralateral or the diagonal limb

    Influence of Two Types of Guide Harnesses on Ground Reaction Forces and Step Length of Guide Dogs for the Blind

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    Few studies exist addressing the effects of guide dog harnesses on dogs biomechanics. The aim of this study was to investigate how two different harness types affect ground reaction forces and stride length. Twelve certified guide dogs were tested under different conditions: walking with a collar and leash, walking with the harness used daily (Norwegian type with straight handle) and walking with a Y-harness using a straight or a curved handle. The parameters studied included maximum vertical force, vertical impulse and stride length. Compared to walking with a collar and leash, none of the harnesses, when used with a leash, had an effect on the evaluated parameters. However, both harnesses, when used with a handle and under re-enactment of the lead work, showed clear effects on the impulse. Stride length was shortened if the Y-harness with handles was used. Future studies should focus on the type of attachment of the harness, as well as the angle of attachment, which is altered by the size of the handler. The development of individually adapted harnesses in order to subject these animals to as little stress as possible during their daily work should be one of the future areas of research