2,796 research outputs found

    Flipped SU(5), see-saw scale physics and degenerate vacua

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    We investigate the requirement of the existence of two degenerate vacua of the effective potential as a function of the Weinberg-Salam Higgs scalar field norm, as suggested by the multiple point principle, in an extension of the Standard Model including see-saw scale physics. Results are presented from an investigation of an extension of the Standard Model to the gauge symmetry group SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)'\times \tilde U(1), where two groups U(1)' and \tilde U(1) originate at the see-saw scale M_{SS}, when heavy (right-handed) neutrinos appear. The consequent unification of the group SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)' into the flipped SU(5) at the GUT scale leads to the group SU(5)\times \tilde U(1). We assume the position of the second minimum of the effective potential coincides with the fundamental scale, here taken to be the GUT scale. We solve the renormalization group equations in the one-loop approximation and obtain a top-quark mass of 171\pm 3 GeV and a Higgs mass of 129\pm 4 GeV, in the case when the Yukawa couplings of the neutrinos are less than half that of the top quark at the GUT scale.Comment: 12 pages and 3 Figures; Presented at 'Planck 05' conference, ICT

    Effect of the Pauli principle on photoelectron spin transport in p+p^+ GaAs

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    In p+ GaAs thin films, the effect of photoelectron degeneracy on spin transport is investigated theoretically and experimentally by imaging the spin polarization profile as a function of distance from a tightly-focussed light excitation spot. Under degeneracy of the electron gas (high concentration, low temperature), a dip at the center of the polarization profile appears with a polarization maximum at a distance of about 2  μm2 \; \mu m from the center. This counterintuitive result reveals that photoelectron diffusion depends on spin, as a direct consequence of the Pauli principle. This causes a concentration dependence of the spin stiffness while the spin dependence of the mobility is found to be weak in doped material. The various effects which can modify spin transport in a degenerate electron gas under local laser excitation are considered. A comparison of the data with a numerical solution of the coupled diffusion equations reveals that ambipolar coupling with holes increases the steady-state photo-electron density at the excitation spot and therefore the amplitude of the degeneracy-induced polarization dip. Thermoelectric currrents are predicted to depend on spin under degeneracy (spin Soret currents), but these currents are negligible except at very high excitation power where they play a relatively small role. Coulomb spin drag and bandgap renormalization are negligible due to electrostatic screening by the hole gas

    Implications of the ALEPH tau-Lepton Decay Data for Perturbative and Non-Perturbative QCD

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    We use ALEPH data on hadronic τ\tau decays in order to calculate Euclidean coordinate space correlation functions in the vector and axial-vector channels. The linear combination VAV-A receives no perturbative contribution and is quantitatively reproduced by the instanton liquid model. In the case of V+AV+A the instanton calculation is in good agreement with the data once perturbative corrections are included. These corrections clearly show the evolution of αs\alpha_s. We also analyze the range of validity of the Operator Product Expansion (OPE). In the VAV-A channel we find a dimension d=6d=6 contribution which is comparable to the original SVZ estimate, but the instanton model provides a different non-singular term of the same magnitude. In the V+AV+A case both the OPE and the instanton model predict the same d=4d=4 power correction induced by the gluon condensate, but it is masked by much larger perturbative contributions. We conclude that the range of validity of the OPE is limited to x\lsim0.3 fm, whereas the instanton model describes the data over the entire range.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Radiative quantum efficiency in an InAs/AlSb intersubband transition

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    The quantum efficiency of an electroluminescent intersubband emitter based on InAs/AlSb has been measured as a function of the magnetic field up to 20T. Two series of oscillations periodic in 1/B are observed, corresponding to the elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons of the upper state of the radiative transitions. Experimental results are accurately reproduced by a calculation of the excited state lifetime as a function of the applied magnetic field. The interpretation of these data gives an exact measure of the relative weight of the scattering mechanisms and allows the extraction of material parameters such as the energy dependent electron effective mass and the optical phonon energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Unusual Higgs or Supersymmetry from Natural Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    This review provides an elementary discussion of electroweak symmetry breaking in the minimal and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric models with the focus on the fine-tuning problem -- the tension between natural electroweak symmetry breaking and the direct search limit on the Higgs boson mass. Two generic solutions of the fine-tuning problem are discussed in detail: models with unusual Higgs decays; and models with unusual pattern of soft supersymmetry breaking parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; invited review by MPL

    A gobal fit to the anomalous magnetic moment, b->s gamma and Higgs limits in the constrained MSSM

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    New data on the anomalous magnetic moment a_mu of the muon together with the b->s gamma decay rate are considered within the supergravity inspired constrained minimal supersymmetric model. We perform a global statistical chi^2 analysis of these data and show that the allowed region of parameter space is bounded from below by the Higgs limit, which depends on the trilinear coupling and from above by the anomalous magnetic moment a_mu. The newest b->s gamma data deviate 1.7 sigma from recent SM calculations and prefer a similar parameter region as the 2.6 sigma deviation from a_mu.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs. Refs. update

    The F-Landscape: Dynamically Determining the Multiverse

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    We evolve our Multiverse Blueprints to characterize our local neighborhood of the String Landscape and the Multiverse of plausible string, M- and F-theory vacua. Building upon the tripodal foundations of i) the Flipped SU(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT), ii) extra TeV-Scale vector-like multiplets derived out of F-theory, and iii) the dynamics of No-Scale Supergravity, together dubbed No-Scale F-SU(5), we demonstrate the existence of a continuous family of solutions which might adeptly describe the dynamics of distinctive universes. This Multiverse landscape of F-SU(5) solutions, which we shall refer to as the F-Landscape, accommodates a subset of universes compatible with the presently known experimental uncertainties of our own universe. We show that by secondarily minimizing the minimum of the scalar Higgs potential of each solution within the F-Landscape, a continuous hypervolume of distinct minimum minimorum can be engineered which comprise a regional dominion of universes, with our own universe cast as the bellwether. We conjecture that an experimental signal at the LHC of the No-Scale F-SU(5) framework's applicability to our own universe might sensibly be extrapolated as corroborating evidence for the role of string, M- and F-theory as a master theory of the Multiverse, with No-Scale supergravity as a crucial and pervasive reinforcing structure.Comment: 15 Pages, 7 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Determining the Sign of the Z-Penguin Amplitude

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    We point out that the precision measurements of the pseudo observables R_b^0, A_b, and A_FB^0,b performed at LEP and SLC suggest that in models with minimal-flavor-violation the sign of the Z-penguin amplitude is identical to the one present in the standard model. We determine the allowed range for the non-standard contribution to the Inami-Lim function C and show by analyzing possible scenarios with positive and negative interference of standard model and new physics contributions, that the derived bound holds in each given case. Finally, we derive lower and upper limits for the branching ratios of K^+ -> pi^+ nu nubar, K_L -> pi^0 nu nubar, K_L -> mu^+ mu^-, B -> X_d,s nu nubar, and B_d,s -> mu^+ mu^- within constrained minimal-flavor-violation making use of the wealth of available data collected at the Z-pole.Comment: 20 pages, 5 pdf figures, 5 tables, uses pdflatex; further typos corrected, matches PRD versio