18 research outputs found

    Editorial: Advanced materials modeling combining model order reduction and data science

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    Editorial on the Research Topic: Advanced materials modeling combining model order reduction and data science. Materials modeling has always been a challenging issue..

    Computational vamedecum of the coupled mechanical/thermal behavior of composite materials during ultrasonic welding

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    Aiming faster and more reliable end products, the composite material in- dustry is nowadays an active research topic. Innovative composite forming processes are actively designed and tested. For example, ultrasonic welding of composite thermoplastic materials is being investigated, since it shows many advantages over classical methods. In fact, energy directors allow a preferential heating of the manufactured part through the propagation of mechanical waves in a composite laminate, without including any foreign material in the welded region. However, ultrasonic welding of composite materi- als is not mastered yet because of the coupled and complex behavior of such materials. Thus, simulation of ultrasonic heating becomes compulsory for understanding the complex multi-physics coupled problem. In this work, we propose to model the ultrasonic welding process using a dynamic vis- coelastic model in the frequency domain. Later on, this model is coupled to the transient heat equation, giving the temperature field as well as the heat flux in the simulated part. However, the result depends on the chosen experimental and material parameters such as the thickness of the part, its viscosity, its modulus of elasticity, the imposed frequency and displacement... Which makes the optimization of the process a tricky issue requiring a new set of solutions of the problem for each choice of the process parameters. Using the proper generalized decomposition (PGD), along with a coupled viscoelas- tic/thermal model, where all the parameters mentioned above are included as extra co- ordinates of the problem, appears to be a suitable solution for the optimization problem. Moreover, the PGD multidimensional solution considering all the process parameters as extra coordinates is obtained within a realistic timeframe. In fact, by using the PGD, we alleviate the curse of dimensionality since the PGD performs a separation of variables which reduces the problem dimensionality [1]. The result is therefore a computational vademecum that can be used to explore in real time the solution of the problem for any choice of the process parameters, speeding up its optimization [2]

    Application to microwave composites processing

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    Microwave (MW) technology relies on volumetric heating, where thermal energy is induced from an electromagnetic field. Nowadays, the main drawback of this technology is that the complex physics involved in the conversion of electromagnetic energy into thermal energy is not entirely understood and controlled. The main objective of this work is to model, simulate and validate the interactions of microwaves with a composite laminate consisting of a stack of unidirectional layers composed of a resin matrix and carbon fibers, to predict its heating. Once validated, this simulation tool will serve to predict, control and optimize composites forming processes.This work was partially done in the framework of the Simutool H2020 Project. The authors would like to thank Jasmin Stein from TWI (UK) for the thermal measurements done in the microwave oven, and Remi Chauveau from Loiretech (France) for the tooling and experimental set up

    On the Proper Generalized Decomposition applied to microwave processes involving multilayered components

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    Many electrical and structural components are constituted of a stacking of multiple thin layers with different electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal properties. When 3D descriptions become compulsory the approximation of the fields along the thickness direction could involve thousands of nodes. To circumvent the numerical difficulties that such a rich description imply, we recently propose an in-plane–out-of-plane separated representation with the aim of computing fully 3D solutions as a sequence of 2D problems defined in the plane and others (1D) in the thickness. The main contribution of the present work is the proposal of an efficient in-plane–out-of-plane separated representation of the double-curl formulation of Maxwell equations able to address thin-layer laminates while ensuring the continuity and discontinuity of the tangential and normal electric field components respectively at the plies interfac

    Wavelet-based multiscale proper generalized decomposition

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    Separated representations at the heart of Proper Generalized Decomposition are constructed incrementally by minimizing the problem residual. However, the modes involved in the resulting decomposition do not exhibit a clear multi-scale character. In order to recover a multi-scale description of the solution within a separated representation framework, we study the use of wavelets for approximating the functions involved in the separated representation of the solution. We will prove that such an approach allows separating the different scales as well as taking profit from its multi-resolution behavior for defining adaptive strategies

    Tape surfaces characterization with persistence images

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    The aim of this paper is to leverage the main surface topological descriptors to classify tape surface profiles, through the modelling of the evolution of the degree of intimate contact along the consolidation of pre-impregnated preforms associated to a composite forming process. It is well-known at an experimental level that the consolidation degree strongly depends on the surface characteristics (roughness). In particular, same process parameters applied to di erent surfaces produce very di erent degrees of intimate contact. It allows us to think that the surface topology plays an important role along this process. However, solving the physics-based models for simulating the roughness squeezing occurring at the tapes interface represents a computational e ort incompatible with online process control purposes. An alternative approach consists of taking a population of di erent tapes, with di erent surfaces, and simulating the consolidation for evaluating for each one the progression of the degree of intimate contact –DIC– while compressing the heated tapes, until reaching its final value at the end of the compression. The final goal is creating a regression able to assign a final value of the DIC to any surface, enabling online process control. The main issue of such an approach is the rough surface description, that is, the most precise and compact way of describing it from some appropriate parameters easy to extract experimentally, to be included in the just referred regression. In the present paper we consider a novel, powerful and very promising technique based on the topological data analysis –TDA– that considers an adequate metrics to describe, compare and classify rough surfaces

    On the effective conductivity and the apparent viscosity of a thin rough polymer interface using PGD‐based separated representations

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    Composite manufacturing processes usually proceed from preimpregnated preforms that are consolidated by simultaneously applying heat and pressure, so as to ensure a perfect contact compulsory for making molecular diffusion possible. However, in practice, the contact is rarely perfect. This results in a rough interface where air could remain entrapped, thus affecting the effective thermal conductivity. Moreover, the interfacial melted polymer is squeezed flowing in the rough gap created by the fibers located on the prepreg surfaces. Because of the typical dimensions of a composite prepreg, with thickness orders of magnitude smaller than its other in-plane dimensions, and its surface roughness having a characteristic size orders of magnitude smaller than the prepreg thickness, high-fidelity numerical simulations for elucidating the impact of surface and interface roughness remain today, despite the impressive advances in computational availabilities, unattainable. This work aims at elucidating roughness impact on heat conduction and the effective viscosity of the interfacial polymer squeeze flow by using an advanced numerical strategy able to reach resolutions never attained until now, a sort of numerical microscope able to attain the scale of the smallest geometrical detail

    Empowering Design Based on Hybrid TwinTM: Application to Acoustic Resonators

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    In the framework of civil aviation noise levels are becoming restricted every year, on one hand to provide comfort to the passengers and on the other hand to be compliant with regulations protecting airports surroundings. New technologies are required to reduce noise to cope with this restrictions as well as to guarantee a comfortable flight for passengers. For technological industries it is compulsory to stay competitive and keep improving the technology related to air intake acoustic liners. With an unceasingly growing market, for industries it is key to stay in the vanguard of air inlet technologies, ensuring innovation and establishing a proactive environment for future product generations. One of the main objectives in this framework is the reduction of the development time of these new technologies in all the stages of the process. In this work we focus on the design stage of a new prototype and we propose a hybrid technique enabling faster design and the reduction of development time. When designing new technologies or prototypes there are usually two constraints. On one hand, more innovative prototypes may present unconventional shapes are not accurately represented by conventional physical models. On the other hand, the available data is scarce, thus limiting the use of most innovative techniques based on the state-of-art of Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we propose a solution laying in the hybrid twin paradigm, combining both, data in the low limit and physics to provide a hybrid model able to represent unconventional and innovative acoustic solutions

    On the High-Resolution Discretization of the Maxwell Equations in a Composite Tape and the Heating Effects Induced by the Dielectric Losses

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    Electromagnetic field propagation inside composite materials represents a challenge where fiber-scale simulation remains intractable using classical simulation methods. The present work proposes an original 3D simulation with a mesh resolution fine enough to resolve the fiber scale, thanks to the use of Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD)-based space decomposition, which avoids the necessity of considering homogenized properties and considers the richest description of the involved physics from the solution of the Maxwell equations. This high-resolution simulation enables comparing the electromagnetic field propagation in a composite part, depending on the considered frequency and the fiber’s/wave polarization’s relative orientation. The electromagnetic fields are then post-processed to identify the heat generation terms and- the resulting induced thermal field. The results prove the ability of the PGD-based discretization to attain extremely high levels of resolution, the equivalent of 1010 finite-element degrees of freedom. The obtained results show an enhanced wave penetration when the electric field polarization coincides with the fiber orientation. On the contrary, when the electric field is polarized along the normal to the fiber orientation, both the penetration and the associated heating reduce significantly, compromising the use of homogenized models, rendering them unable to reproduce the observed behaviors

    Wavelet-based multiscale proper generalized decomposition

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    International audienceSeparated representations at the heart of Proper Generalized Decomposition are constructed incrementally by minimizing the problem residual. However, the modes involved in the resulting decomposition do not exhibit a clear multi-scale character. In order to recover a multi-scale description of the solution within a separated representation framework, we study the use of wavelets for approximating the functions involved in the separated representation of the solution. We will prove that such an approach allows separating the different scales as well as taking profit from its multi-resolution behavior for defining adaptive strategies