13 research outputs found

    Отдаленные результаты межслойной кератопластики в хирургической коррекции миопии и астигматизма высокой степени

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    The Department of eye diseases and ophthalmology of Peoples' Friendship University of Russian has devised a method of the interlamellar circular, tunnel and sectoral keratoplasty for surgical correction of myopia and astigmatism of high degrees. In this article we have analyzed the results of our method. In total 140 operations were performed on 99 patients with follow-up period up to 13 years. 443 alloimplants were transplanted into the layers of the cornea and in 96.83% of cases (429 implants) transparent engraftment of the implants was achieved. Interlamellar keratoplasty is applied for correction of high myopia from 8.5 diopters up to 17.0 diopters; simple, complex myopic and mixed astigmatism from 3.5 diopters up to 9.5 diopters. The significant advantages of the interlamellar keratoplasty are: small trauma, lack of deep incisions of the cornea, the intact optical center of the cornea 6,0 mm, controllability of the refractive effect by replacing of alloimplants or their complete removal, if it is necessary, without any consequences for cornea.На кафедре глазных болезней и офтальмологии ФПКМР Российского университета дружбы народов для хирургической коррекции миопии и астигматизма высоких степеней разработана методика межслойной кольцевой, тоннельной и секторальной кератопластики. Проведен анализ результатов ее применения у пациентов с различными нарушениями рефракции. Всего произведено 140 операций у 99 больных со сроком наблюдения до 13 лет. В слои роговицы пересажено 443 аллоимплантатов и в 96,83% случаях (429 имплантата) получено прозрачное приживление. Межслойная кератопластика применена с целью коррекции миопии высокой степени - от 8,5 дптр. до 17,0 дптр; простого, сложного миопического и смешанного астигматизма - степенью от 3,5 дптр. до 9,5 дптр. Существенными преимуществами данных рефракционных операций являются отсутствие глубоких надрезов на роговице, широкий оптический центр, а также управляемость рефракционным эффектом в послеоперационном периоде путем замены имплантатов или при необходимости их полного удаления без особых последствий для роговицы

    Анализ клинической эффективности и безопасности препарата CERAXON® при первичной открытоугольной глаукоме

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    35 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) with unstabilized clinical course and normalized intraocular pressure were treated. All patients were divided into subgroups: 8 patients - with the Ist stage of POAG, 12 - with the IInd and 15 with stage III-IV. Patients were examined with clinical-ophthalmologic and instrumental methods. After the treatment by CERAXON® an improvement of visual functions were noted, accompanied by significant positive dynamics of perimetric and morphometric characteristics: average light sensitivity and defect, dispersion, average thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer. During the treatment by CERAXON® there wasn't any case of side effects, demanding drug withdrawal or change of therapeutic regimen.Пролечено 35 больных с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой с нестабилизированным течением и нормализованным офтальмотонусом. Все пациенты были разделены на подгруппы: 8 больных - I стадии ПОУГ, 12 - II стадией ПОУГ и 15 человек с III-IV стадией ПОУГ. Пациентам проводили клинико - офтальмологическое и инструментальное обследование. На фоне лечения препаратом CERAXON® отмечалось улучшение зрительных функций, сопровождавшееся достоверной положительной динамикой периметрических и морфометрических показателей: средней световой чувствительности, среднего дефекта, дисперсии, средней толщины слоя нервных волокон сетчатки. Ни у одного из больных в ходе лечения препаратом CERAXON® не зарегистрировано побочных эффектов, потребовавших отмены или изменения терапевтической схемы

    The possible use of reclination in current surgery of cataract (Russian)

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    In a clinical case series (36 cases), it was shown that the operation of reclination is feasible in cases where extraction of the cataract is contraindicated. Patients with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental disorders, diseases of the blood, lack of corneal sensitivity, and earlier loss of one eye because of neuroparalytic keratitis following extraction of a cataract, etc. were operated upon. After reclination, the visual acuity was from 0.7 to 1.0 in 24 patients, 0.5 in 6 patients and below 0.5 in 6 patients. Observation periods ranged up to 1 yr 6 mth

    The possible use of reclination in current surgery of cataract (Russian)

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    In a clinical case series (36 cases), it was shown that the operation of reclination is feasible in cases where extraction of the cataract is contraindicated. Patients with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental disorders, diseases of the blood, lack of corneal sensitivity, and earlier loss of one eye because of neuroparalytic keratitis following extraction of a cataract, etc. were operated upon. After reclination, the visual acuity was from 0.7 to 1.0 in 24 patients, 0.5 in 6 patients and below 0.5 in 6 patients. Observation periods ranged up to 1 yr 6 mth

    Modern aspects of surgical treatment of myopia [Sovremennye aspekty khirurgicheskogo lecheniia miopii.]

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    Problems in complex surgical treatment of myopia are discussed. Extensive clinical data and long follow-up of the patients permitted the authors to develop a well-based system of care which helps not only arrest the progress of myopia, but correct it within a rather wide range. The pathogenesis of tissue process in progressive myopia is discussed basing on the regularities revealed experimentally. The main modern operations on the cornea and sclera are described. Data on the inter-layer transplantation of the cornea, developed at the Chair of Ophthalmic Diseases of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship are presented