26 research outputs found

    K-Ras prenylation as a potential anticancer target

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    KRAS is one of the most commonly mutated oncogene and a negative predictive factor for a number of targeted therapies. Therefore, the development of targeting strategies against mutant KRAS is urgently needed. One potential strategy involves disruption of K-Ras membrane localization, which is necessary for its proper function. In this review, we summarize the current data about the importance of membrane-anchorage of K-Ras and provide a critical evaluation of this targeting paradigm focusing mainly on prenylation inhibition. Additionally, we performed a RAS mutation-specific analysis of prenylation-related drug sensitivity data from a publicly available database (https://depmap.org/repurposing/) of three classes of prenylation inhibitors: statins, N-bisphosphonates, and farnesyl-transferase inhibitors. We observed significant differences in sensitivity to N-bisphosphonates and farnesyl-transferase inhibitors depending on KRAS mutational status and tissue of origin. These observations emphasize the importance of factors affecting efficacy of prenylation inhibition, like distinct features of different KRAS mutations, tissue-specific mutational patterns, K-Ras turnover, and changes in regulation of prenylation process. Finally, we enlist the factors that might be responsible for the large discrepancy between the outcomes in preclinical and clinical studies including methodological pitfalls, the incomplete understanding of K-Ras protein turnover, and the variation of KRAS dependency in KRAS mutant tumors

    A stroma szerepe a tumorok kialakulásában és progressziójában

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    Absztrakt Az elmúlt évtizedben egyre nagyobb figyelem helyeződött arra, hogy rákos megbetegedések során a tumorok nem csupán a kórosan osztódó, mutációkat hordozó sejtekből állnak, hanem valójában komplex „szövetnek” tekinthetők. Ugyanis a folyamatban elengedhetetlenül fontos szerepet játszanak a tumorsejteket körülvevő egyéb szöveti sejtek is, hiszen segítő mikrokörnyezet nélkül a tumor nem lenne képes kialakulni és fejlődni. A következő rövid összefoglaló bemutatja, hogyan befolyásolják a stromasejtek a tumor kialakulását, fejlődését, milyen szerepet játszik a gyulladás a tumor progressziójában, miként segíthetik a hypoxiás állapotok feloldására formálódó új erezet kialakulását a tumorban jellemzően jelen lévő egészséges testi sejtek. Bemutatásra kerülnek azok a főbb mechanizmusok is, amelyek során a stromasejtek segítségével a rákos sejtek elkerülik az immunrendszer tumorpusztító hatásait. A stroma rendkívül komplexen hozzájárul a daganatos sejtek invazív magatartásához, intravasatiójához és az áttétképzéshez. Végezetül szó esik néhány lehetséges terápiás lehetőségről, amelyek a stromát, annak tumorsegítő mechanizmusait célozva hatékony megoldást jelenthetnek a rákos megbetegedésekkel szemben. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(45), 1816–1823

    Roles Played by the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger and Hypothermia in the Prevention of Ischemia-Induced Carrier-Mediated Efflux of Catecholamines into the Extracellular Space: Implications for Stroke Therapy

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    The release of [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) and [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) in acutely perfused rat striatal and cortical slice preparations was measured at 37 °C and 17 °C under ischemic conditions. The ischemia was simulated by the removal of oxygen and glucose from the Krebs solution. At 37 °C, resting release rates in response to ischemia were increased; in contrast, at 17 °C, resting release rates were significantly reduced, or resting release was completely prevented. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ further increased the release rates of [3H]DA and [3H]NA induced by ischemic conditions. This finding indicated that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), working in reverse in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, fails to trigger the influx of Ca2+ in exchange for Na+ and fails to counteract ischemia by further increasing the intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i). KB-R7943, an inhibitor of NCX, significantly reduced the cytoplasmic resting release rate of catecholamines under ischemic conditions and under conditions where Ca2+ was removed. Hypothermia inhibited the excessive release of [3H]DA in response to ischemia, even in the absence of Ca2+. These findings further indicate that the NCX plays an important role in maintaining a high [Na+]i, a condition that may lead to the reversal of monoamine transporter functions; this effect consequently leads to the excessive cytoplasmic tonic release of monoamines and the reversal of the NCX. Using HPLC combined with scintillation spectrometry, hypothermia, which enhances the stimulation-evoked release of DA, was found to inhibit the efflux of toxic DA metabolites, such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL). In slices prepared from human cortical brain tissue removed during elective neurosurgery, the uptake and release values for [3H]NA did not differ from those measured at 37 °C in slices that were previously maintained under hypoxic conditions at 8 °C for 20 h. This result indicates that hypothermia preserves the functions of the transport and release mechanisms, even under hypoxic conditions. Oxidative stress (H2O2), a mediator of ischemic brain injury enhanced the striatal resting release of [3H]DA and its toxic metabolites (DOPAL, quinone). The study supports our earlier findings that during ischemia transmitters are released from the cytoplasm. In addition, the major findings of this study that hypothermia of brain slice preparations prevents the extracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]o)-independent non-vesicular transmitter release induced by ischemic insults, inhibiting Na+/Cl--dependent membrane transport of monoamines and their toxic metabolites into the extracellular space, where they can exert toxic effects

    Pan-RAF and MEK vertical inhibition enhances therapeutic response in non-V600 BRAF mutant cells

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, there are no available targeted therapy options for non-V600 BRAF mutated tumors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of RAF and MEK concurrent inhibition on tumor growth, migration, signaling and apoptosis induction in preclinical models of non-V600 BRAF mutant tumor cell lines. METHODS: Six BRAF mutated human tumor cell lines CRL5885 (G466 V), WM3629 (D594G), WM3670 (G469E), MDAMB231 (G464 V), CRL5922 (L597 V) and A375 (V600E as control) were investigated. Pan-RAF inhibitor (sorafenib or AZ628) and MEK inhibitor (selumetinib) or their combination were used in in vitro viability, video microscopy, immunoblot, cell cycle and TUNEL assays. The in vivo effects of the drugs were assessed in an orthotopic NSG mouse breast cancer model. RESULTS: All cell lines showed a significant growth inhibition with synergism in the sorafenib/AZ628 and selumetinib combination. Combination treatment resulted in higher Erk1/2 inhibition and in increased induction of apoptosis when compared to single agent treatments. However, single selumetinib treatment could cause adverse therapeutic effects, like increased cell migration in certain cells, selumetinib and sorafenib combination treatment lowered migratory capacity in all the cell lines. Importantly, combination resulted in significantly increased tumor growth inhibition in orthotropic xenografts of MDAMB231 cells when compared to sorafenib - but not to selumetinib - treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggests that combined blocking of RAF and MEK may achieve increased therapeutic response in non-V600 BRAF mutant tumors

    Semantic intelligent space for ambient assisted living

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    Today, the research field of assisted living technologies is becoming more and more important. In this paper, an intelligent space framework is going to be presented which can be applied as a framework for assisted living. There are two beneficial properties which can improve the performance of the presented framework. The first is the use of semantic information which increases the flexibility and the autonomy of the framework so that it maximizes the collaboration possibilities between the entities of the intelligent space. The second is the relation to cognitive info-communications which makes it possible to use not only conventional channels in user interaction, but other alternative channels as well, i.e. to represent the user as a complex source and drain of several kinds of information. In this paper, it is described how these properties of the framework can be adopted in this special application field. © 2012 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing