159 research outputs found

    Unusual microwave response and bulk conductivity of very thin fese0.3te0.7 films as a function of temperature

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    Results of X-band microwave surface impedance measurements of FeSe1-xTex very thin film are reported. The effective surface resistance shows appearance of peak at T less and near Tc when plotted as function of temperature. The authors suggests that the most well-reasoned explanation can be based on the idea of the changing orientation of the microwave magnetic field at a SN phase transition near the surface of a very thin film. The magnetic penetration depth exhibits a power-law behavior of delta lambda proportional to T with an exponent n = 2.4 at low temperatures, which is noticeably higher than in the published results on FeSe1-xTexsingle crystal. However the temperature dependence of the superfluid conductivity remains very different from the behavior described by the BCS theory. Experimental results are fitted very well by a two-gap model with delta1/kTc=0.43 and delta2/kTc=1.22,thus supporting s(+-)- wave symmetry. The rapid increase of the quasiparticle scattering time is obtained from the microwave impedance measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Practical significance of the features of lithogenesis of ureatic stones in residents of the developed industrial region, patients with urial stone disease

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    Urolithiasis is one of the oldest diseases known to medicine; however, the mechanisms of stone formation and development remain largely unclear. Physico-chemical, biological and biochemical processes that occur during the formation of urinary stones, determine the peculiarities of their composition and structure, as evidenced by modern methods of analysis: spectral, X-ray, polarization, optical, immersion, infrared spectrometry and others [1,2]. But it was determined that knowledge of the chemical composition and structure of urinary stones does not improve their destruction [3]. Urolithiasis, a complex multifactorial disease, results from an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Epidemiological studies have shown that urolithiasis is associated with a number of lifestyle-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. Syndrome [4, 5, 6]. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying the formation of urinary stones will allow the development of new prophylactic agents. For the development of new modern methods of mechanical destruction of urinary stones, data on the structure of urinary stones, which primarily determines their physical properties, are of particular importance. An example is the fact that graphite and diamond have the same mineral composition (carbon), but the strength of each of them can’t be compared: one - fragile, the other - the hardest [7, 8]. Introduction. Purpose of the study — to reveal the specific features of the ontogenesis of uroliths from the nirks of the Meshkants in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which are related to the structure and morphology of these dentures. Follow-up methods. For the purpose of the work, a sequential analysis of the morphology of more than 246 urologists from the inhabitants of the Dnipropetrovsk region was carried out, and a detailed analysis of their petrographic studies was carried out. Rozmіri dolzhenyh kamenіv vіd 5 mm to 67 mm dozhiny, vіd 4 mm to 54 mm lintels, vіd 3 mm to 31 mm tovshchina. Okremі kamenі bіlshі rozіru. The shape of the stones was varied. The morphology of uroliths was studied with the help of a stereoscopic binocular microscope MBS-9. Microscopic examination of sections of uroliths in Vikonan with the help of an optical polarizing microscope MIN-8

    Problemfragen der nephroptose-behandlungstaktik

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    The basic stages of methodology hiding construction of semantic structure of images are expounded in decoded proof systems on the base of 2-D polyadic presentation as a result of decoding on the by mistake neat grounds of DPN elements, being based on: forming of the official information system on the base of dynamic ranges of DPN elements; models of avalanche relating effect in the process of images reconstruction in combined crypto semantic systems on a base poliadic presentations.Рассмотрены основные этапы построения методологии скрытия семантической структуры изображений в устойчивых системах на базе двумерного полиадического представления в результате декодирования по ошибке подобранных основаниях элементов ДПЧ, основанный на: формировании системы служебных данных на базе динамических диапазонов элементов ДПЧ; модели лавинно-связывающего эффекта в процессе реконструкции изображений в комбинированных криптосемантических системах на базе полиадического представления.Розглянуто основні етапи побудови методології скриття семантичної структури зображень у стійких системах на базі двовимірного поліадичного уявлення в результаті декодування по помилково підібраних підставах елементів ДПЧ, що базується на: формуванні системи службових даних на базі динамічних діапазонів елементів ДПЧ; моделі лавино-зв’язувального ефекту в процесі реконструкції зображень у комбінованих криптосемантичних системах на базі поліадичного уявлення

    The practical significance of preliminary study of the chemical scale, structure and strength of urinary stones for choosing a rational method of their destruction

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    For the development of new modern methods of mechanical destruction of urinary stones, data on the structure of urinary stones, which primarily determines their physical properties, are of particular importance. An example can be the fact that graphite and diamond have the same mineral composition (carbon), but the strength of each of them cannot be compared: one is fragile, the other is the hardest. The goal of the work — to improve the quality of destruction of uroliths from the kidneys of residents of the Dnipropetrovsk region, primarily related to the preliminary study of the structure, morphology and strength of these formations. Research methods. To carry out the work, a comparative analysis of the morphology of more than 246 renal uroliths of residents of the Dnipropetrovsk region was carried out and their petrographic study was performed

    Medical and sociological problems of cryptorchism

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    The problem of cryptorchidism is still of great medical and sociological importance. Normally, at the birth of a full-term boy, the testicles should be in the scrotum. One of the most common malformations is cryptorchidism. It occurs in 30% of newborns, 2-4% of boys aged 1 year, and 1.8-2% - up to 15 years. In adults, the incidence of cryptorchidism reaches 0.18-8%. Over the last 15 years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of cases of this malformation, but the reasons for this have not yet been established

    Practical significance of chemical composition, structure and strength of urinary stones for choosing a rational method of their destruction

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    The article is devoted to the search for a rational choice of a destructive method of treating patients with urolithiasis. The practical value of the preliminary study of the chemical composition, structure and texture, as well as the density of uroliths on the quality of using a destructive method of their treatment is determined. Features of the structure of uroliths determine their strength, which requires an individual choice of lithotripsy and maximum preservation of kidney function in the postoperative period. Determining the individual characteristics of the chemical composition and texture of uroliths will be useful in determining further metaphylactic measures for each patient

    Signification pratique des caractéristiques de la composition et de la structure des pierres d'urée chez les résidents de la région industrielle développée

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    Introduction. Les processus physico-chimiques, biologiques et biochimiques qui se produisent lors de la formation des calculs urinaires déterminent les particularités de leur composition et de leur structure, comme en témoignent les méthodes d'analyse modernes: spectrale, rayons X, polarisation, optique, immersion, spectrométrie infrarouge et autres . Mais il a été déterminé que la connaissance de la composition chimique et de la structure des calculs urinaires n'améliore pas leur destruction. Pour le développement de nouvelles méthodes modernes de destruction mécanique des calculs urinaires, les données sur la structure des calculs urinaires, qui déterminent principalement leurs propriétés physiques, revêtent une importance particulière. Un exemple est le fait que le graphite et le diamant ont la même composition minérale (carbone), mais la force de chacun d'eux ne peut être comparée: l'une - fragile, l'autre - la plus dure. le but du travail - identifier certaines caractéristiques de l'ontogenèse des urolithes des reins des habitants de la région de Dnipropetrovsk, principalement liées à la structure et à la morphologie de ces formations. Méthodes de recherche. Pour effectuer le travail, une analyse comparative de la morphologie de plus de 246 urolithes rénaux de la région de Dnipropetrovsk a été réalisée et leur étude pétrographique a été réalisée

    Tactiques individuellement adaptées du traitement de la néphroptose

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    La néphroptose est une condition de mobilité pathologique du rein, qui transmet sa mobilité physiologique au repos et avec les changements de position du corps humain. Synonyme du nom de la maladie - rein pathologiquement mobile. Elle peut être unilatérale ou bilatérale. Le problème principal et le plus difficile de la néphroptose est de déterminer le type de traitement approprié. À l'heure actuelle, selon les protocoles de traitement, une approche méthodologique de l'élimination progressive de cette pathologie a été établie. Cependant, en urologie, cette maladie a de nombreux points de vue contradictoires sur la fourniture de soins efficaces aux patients atteints de néphroptose. La néphroptose s'accompagne de troubles urodynamiques, qui comprennent le phénomène de dilatation des voies urinaires supérieures, la présence d'une infection secondaire, l'allongement de l'os vasculaire du rein avec le développement ultérieur d'une hypoxie et ses conséquences sur le parenchyme rénal. Il existe de nombreuses causes d'insuffisance rénale. Les antécédents héréditaires, les traumatismes, la perte de poids et la diminution de la pression intra-abdominale n'expliquent pas complètement les causes de l'insuffisance rénale, mais contribuent à la néphroptose. Les caractéristiques anatomiques de la structure de la forme du corps masculin et féminin expliquent le fait que la néphroptose est plus fréquente chez les femmes (en particulier bilatérales) que chez les hommes

    Evolutionary aspects of "click hole" in medicine students and their integration in higher education

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    The work is devoted development research «clip thinking» at medical students at various grade levels. The comparative analysis by results of poll of students and doctors-interns is carried out. It is noticed that «the clip thinking» influences reception of the information in the course of training. This circumstance should be considered at drawing up of curriculums and preparation for employment. Key words