7 research outputs found

    Evolutionary aspects of ”click hole” in medicine students and their integration in higher education

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    The work is devoted development research «clip thinking» at medical students at various grade levels. The comparative analysis by results of poll of students and doctors-interns is carried out. It is noticed that «the clip thinking» influences reception of the information in the course of training. This circumstance should be considered at drawing up of curriculums and preparation for employment

    Evolutional changes in modern thinking in medical students and their integration in higher medical education

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    The work is devoted development research «clip thinking» at medical students at various grade levels. The comparative analysis by results of poll of students and doctors-interns is carried out. It is noticed that «the clip thinking» influences reception of the information in the course of training. Positive dynamics of evolutionary changes in “clip thinking” among middle and senior students is noted. This circumstance should be considered at drawing up of curriculums and preparation for employment

    Urology (methodical elaborations of practical classes for students): textbook edition, second edition, supplemented and redone

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    In edition textbook modern approaches to organization of education process, preparation of materials of methodical provision of practical classes and organization of students’ self-study training are elucidated. Textbook edition has practical direction, intended for students of higher medical institutions

    Manuel de formation au module 1 "Chirurgie abdominale d'urgence et proctologie (avec contrôle électronique de l'acquisition des compétences pratiques)"

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    La formation du master de médecine qualifié - médecin de pratique générale est la tâche principale de l’établissement d’enseignement supérieur médical, et donc un enseignement approprié de la chirurgie dans l’ensemble du complexe d’autres disciplines créera des conditions pourpratique médicale de qualité à l’avenir, qui devrait répondre aux exigences suivantes : la disponibilité de spécialistes formés, l’utilisation optimale des ressources, la minimisation du risque pour les patients à l’application des technologies médicales et la satisfaction des patients à partir du contact avec la communauté médicale. Étant donné qu'en premier lieu dans cette liste se trouve le niveau de qualification du spécialiste, il est clair qu'il est nécessaire d'améliorer la qualité de la formation des médecins à l'établissement d’enseignement supérieur, qui vise à la mise en œuvre du processus éducatif du système de modules de crédit . La principale orientation dans la formation d'un médecin, qui stimulera l'étudiant à améliorer l'étude, sera un changement dans le vecteur d'évaluation dans le contrôle des connaissances à partir des indicateurs volumétriques existants (des notes d’appréciation d’après les tests et examens) à la gestion et au contrôle de la qualité de l'étude au cours de l'année académique à chaque leçon pratique, suivant le schéma unifié créé avec la participation de manuels, de manuels d’études et de recommandations méthodologiques élaborés. Les tâches de l'activité professionnelle d'un médecin généraliste déterminent les principales exigences en matière de connaissances et de compétences pratiques pour un diplômé d'un établissement d'enseignement supérieur de niveau III-IV d'accréditation: séquence méthodique ciblée d'actions pour interroger le patient, effectuer un examen physique, justifier un diagnostic préalable, déterminer l'algorithme des méthodes auxiliaires de recherche avec l'analyse des résultats obtenus, la réalisation d'un diagnostic différentiel, la formation d'un diagnostic clinique, la construction d'un programme de traitement et sa mise en œuvre. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de restructurer le processus éducatif, y compris l'enseignement de la chirurgie, pour obtenir un effet positif dans la formation des médecins, ce qui, à notre avis, est l'objet de ce manuel

    Study guide for independent training of students to practical classes in surgery. Module 1 “Urgent abdominal surgery and proctology (with electronic control of practical skills’ assimilation)”

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    Training a qualified master of medicine or a general practitioner is the main case of higher medical education, and therefore proper teaching of surgery in a range of other disciplines will create conditions for quality medical practice in the future, which must meet the following requirements: trained professionals, optimal use of resources, minimization risk to patients with the use of medical technology and satisfaction of the patient from contact with the medical community. Considering that in the first place in this list there is the level of qualification of the specialist, it is clear to figure out the need to improve the quality of training of doctors in the school, which is aimed at the implementation of the educational process of a credit-module system. The main direction in the preparation of the doctor, which will stimulate the student to improve learning, will be to change the assessment vector in the control of knowledge from existing volume indicators (assessments according to tests and exams) to manage and control the quality of education during the school year at each practical lesson, schemes with the involvement of developed textbooks, manuals, and guidelines. The cases of the general practitioner's professional activity determine the main requirements for the amount of knowledge and practical skills for a graduate of a higher educational institution of III-IV level of accreditation: purposeful methodical sequence of actions for interviewing a patient, performing a physical examination, conducting differential diagnosis, forming a clinical diagnosis, building a treatment program and its implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to restructure the educational process, including the teaching of surgery, to achieve a positive effect in the training of physicians, which, in our opinion, is the purpose of this manual

    Investigation of models of unilateral pathological processes of breach of local renal blood flow in order to determine changes in the status of the contralateral kidney: immunomorphological aspects

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    Background. Morphology of compensatory-adaptive changes and their dynamics in a single remained kidney are still not clarified. Therefore, the study of renal parenchyma lesions in rat models of the most common pathological states has a great practical importance. Objective. To investigate the models of unilateral pathological processes of breach of local renal blood flow (ischemia, infringement of urodynamics) in order to determine changes in the status of the contralateral kidney. Methods. In the experiment on white Wistar rats permanent ischemia was modeled by a fixed bending left kidney artery (15 individuals – group A), acute infringement of urodynamics was modeled by a fixed crossing of the left ureter kidney ( 4 individuals – group B) and both pathological conditions were simulated (5 individuals – group C). Kidneys of 10 relatively healthy rats were used as a control. The primary monoclonal antibodies for CD3 and SMA (TermoScientific, USA) were used. Results. The main pathological manifestations in the contralateral right "healthy" kidneys was in degenerative changes in epithelial tubule cells, foci of edema and sclerosis around large vessels, interstitial and perivascular inflammatory infiltrates containing CD3+ T-cells (for A II – 10,3±1,2, for B II – 11,9±1,1, for C II – 10,9±0,8). It differs significantly from the control group (p<0,05), where CD3+ T-lymphocytes occurred as single cells of interstitium. Conclusions. Unilateral damage of the kidney due to experimental ischemia, or infringement of urodynamics, or both pathological conditions, affecting local renal blood flow, results in pathological changes in the contralateral "healthy" kidney prior to the nephrectomy and suggests the importance of its medicament support. Citation: Stus VP, Barannik KS, Shponka IS, Poslavska ОV. [Investigation of models of unilateral pathological processes of breach of local renal blood flow in order to determine changes in the status of the contralateral kidney: immunomorphological aspects]. Morphologia. 2014;8(4):43-50. Ukrainian