39 research outputs found

    Genome reorganization of the GmSHMT gene family in soybean showed a lack of functional redundancy in resistance to soybean cyst nematode

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    In soybeans, eighteen members constitute the serine hydroxymethyltransferase (GmSHMT) gene family, of which the cytosolic-targeted GmSHMT08c member has been reported to mediate resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN). This work presents a comprehensive study of the SHMT gene family members, including synteny, phylogeny, subcellular localizations, haplotypes, protein homology modeling, mutational, and expression analyses. Phylogenetic analysis showed that SHMT genes are divided into four classes refecting their subcellular distribution (cytosol, nucleus, mitochondrion, and chloroplast). Subcellular localization of selected GmSHMT members supports their in-silico predictions and phylogenetic distribution. Expression and functional analyses showed that GmSHMT genes display many overlapping, but some divergent responses during SCN infection. Furthermore, mutational analysis reveals that all isolated EMS mutants that lose their resistance to SCN carry missense and nonsense mutations at the GmSHMT08c, but none of the Gmshmt08c mutants carried mutations in the other GmSHMT genes. Haplotype clustering analysis using the whole genome resequencing data from a collection of 106 diverse soybean germplams (15X) was performed to identify allelic variants and haplotypes within the GmSHMT gene family. Interestingly, only the cytosolic-localized GmSHMT08c presented SNP clusters that were associated with SCN resistance, supporting our mutational analysis. Although eight GmSHMT members respond to the nematode infestation, functional and mutational analysis has shown the absence of functional redundancy in resistance to SCN. Structural analysis and protein homology modeling showed the presence of spontaneous mutations at important residues within the GmSHMT proteins, suggesting the presence of altered enzyme activities based on substrate afnities. Due to the accumulation of mutations during the evolution of the soybean genome, the other GmSHMT members have undergone neofunctionalization and subfunctionalization events

    Characterization of the Soluble NSF Attachment Protein gene family identifies two members involved in additive resistance to a plant pathogen

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    Proteins with Tetratricopeptide-repeat (TPR) domains are encoded by large gene families and distributed in all plant lineages. This study aims to characterize a subfamily of TPR containing proteins named Soluble NSF-Attachment Protein (GmSNAP), of which GmSNAP18 has been reported to mediate resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN). This study uses a population of recombinant inbred lines from resistant and susceptible parents to analyse SNAP gene family divergence over time. Five members constitute the soybean SNAP gene family: GmSNAP18, GmSNAP11, GmSNAP14, GmSNAP02, and GmSNAP09. Phylogenetic analysis of genes from 22 diverse plant species showed that SNAP genes were distributed in six monophyletic clades corresponding to the different plant lineages. SNAP genes were duplicated and derived from a common ancestor and unique gene still present in chlorophytic algae. This hypothesis is supported by the conservation of the four TPR motifs in all species, including ancestral lineages. Syntenic analysis of regions harbouring GmSNAP genes reveals that this family arose from segmental and tandem duplications following a tetraploidization event. qRT-PCR analysis of GmSNAP genes indicates a co-regulation following SCN infection. Genetic analysis demonstrates that GmSNAP11 contributes to an additive resistance to SCN. Thus, GmSNAP11 was identified as a novel minor gene conferring resistance to SCN

    The cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene family in Populus: phylogeny, organization, and expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lignin is a phenolic heteropolymer in secondary cell walls that plays a major role in the development of plants and their defense against pathogens. The biosynthesis of monolignols, which represent the main component of lignin involves many enzymes. The cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) is a key enzyme in lignin biosynthesis as it catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of monolignols. The CAD gene family has been studied in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa </it>and partially in <it>Populus</it>. This is the first comprehensive study on the CAD gene family in woody plants including genome organization, gene structure, phylogeny across land plant lineages, and expression profiling in <it>Populus</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The phylogenetic analyses showed that CAD genes fall into three main classes (clades), one of which is represented by CAD sequences from gymnosperms and angiosperms. The other two clades are represented by sequences only from angiosperms. All <it>Populus </it>CAD genes, except <it>PoptrCAD 4 </it>are distributed in Class II and Class III. CAD genes associated with xylem development (<it>PoptrCAD 4 and PoptrCAD 10</it>) belong to Class I and Class II. Most of the CAD genes are physically distributed on duplicated blocks and are still in conserved locations on the homeologous duplicated blocks. Promoter analysis of CAD genes revealed several motifs involved in gene expression modulation under various biological and physiological processes. The CAD genes showed different expression patterns in poplar with only two genes preferentially expressed in xylem tissues during lignin biosynthesis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The phylogeny of CAD genes suggests that the radiation of this gene family may have occurred in the early ancestry of angiosperms. Gene distribution on the chromosomes of <it>Populus </it>showed that both large scale and tandem duplications contributed significantly to the CAD gene family expansion. The duplication of several CAD genes seems to be associated with a genome duplication event that happened in the ancestor of <it>Salicaceae</it>. Phylogenetic analyses associated with expression profiling and results from previous studies suggest that CAD genes involved in wood development belong to Class I and Class II. The other CAD genes from Class II and Class III may function in plant tissues under biotic stresses. The conservation of most duplicated CAD genes, the differential distribution of motifs in their promoter regions, and the divergence of their expression profiles in various tissues of <it>Populus </it>plants indicate that genes in the CAD family have evolved tissue-specialized expression profiles and may have divergent functions.</p

    Extensive Duplication and Reshuffling in the Arabidopsis Genome

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    Genetic Analysis of Root and Shoot Traits in the ‘Essex’ By ‘Forrest’ Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) Population of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]

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    Crop productivity is severely reduced by water deficit and drought in many plant species including soybean. Improved root and shoot traits can contribute to drought tolerance ability of the plant. This research was conducted to identify QTL that underlie several root and shoot traits in the ‘Essex’ by ‘Forrest’ (ExF RILs, n=94) recombinant inbred line (RIL) soybean population. Field collected samples were used for gathering phenotypic data of basal root thickness (BRT), lateral root number (LRN), maximum root length (MRL), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry weight (RDW), shoot fresh weight (SFW), shoot dry weight (SDW), and calculating RFW/SFW, and RDW/SDW ratios. All traits and ratios were compared against DNA markers using the composite interval mapping (CIM). A total of 12 QTL: 3 for MRL, 1 QTL for LRN, 1 QTL for BRT, 2 QTL for RFW, 2 QTL for RDW, 4 QTL for SFW, 3 QTL for SDW, and 3 QTL for SFW/SDW were identified and mapped on different linkage groups (LGs) A2, B2, C2, D1a, F, G, and N. The LOD scores of these QTL ranged from 2.5 to 6.0. No QTL were associated with RFW/RDW. The root and shoot trait QTL of this study may benefit breeding programs for producing cultivars tolerant to water deficit and high yield. Preliminary analyses of genes the QTL regions using GO annotation gave insight into genes that may underlie some of these QTLs

    Genome wide identification of chilling responsive microRNAs in Prunus persica

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs (sRNAs) approximately 21 nucleotides in length that negatively control gene expression by cleaving or inhibiting the translation of target gene transcripts. Within this context, miRNAs and siRNAs are coming to the forefront as molecular mediators of gene regulation in plant responses to annual temperature cycling and cold stress. For this reason, we chose to identify and characterize the conserved and non-conserved miRNA component of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) focusing our efforts on both the recently released whole genome sequence of peach and sRNA transcriptome sequences from two tissues representing non-dormant leaves and dormant leaf buds. Conserved and non-conserved miRNAs, and their targets were identified. These sRNA resources were used to identify cold-responsive miRNAs whose gene targets co-localize with previously described QTLs for chilling requirement (CR). RESULTS: Analysis of 21 million peach sRNA reads allowed us to identify 157 and 230 conserved and non-conserved miRNA sequences. Among the non-conserved miRNAs, we identified 205 that seem to be specific to peach. Comparative genome analysis between peach and Arabidopsis showed that conserved miRNA families, with the exception of miR5021, are similar in size. Sixteen of these conserved miRNA families are deeply rooted in land plant phylogeny as they are present in mosses and/or lycophytes. Within the other conserved miRNA families, five families (miR1446, miR473, miR479, miR3629, and miR3627) were reported only in tree species (Populustrichocarpa, Citrus trifolia, and Prunus persica). Expression analysis identified several up-regulated or down-regulated miRNAs in winter buds versus young leaves. A search of the peach proteome allowed the prediction of target genes for most of the conserved miRNAs and a large fraction of non-conserved miRNAs. A fraction of predicted targets in peach have not been previously reported in other species. Several conserved and non-conserved miRNAs and miRNA-regulated genes co-localize with Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for chilling requirement (CR-QTL) and bloom date (BD-QTL). CONCLUSIONS: In this work, we identified a large set of conserved and non-conserved miRNAs and describe their evolutionary footprint in angiosperm lineages. Several of these miRNAs were induced in winter buds and co-localized with QTLs for chilling requirement and bloom date thus making their gene targets potential candidates for mediating plant responses to cold stress. Several peach homologs of genes participating in the regulation of vernalization in Arabidopsis were identified as differentially expressed miRNAs targets, potentially linking these gene activities to cold responses in peach dormant buds. The non-conserved miRNAs may regulate cellular, physiological or developmental processes specific to peach and/or other tree species

    Comparison of the transcriptomes of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) in response to the chestnut blight infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background1471-2229-9-51</p> <p>American chestnut (<it>Castanea dentata</it>) was devastated by an exotic pathogen in the beginning of the twentieth century. This chestnut blight is caused by <it>Cryphonectria parasitica</it>, a fungus that infects stem tissues and kills the trees by girdling them. Because of the great economic and ecological value of this species, significant efforts have been made over the century to combat this disease, but it wasn't until recently that a focused genomics approach was initiated. Prior to the Genomic Tool Development for the Fagaceae project, genomic resources available in public databases for this species were limited to a few hundred ESTs. To identify genes involved in resistance to <it>C. parasitica</it>, we have sequenced the transcriptome from fungal infected and healthy stem tissues collected from blight-sensitive American chestnut and blight-resistant Chinese chestnut (<it>Castanea mollissima</it>) trees using ultra high throughput pyrosequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We produced over a million 454 reads, totaling over 250 million bp, from which we generated 40,039 and 28,890 unigenes in total from <it>C. mollissima </it>and <it>C. dentata </it>respectively.</p> <p>The functions of the unigenes, from GO annotation, cover a diverse set of molecular functions and biological processes, among which we identified a large number of genes associated with resistance to stresses and response to biotic stimuli. <it>In silico </it>expression analyses showed that many of the stress response unigenes were expressed more in canker tissues versus healthy stem tissues in both American and Chinese chestnut. Comparative analysis also identified genes belonging to different pathways of plant defense against biotic stresses that are differentially expressed in either American or Chinese chestnut canker tissues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study resulted in the identification of a large set of cDNA unigenes from American chestnut and Chinese chestnut. The ESTs and unigenes from this study constitute an important resource to the scientific community interested in the discovery of genes involved in various biological processes in Chestnut and other species. The identification of many defense-related genes differentially expressed in canker vs. healthy stem in chestnuts provides many new candidate genes for developing resistance to the chestnut blight and for studying pathways involved in responses of trees to necrotrophic pathogens. We also identified several candidate genes that may underline the difference in resistance to <it>Cryphonectria parasitica </it>between American chestnut and Chinese chestnut.</p

    Additional Quantitative Trait Loci and Candidate Genes for Seed Isoflavone Content in Soybean

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    Seed isoflavone content of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) is a trait of moderate heritablity and an ideal target for marker selection. To date over 20 QTL have been identified underlying this trait among seven populations. The objectives of this study were to identify additional QTL and candidate genes controlling isoflavone content in a set of recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations of soybean grown in two different seasons. Variations of isoflavones namely daidzein, glycitein and genistein contents over two growing seasons and locations suggests that isoflavones are influenced by both genes and environments. Six QTL were identified on five different chromosomes (Chr) or linkage groups (LG) that controlled daidzein (Chr_2/LG-M; Chr_17a/LG-D2), glycitein (Chr_2/LG-D1b; Chr_8/LG-A2) and genistein (Chr_8/LG-A2; Chr_12/LG-H) respectively in the seeds grown in season 2010. Two QTL were identified for daidzein (Chr_6/LG-C2; Chr_13b/LG-F), two QTLs for glycitein (Chr_1/LG-D1a; Chr_17c/LG-D2) and five QTLs for genistein (Chr_3/ LG-N; Chr_8/LG-A2; Chr_9/LG-K; Chr_18/LG-G) in the seeds of the 2011 growing season. Genes located within QTL confidence intervals were retrieved and gene ontology (GO) terms were used to identify those related to the flavonoid biosynthesis process. Twenty six candidate genes were identified that may be involved in isoflavones accumulation in soybean seeds