42 research outputs found

    Heat shock protein 90 inhibition in the endothelium

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    P53: The Wall Watcher

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    Nanosecond Pulsed Platelet-Rich Plasma (nsPRP) Improves Mechanical and Electrial Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Reperfusion Injury

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    Ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) of the heart is associated with biochemical and ionic changes that result in cardiac contractile and electrical dysfunction. In rabbits, platelet-rich plasma activated using nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPRP) has been shown to improve left ventricular pumping. Here, we demonstrate that nsPRP causes a similar improvement in mouse left ventricular function. We also show that nsPRP injection recovers electrical activity even before reperfusion begins. To uncover the mechanism of nsPRP action, we studied whether the enhanced left ventricular function in nsPRP rabbit and mouse hearts was associated with increased expression of heat-shock proteins and altered mitochondrial function under conditions of oxidative stress. Mouse hearts underwent 30 min of global ischemia and 1 h of reperfusion in situ. Rabbit hearts underwent 30 min of ischemia in vivo and were reperfused for 14 days. Hearts treated with nsPRP expressed significantly higher levels of Hsp27 and Hsp70 compared to hearts treated with vehicle. Also, pretreatment of cultured H9c2 cells with nsPRP significantly enhanced the spare respiratory capacity (SRC) also referred to as respiratory reserve capacity and ATP production in response to the uncoupler FCCP. These results suggest a cardioprotective effect of nsPRP on the ischemic heart during reperfusion

    Hsp90 Inhibition Suppresses NF-κB Transcriptional Activation via Sirt-2 in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells

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    The ability of anti-heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) drugs to attenuate NF-κB-mediated transcription is the major basis for their anti-inflammatory properties. While the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are not clear, they appear to be distinct in human endothelial cells. We now show for the first time that type 2 sirtuin (Sirt-2) histone deacetylase binds human NF-κB target gene promoter and prevents the recruitment of NF-κB proteins and subsequent assembly of RNA polymerase II complex in human lung microvascular endothelial cells. Hsp90 inhibitors stabilize the Sirt-2/promoter interaction and impose a “transcriptional block,” which is reversed by either inhibition or downregulation of Sirt-2 protein expression. Furthermore, this process is independent of NF-κB (p65) Lysine 310 deacetylation, suggesting that it is distinct from known Sirt-2-dependent mechanisms. We demonstrate that Sirt-2 is recruited to NF-κB target gene promoter via interaction with core histones. Upon inflammatory challenge, chromatin remodeling and core histone H3 displacement from the promoter region removes Sirt-2 and allows NF-κB/coactivator recruitment essential for RNA Pol II-dependent mRNA induction. This novel mechanism may have important implications in pulmonary inflammation

    Novel Mechanism of Attenuation of LPS-Induced NF-Kappab Activation by the Heat Shock Protein 90 Inhibitor, 17-N-Allylamino-17-Demethoxygeldanamycin, in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells

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    Heat shock protein (hsp) 90 inhibition attenuates NF-kappaB activation and blocks inflammation. However, the precise mechanism of NF-kappaB regulation by hsp90 in the endothelium is not clear. We investigated the mechanisms of hsp90 inhibition by 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) on NF-kappaB activation by LPS in primary human lung microvascular endothelial cells. Transcriptional activation of NF-kappaB was measured by luciferase reporter assay, gene expression by real-time RT-PCR, DNA binding of transcription factors by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, protein-protein interaction by coimmunoprecipitation/immunoblotting, histone deacetylase (HDAC)/histone acetyltransferase enzyme activity by fluorometry, and nucleosome eviction by partial microccocal DNase digestion. In human lung microvascular endothelial cells, 17-AAG-induced degradation of IKBalpha was accomplished regardless of the phosphorylation/ubiquitination state of the protein. Hence, 17-AAG did not block LPS-induced NF-kappaB nuclear translocation and DNA binding activity. Instead, 17-AAG blocked the recruitment of the coactivator, cAMP response element binding protein binding protein, and prevented the assembly of a transcriptionally competent RNA polymerase II complex at the kappaB elements of the IKBalpha (an NF-kappaB-responsive gene) promoter. The effect of LPS on IKBalpha mRNA expression was associated with rapid deacetylation of histone-H3(Lys9) and a dramatic down-regulation of core histone H3 binding. Even though treatment with an HDAC inhibitor produced the same effect as hsp90 inhibition, the effect of 17-AAG was independent of HDAC. We conclude that hsp90 inhibition attenuates NF-kappaB transcriptional activation by preventing coactivator recruitment and nucleosome eviction from the target promoter in human lung endothelial cells

    Targeting Ovarian Cancer and Endothelium with an Allosteric PTP4A3 Phosphatase Inhibitor

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    Overexpression of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP4A oncoproteins is common in many human cancers and is associated with poor patient prognosis and survival. We observed elevated levels of PTP4A3 phosphatase in 79% of human ovarian tumor samples, with significant overexpression in tumor endothelium and pericytes. Furthermore, PTP4A phosphatases appear to regulate several key malignant processes, such as invasion, migration, and angiogenesis, suggesting a pivotal regulatory role in cancer and endothelial signaling pathways. While phosphatases are attractive therapeutic targets, they have been poorly investigated because of a lack of potent and selective chemical probes. In this study, we disclose that a potent, selective, reversible, and noncompetitive PTP4A inhibitor, JMS-053, markedly enhanced microvascular barrier function after exposure of endothelial cells to vascular endothelial growth factor or lipopolysaccharide. JMS-053 also blocked the concomitant increase in RhoA activation and loss of Rac1. In human ovarian cancer cells, JMS-053 impeded migration, disrupted spheroid growth, and decreased RhoA activity. Importantly, JMS-053 displayed anticancer activity in a murine xenograft model of drug resistant human ovarian cancer. These data demonstrate that PTP4A phosphatases can be targeted in both endothelial and ovarian cancer cells, and confirm that RhoA signaling cascades are regulated by the PTP4A family

    Heat Shock Protein 90 Inhibitors Prevent LPS-Induced Endothelial Barrier Dysfunction by Disrupting Rhoa Signaling

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    Permeability of the endothelial monolayer is increased when exposed to the bacterial endotoxin LPS. Our previous studies have shown that heat shock protein (Hsp) 90 inhibitors protect and restore LPS-mediated hyperpermeability in bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial cells. In this study, we assessed the effect of Hsp90 inhibition against LPS-mediated hyperpermeability in cultured human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVECs) and delineated the underlying molecular mechanisms. We demonstrate that Hsp90 inhibition is critical in the early phase, to prevent LPS-mediated hyperpermeability, and also in the later phase, to restore LPS-mediated hyperpermeability in HLMVECs. Because RhoA is a well known mediator of endothelial hyperpermeability, we investigated the effect of Hsp90 inhibition on LPS-mediated RhoA signaling. RhoA nitration and activity were increased by LPS in HLMVECs and suppressed when pretreated with the Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17 demethoxy-geldanamycin (17-AAG). In addition, inhibition of Rho kinase, a downstream effector of RhoA, protected HLMVECs from LPS-mediated hyperpermeability and abolished LPS-induced myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, a target of Rho kinase. In agreement with these findings, 17-AAG or dominant-negative RhoA attenuated LPS-induced MLC phosphorylation. MLC phosphorylation induced by constitutively active RhoA was also suppressed by 17-AAG, suggesting a role for Hsp90 downstream of RhoA. Inhibition of Src family kinases also suppressed RhoA activity and MLC phosphorylation. Together, these data indicate that Hsp90 inhibition prevents and repairs LPS-induced lung endothelial barrier dysfunction by suppressing Src-mediated RhoA activity and signaling

    Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Prevent Pulmonary Endothelial Hyperpermeability and Acute Lung Injury By Regulating Heat Shock Protein 90 Function

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    Transendothelial hyperpermeability caused by numerous agonists is dependent on heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and leads to endothelial barrier dysfunction (EBD). Inhibition of Hsp90 protects and restores transendothelial permeability. Hyperacetylation of Hsp90, as by inhibitors of histone deacetylase (HDAC), suppresses its chaperone function and mimics the effects of Hsp90 inhibitors. In this study we assessed the role of HDAC in mediating lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced transendothelial hyperpermeability and acute lung injury (ALI). We demonstrate that HDAC inhibition protects against LPS-mediated EBD. Inhibition of multiple HDAC by the general inhibitors panobinostat or trichostatin provided protection against LPS-induced transendothelial hyperpermeability, acetylated and suppressed Hsp90 chaperone function, and attenuated RhoA activity and signaling crucial to endothelial barrier function. Treatment with the HDAC3-selective inhibitor RGFP-966 or the HDAC6-selective inhibitor tubastatin A provided partial protection against LPS-mediated transendothelial hyperpermeability. Similarly, knock down of HDAC3 and HDAC6 by specific small-interfering RNAs provided significant protection against LPS-induced EBD. Furthermore, combined pharmacological inhibition of both HDAC3 and -6 attenuated the inflammation, capillary permeability, and structural abnormalities associated with LPS-induced ALI in mice. Together these data indicate that HDAC mediate increased transendothelial hyperpermeability caused by LPS and that inhibition of HDAC protects against LPS-mediated EBD and ALI by suppressing Hsp90-dependent RhoA activity and signaling

    Pneumonic Injury and Repair: A Synopsis

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    It has been my great pleasure to have joined forces with Pharmaceutical’s editorial team in order to organize and publish a Special Issue on “Lung Injury and Repair” [...

    Protective Activities of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Antagonists against Toxin-Induced Endothelial Injury

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    GHRH regulates the secretion of GH from the anterior pituitary gland, previously associated with cancer progression and inflammation. An emerging body of evidence suggests that GHRHAnt support endothelial barrier function, but the mechanisms mediating these events are not completely understood. In the present study, it is demonstrated that the GHRHAnt JV-1-36 counteracts barrier dysfunction due to LPS or LTA treatment in HUVECs, utilizing the Dextran–FITC assay. Moreover, it is shown in BPAECs that these bacterial toxins increase ROS generation, and that this effect is counteracted by JV-1-36, which reinstates the redox balance. The possible involvement of NEK2 in the beneficial activities of GHRHAnt in IFN-γ- and LPS-triggered hyperpermeability was also assessed, since that kinase is involved in inflammatory responses. NEK2 was increased in the inflamed cells, and JV-1-36 counteracted those endothelial events. Our data support the beneficial effects of GHRHAnt in toxin-induced endothelial injury