19 research outputs found

    A Secreted Form of the Asialoglycoprotein Receptor, sH2a, as a Novel Potential Noninvasive Marker for Liver Fibrosis

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    Background and Aim: The human asialoglycoprotein receptor is a membrane heterooligomer expressed exclusively in hepatocytes. A soluble secreted form, sH2a, arises, not by shedding at the cell surface, but by intracellular cleavage of its membrane-bound precursor, which is encoded by an alternatively spliced form of the receptor H2 subunit. Here we determined and report that sH2a, present at constant levels in serum from healthy individuals is altered upon liver fibrosis, reflecting the status of hepatocyte function. Methods: We measured sH2a levels in serum using a monoclonal antibody and an ELISA assay that we developed, comparing with routine liver function markers. We compared blindly pretreatment serum samples from a cohort of 44 hepatitis C patients, which had METAVIR-scored biopsies, with 28 healthy individuals. Results: sH2a levels varied minimally for the healthy individuals (150621 ng/ml), whereas the levels deviated from this normal range increasingly in correlation with fibrosis stage. A simple algorithm combining sH2a levels with those of alanine aminotransferase allowed prediction of fibrosis stage, with a very high area under the ROC curve of 0.86

    Insulin-Producing Cells Generated from Dedifferentiated Human Pancreatic Beta Cells Expanded In Vitro

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    Expansion of beta cells from the limited number of adult human islet donors is an attractive prospect for increasing cell availability for cell therapy of diabetes. However, attempts at expanding human islet cells in tissue culture result in loss of beta-cell phenotype. Using a lineage-tracing approach we provided evidence for massive proliferation of beta-cell-derived (BCD) cells within these cultures. Expansion involves dedifferentiation resembling epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Epigenetic analyses indicate that key beta-cell genes maintain open chromatin structure in expanded BCD cells, although they are not transcribed. Here we investigated whether BCD cells can be redifferentiated into beta-like cells.Redifferentiation conditions were screened by following activation of an insulin-DsRed2 reporter gene. Redifferentiated cells were characterized for gene expression, insulin content and secretion assays, and presence of secretory vesicles by electron microscopy. BCD cells were induced to redifferentiate by a combination of soluble factors. The redifferentiated cells expressed beta-cell genes, stored insulin in typical secretory vesicles, and released it in response to glucose. The redifferentiation process involved mesenchymal-epithelial transition, as judged by changes in gene expression. Moreover, inhibition of the EMT effector SLUG (SNAI2) using shRNA resulted in stimulation of redifferentiation. Lineage-traced cells also gave rise at a low rate to cells expressing other islet hormones, suggesting transition of BCD cells through an islet progenitor-like stage during redifferentiation.These findings demonstrate for the first time that expanded dedifferentiated beta cells can be induced to redifferentiate in culture. The findings suggest that ex-vivo expansion of adult human islet cells is a promising approach for generation of insulin-producing cells for transplantation, as well as basic research, toxicology studies, and drug screening

    Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Cells Expanded In Vitro from Lineage-Traced Adult Human Pancreatic Beta Cells

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    BACKGROUND: In-vitro expansion of functional beta cells from adult human islets is an attractive approach for generating an abundant source of cells for beta-cell replacement therapy of diabetes. Using genetic cell-lineage tracing we have recently shown that beta cells cultured from adult human islets undergo rapid dedifferentiation and proliferate for up to 16 population doublings. These cells have raised interest as potential candidates for redifferentiation into functional insulin-producing cells. Previous work has associated dedifferentiation of cultured epithelial cells with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and suggested that EMT generates cells with stem cell properties. Here we investigated the occurrence of EMT in these cultures and assessed their stem cell potential. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using cell-lineage tracing we provide direct evidence for occurrence of EMT in cells originating from beta cells in cultures of adult human islet cells. These cells express multiple mesenchymal markers, as well as markers associated with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). However, we do not find evidence for the ability of such cells, nor of cells in these cultures derived from a non-beta-cell origin, to significantly differentiate into mesodermal cell types. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings constitute the first demonstration based on genetic lineage-tracing of EMT in cultured adult primary human cells, and show that EMT does not induce multipotency in cells derived from human beta cells

    Model depicting the sequence of events in the fibrogenic process and changes in sH2a secretion.

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    <p>The membrane-bound precursor of sH2a is cleaved in the endoplasmic reticulum of healthy hepatocytes, traverses the secretory pathway and is secreted to the plasma (step 1). As a consequence of HCV infection and possibly also upon other insults, hepatocytes are damaged, their overall function is compromised and sH2a secretion is reduced, while intracellular enzymes like ALT are released to the plasma (step 2). This starts a process of inflammation (step 3), activation of hepatic stellate cells leading to fibrosis and then cirrhosis, which involve secretion and progressive accumulation of ECM components (step 4).</p

    Univariate analysis of correlation of characteristics with advanced fibrosis.

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    1<p>Data is presented as n (%) except for age, which is presented as median (IQR); odds ratios are from simple logistic regression, using the forced entry method, on each variable. The dependent variable in the regression is state and the outcome is METAVIR score (1 if state is 3–4); CI, confidence interval presented for each explanatory variable.</p