21 research outputs found

    Efficacy of yoga on pregnant women

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    Effect of the feeding system and the production season on the protein fraction content in milk

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati sadržaj proteinske frakcije mlijeka, s posebnim naglaskom na protein sirutke, ovisno o sustavu hranidbe krava (grupa 1 - ekstenzivni, 2 - djelomično intenzivni, 3 - intenzivni) kao i sezoni laktacije (proljeće-ljeto i jesen-zima). Kemijske analize krmiva bile su temelj za izračun dostatnosti energije i proteina u dnevnom unosu nutrijenata. Ukupno je ispitano 1133 uzorka mlijeka (550 zimi i 583 ljeti), a određivani su ukupan broj somatskih stanica (SCC), osnovni kemijski sastav, te udjeli kazeina i proteina sirutke - α-laktalbumin, β-laktoglobulin, albumin krvnog seruma (BSA), laktoferin i lizozim. Viši udio ukupnih proteina, uključujući kazein, utvrđen je u mlijeku krava s farmi s djelomično intenzivnim i intenzivnim sustavom hranidbe. Međutim, neovisno o sezoni laktacije, najveće koncentracije proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mlijeku krava svrstanih u grupu 1, čija se hranidba temeljila na kontinuiranoj ispaši (ljeti - ispaša i sijeno; zimi - sijeno i silaža). Porastom udjela silaže i industrijskih krmiva u hranidbi, udjel proteina sirutke (prije svega β-laktoglobulina i laktoferina) je padao, što je potvrđeno i dobivenim negativnim koeficijentima korelacije.The objective of the present research was to analyse the protein fraction content in milk, with particular regard to whey proteins, in dependence on the cows’ feeding system (group 1 - extensive, 2 - semi-intensive, 3 - intensive) and production season (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Chemical analysis of the fodder was the base for calculation of energy and protein coverage of nutritional dose. A total of 1,133 milk samples were evaluated (550 in winter and 583 in summer). The milk samples were examined for the somatic cell count (SCC), the basic chemical composition, casein and whey proteins: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme. Higher content of crude protein, including casein, was noticed in milk obtained from cows coming from semi-intensive and intensive farms. However, milk taken from cows fed according to the group 1, which was based on fodder from permanent grasslands, had the highest concentration of major whey proteins - both in the summer (pasture and hay) and winter (hay and haylage) seasons. With the increase of silage and industrial fodder in the feed ration, the content of whey proteins - mainly β-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin - decreased, which was confirmed by the obtained negative correlation coefficients

    Nutritional value and coagulation properties of milk from local cow breeds, including the selected macro- and micronutrients and trace elements

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti prehrambenu vrijednost mlijeka na osnovu kemijskog sastava i sadržaja odabranih mineralnih tvari, te sposobnost koagulacije sirovog mlijeka izvornih pasmina - poljsko crvenih i bijelo-crnih, lokalno uzgojenih simentalskih krava, uzimajući u obzir utjecaj sezone. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 418 uzoraka mlijeka uzetih tijekom proljeća/ljeta (travanj do rujan) odnosno jeseni/zime (listopad do ožujak). Uzorcima su određivani kemijski sastav, energijska vrijednost, sposobnost koagulacije (RCT - vrijeme zgrušavanja, A30 - čvrstoća gruša, K20 - vrijeme potrebno za postizanje odgovarajuće čvrstoće gruša), prinos sira te sadržaj K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni i Co. Također je određeno u kojem postotku konzumacija 250 mL testiranih uzoraka mlijeka pokriva dnevni preporučeni unos Ca i Mg za djecu, adolescente i odrasle. Mlijeko pasmine poljsko crveno sadržavalo je najviše koncentracije osnovnih nutrijenata (1 kg mlijeka imalo je energijsku vrijednost od 823,98 kcal) i imalo je najbolju sposobnost koagulacije mlijeka (najkraće vrijeme zgrušavanja (16:09 min, p≤0,01) i najčvršći gruš (30,74 mm)). Ovaj uzorak mlijeka imao je bolji nutritivni profil budući da je sadržavao najviši postotak preporučenih dnevnih unosa za Ca i Mg. Sirovo mlijeko dobiveno u sezoni ispaše imalo je bolje parametre sposobnosti koagulacije. Sadržaj mineralnih tvari nije bio uvjetovan pasminom ni sezonom proizvodnje. To je vjerojatno posljedica većih udjela ovih nutrijenata u stočnoj hrani, što je povezano s njihovim sadržajem u tlu kao i sa stupnjem fertiliziacije.The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional value of milk based on its chemical composition and content of selected minerals and to determine the coagulation properties of raw milk from native Polish breeds, i.e. the Polish Red and the White-backed, as well as locally raised Simmental cows, taking into account the production season. The research material consisted of 418 milk samples taken during the spring/summer season (April to September) and autumn/winter season (October to March). The following parameters were determined in the samples: chemical composition, energetic value, coagulation properties (RCT - rennet clotting time, A30 - curd firmness, K20 - curd firming time), cheese yield, and content of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni and Co. The percentage of the daily allowance for Ca and Mg in children, adolescents and adults from 250 mL of milk was determined. The milk of Polish Red cows had the highest concentration of basic nutrients (1 kg of milk provided 823.98 kcal) and the best coagulation parameters (the shortest clotting time (16:09 min, p≤0.01) and firmest curd (30.74 mm). This milk had a more beneficial nutritional profile, as it contained the highest percentage of the recommended daily allowances of Ca and Mg among all groups. The raw milk obtained in the pasture season showed more favourable coagulation properties. The content of minerals in milk is not clearly determined by the cow breed or the season. It is probably due to the higher levels of these nutrients in the feed, which in turn results from their content in the soil and the degree of fertilization

    Ćwiczenia lecznicze stosowane w rehabilitacji ręki reumatoidalnej

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic infl ammatory disease leading in 70% of patients to deformation of the hand joints. Joint deformities reduce the manual dexterity of the hand and limit its gripping ability. One of the physiotherapeutic methods used in the rehabilitation of the rheumatoid hand is the use of therapeutic exercises. hT e aim of the study was to present selected therapeutic exercises that can be used in the rehabilitation program for patients with RA. Summary: Rehabilitation of the rheumatoid hand with the use of individual therapeutic exercises allows to maintain the manual dexterity of the hand, maintain its grasping ability and delay deformation changes occurring as a result ofRA. It is recommended that the selection of exercises depends on the severity of the lesions, age and patients functional efi ciency. Conclusions: Th erapeutic exercises are the recommended form of rheumatoid hand therapy due to its benefi cial ef ect on muscle strength and the range of joint motion. Wstęp: Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZS) jest przewlekłą chorobą zapalną prowadzącą u 70% pacjentów do powstania deformacji o obrębie stawów rąk. Zniekształcenia stawów zmniejszają sprawność manualną ręki oraz ograniczają jej zdolność chwytną. Jedną z metod fi zjoterapeutycznych stosowanych w rehabilitacji ręki reumatoidalnej jest zastosowanie ćwiczeń leczniczych. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wybranych ćwiczeń leczniczych możliwych do zastosowania w programie usprawniania pacjentów z RZS.Wstęp: Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZS) jest przewlekłą chorobą zapalną prowadzącą u 70% pacjentów do powstania deformacji o obrębie stawów rąk. Zniekształcenia stawów zmniejszają sprawność manualną ręki oraz ograniczają jej zdolność chwytną. Jedną z metod fizjoterapeutycznych stosowanych w rehabilitacji ręki reumatoidalnej jest zastosowanie ćwiczeń leczniczych. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wybranych ćwiczeń leczniczych możliwych do zastosowania w programie usprawniania pacjentów z RZS. Podsumowanie: Rehabilitacja ręki reumatoidalnej z wykorzystaniem indywidualnych ćwiczeń leczniczych pozwala na utrzymanie sprawności manualnej ręki, zachowanie jej zdolności chwytnej oraz opóźnienie zmian deformacyjnych pojawiających się w przebiegu RZS. Zaleca się aby dobór ćwiczeń był uzależniony od stopnia zaawansowania zmian chorobowych, wieku oraz od możliwości funkcjonalnych pacjentów. Wnioski: Proponowane ćwiczenia lecznicze są zalecaną formą terapii ręki reumatoidalnej ze względu na korzystny wpływ na siłę mięśni oraz zakres ruchomości stawów

    The Influence of Selected Factors on the Nutritional Value of the Milk of Cold-Blooded Mares: The Example of the Sokólski Breed

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    This study assessed the effect of access to pasture, lactation number, and foals’ sex on the nutritional value of milk (79 samples) from nine mares. The following were analysed: content of dry matter, protein, fat, lactose, and ash; percentages of α-lactalbumin (α-La), β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg), serum albumin (SA), immunoglobulins (Ig), lactoferrin (Lf), and lysozyme (Lz) in the total protein; and the fatty acid profile. Mares without access to pastures were shown to produce milk with a higher dry matter content, including fat, lactose, and ash; higher percentages of β-Lg, α-La, Ig, and Lf; and a better fatty acid profile. The milk from mares with access to pasture contained more protein, including higher percentages of SA and Lz. Milk from mares in lactations 4–6 had the highest fat and protein concentrations and the lowest lactose concentration. The α-La level was highest in lactation 1, Lf in lactations 2–3, and Lz in lactations 4–6. Milk from mares in lactations 4–6 had the best fatty acid profile (the lowest concentration of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and the highest concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)). Milk from mothers of female offspring had higher dry matter, fat, and protein concentrations, a higher share of lysozyme, and a better fatty acid profile

    Effect of whole body cryotherapy on low back pain and release of endorphins and stress hormones in patients with lumbar spine osteoarthritis

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    INTRODUCTION: Low back pain (LBP) is the most common ailment in patients with lumbar spine osteoarthritis (OA). There are many methods to treat LBP, such as manual therapy, osteopathy, massage, physical exercise, and physical therapy. The most effective of these are manual therapy and exercises combined with physical procedures, such as whole body cryotherapy (WBCT). Whole body cryotherapy can induce various hormonal adaptations in patients with OA. This is probably the body’s reaction to cold and stress. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of WBCT on β-endorphins, cortisol and adrenaline release, as well as on LBP in patients with OA of the lumbar spine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study group consisted of 30 patients with lumbar spine OA who underwent a series of WBCT combined with therapeutic exercises. Before and after the therapy each patient was examined using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and blood samples were collected for laboratory determinations (ELISA). RESULTS: After WBCT, the decrease in LBP measured by VAS was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). The mean value of blood β-endorphin level increased after the therapy but the difference was statistically insignificant (p = 0.10). The mean value of the plasma level of cortisol after treatment increased and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.0009). The plasma level of adrenalin after treatment increased slightly, but the difference was statistically insignificant (p = 0.08). CONCLUSIONS: Whole body cryotherapy combined with therapeutic exercises had a positive effect on LBP reduction in patients with OA. On the basis of these changes, processes that take place in the nervous and endocrine systems are a response to the stimuli of cold and stress. The mechanism of action of extremely low temperatures on the human body is still not fully understood