2,293 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Model for Document Retrieval Systems.

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    A methodology for the design of document retrieval systems is presented. First, a composite index term weighting model is developed based on term frequency statistics, including document frequency, relative frequency within document and relative frequency within collection, which can be adjusted by selecting various coefficients to fit into different indexing environments. Then, a composite retrieval model is proposed to process a user\u27s information request in a weighted Phrase-Oriented Fixed-Level Expression (POFLE), which may apply more than Boolean operators, through two phases. That is, we have a search for documents which are topically relevant to the information request by means of a descriptor matching mechanism, which incorporate a partial matching facility based on a structurally-restricted relationship imposed by indexing model, and is more general than matching functions of the traditional Boolean model and vector space model, and then we have a ranking of these topically relevant documents, by means of two types of heuristic-based selection rules and a knowledge-based evaluation function, in descending order of a preference score which predicts the combined effect of user preference for quality, recency, fitness and reachability of documents

    Central Speed of Sound, Trace Anomaly and Observables of Neutron Stars from Perturbative Analyses of Scaled TOV Equations

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    The central speed of sound (SS) measures the stiffness of the Equation of State (EOS) of superdense neutron star (NS) matter. Its variations with density and radial coordinate in NSs in conventional analyses often suffer from uncertainties of the specific nuclear EOSs used. Using the central SS and NS mass/radius scaling obtained from solving perturbatively the scaled Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations, we study the variations of SS, trace anomaly and several closely related properties of NSs in an EOS-model independent manner. We find that the SS increases with the reduced central pressure P^cPc/εc\widehat{P}_{\rm{c}}\equiv P_{\rm{c}}/\varepsilon_{\rm{c}} (scaled by the central energy density εc\varepsilon_{\rm{c}}), and the conformal bound for SS is violated for NSs with masses higher than about 1.9M_{\odot}. The ratio P/εP/\varepsilon is upper bounded as P/ε0.374P/\varepsilon\lesssim0.374 around the centers of stable NSs. We demonstrate that it is an intrinsic property of strong-field gravity and is more relevant than the perturbative QCD bound on it. While a sharp phase transition at high densities characterized by a sudden vanishing of SS in cores of massive NSs are basically excluded, the probability for a continuous crossover signaled by a peaked radial profile of SS is found to be enhanced as P^c\widehat{P}_{\rm{c}} decreases, implying it likely happens near the centers of massive NSs. Moreover, a new and more stringent causality boundary as Rmax/km4.73MNSmax/M+1.14R_{\max}/\rm{km}\gtrsim 4.73M_{\rm{NS}}^{\max}/M_{\odot}+1.14 for NS M-R curve is found to be excellently consistent with observational data on NS masses and radii. Furthermore, new constraints on the ultimate energy density and pressure allowed in NSs before collapsing into black holes are obtained and compared with earlier predictions in the literature.Comment: 23 page

    Study on the mechanism of open-flavor strong decays

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    The open-flavor strong decays are studied based on the interaction of potential quark model. The decay process is related to the s-channel contribution of the same scalar confinment and one-gluon-exchange(OGE) interaction in the quark model. After we adopt the prescription of massive gluons in time-like region from the lattice calculation, the approximation of four-fermion interaction is applied. The numerical calculation is performed to the meson decays in uu, dd, ss light flavor sector. The analysis of the D/SD/S ratios of b1ωπb_1\rightarrow \omega \pi and a1ρπa_1\rightarrow \rho \pi show that the scalar interaction should be dominant in the open-flavor decays

    The Computation of the Matching Polynomials of Fullerene Graphs

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    A new formula for the evaluation of the matching polynomials of fullerene graphs is presented

    Progress on genetic polymorphism associated with diabetic retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is one of the most serious complications of diabetes, as the second general blindness disease in the world currently. The development of procedures for prevention and treatment of DR is one of the most important problems that should be solved currently. A lot of researches show that the development of DR is determined by genetics. The current research advance in DR relevant gene is reviewed in this article