6 research outputs found

    Postharvest Losses Assessment of Tropical Fruits in the Market Chain of North Western Ethiopia

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    Postharvest loss assessment of tropical fruits Avocado (Persia americana), Banana (Musa spp.), Guava (Psidium guajava), Mango (Managifera indica), Papaya (Carica papaya)   and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) were surveyed using data collected from 180 fruit producers and 80 traders. The estimated postharvest loss of tropical fruits as replied by the producer ranged from 18% to 28 % and the highest postharvest handling loss occurred during harvesting followed by storage and then transportation and also a total loss from18% to 25 % was recorded at trader level and the postharvest handling loss during storage is higher than both transportation and marketing.  The highest postharvest loss was on Avocado, Tomato and Mango at producer level and March, April and May are the highest loss months of the year for these fruits. The loss at trader level was similar for all the six fruits studied. The major causes of postharvest losses of fruits at harvest as replied by the respondents are harvesting injury caused by dropping of fruits from tall height varieties, finger damage during harvesting, sun burning, harvesting container damage and harvesting immature fruits; At producers storage; mechanical injury, postharvest insects, diseases and physiological disorders; transportation media, sun burning, loading and unloading damage during transport and marketing.  At trader level the major loss contributing factors include mechanical damages, postharvest diseases, physiological disorders and postharvest insects accordingly at storage and overloading, loading and unloading damage, high temperature and sun burning at transportation and marketing. Thus, further research that can reduce postharvest loss of fruits, maintain fresh quality and enhance fruit processing need to be conducted. Keywords: Postharvest, Climacteric fruit, losses, Market chain, Fruit processing

    Genotype by environment interactions (G x E) and stability analyses of malting Barley (Hordeum distichon L.) genotypes across northwestern Ethiopia

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    Seven genotypes were evaluated under rainfed conditions at seven different locations across northwestern Ethiopia with the objectives of investigating phenotypic performance, determining the magnitude of effect of genotypes, environments, and their interactions on important traits and identifying stable malting barley genotype. The highest mean grain yield was recorded at Geregera followed by Debretabor but the lowest at Motta and Burie. Among the genotypes Miscale-21 gave the highest mean grain yield followed by HB-1533. Miscale-21 and Arna provided high kernel protein whereas HB-1533 the least. High thousand kernel weight and hectoliter weight was obtained at Laygaint,, whereas Adet was the least with regard to these traits. Miscale-21 and HB-1533 had high thousand kernel and hectoliter weight. All genotypes fulfill the requirements for germination capacity. Furthermore, G x E interaction was significant for grain yield. Partitioning of the G x E interaction using AMMI showed the first IPCA axis alone explained most of the sum of squares. Moreover, the biplot of AMMI revealed clear insight into the specific and general adaptation of genotype across locations. According to stability analysis measures genotype HB-1533 was the most stable for grain yield whereas Miscale-21 showed specific adaptation in low potential environments

    Analysis and correlation of stability parameters in malting barley

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    Barley ( Hordeum dischon L. and Hordeum vulgare L.) is a multipurpose plant cultivated since ancient time for food, feed, medicinal purposes and malt of alcoholic beverages. Stability parameters are useful tools for identification of genotypes with specific and wide adaptations, and contrasting the role played by genotype, environment and G x E interaction in multilocational variety trials. Interaction principal component axis (IPCA) scores, Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction stability value (ASVi), Wricke&apos;s ecovalence (Wi), regression coefficient, coefficient of variation (CVi), genotypic/environmental variance (S12), stability variance (s12) and cultivar/environment superiority measure(Pi) were used to evaluate the yield performance and stability of twenty malting barley genotypes in twelve rain-fed environments during 2005-2007. Spearman rank correlation showed that bj, Ri2, Sj2, CVj, and IPCA1 of environments were positively correlated, indicating that any of these five parameters can be used as a good alternative for stability evaluation. These stability parameters were positively correlated with mean yield of environments. The mean of genotype yields were positively correlated with stability parameters of bi and Ri2 (P<0.01), but were negatively correlated with IPCA1, Wi2, Pi (P<0.01) and ASVi. Based on these parameters, genotypes G1 and G13 combined high and stable grain yield, whereas the highest yielding genotype G12 was not stable.L&apos;orge ( Hordeum dischon L. et Hordeum vulgare L.) est une plante polyvalente cultivée depuis les temps anciens comme denrées alimentaires, fourrage, pour des raisons médicinales et comme malt pour la production des boissons alcoolisées. Les paramètres de stabilité constituent les moyens utiles dans l&apos;identification des génotypes avec des adaptations spécifiques et larges qui contrastent avec le rôle joué par le génotype, environnement et l&apos;interaction G x E en divers essais multilocaux. Le score de l&apos;axe principal du composante interaction (IPCA), l&apos;effet additif principal, la valeur de stabilité de l&apos;interaction multiplicative (ASVi), l&apos;ecovalence de Wricke (Wi), le coefficient de régression, le coefficient de variation (CVi), la variance génotypique/l&apos;environnement (S12), la variance de stabilité (S12) ainsi que la supériorité cultivar/environnement (Pi) avaient été utilisés pour évaluer les performances de rendement et la stabilité des vingt génotypes d&apos;orge brassicole dans douze environnements pluvieux au cours de la période de 2005-2007. La corrélation rangée de Spearman avait montré que bj, Ri2, Sj2, CVj et IPCA1 des environnements étaient positivement corrélés, indiquant que n&apos;importe lequel de ces cinq paramètres peut servir comme une bonne alternative pour l&apos;étude de stabilité. Ces paramètres de stabilité étaient positivement correlés avec le rendement moyen dans les différents environnements. Les rendements moyens de génotype était positivement corrélées avec les paramètres de stabilité de bi et Ri2 (p<0,01), mais étaient en corrélation négativement avec IPCA1, Wi2, Pi (P<0,01) et ASVi. Relativement à ces paramètres, la combinaison des génotypes G1 et G13 a générée un rendement en grain élevé et stable, cependant le génotype G12 ayant un rendement plus élevé n&apos;était pas stable

    Analysis and correlation of stability parameters in malting barley

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    Barley ( Hordeum dischon L. and Hordeum vulgare L.) is a multipurpose plant cultivated since ancient time for food, feed, medicinal purposes and malt of alcoholic beverages. Stability parameters are useful tools for identification of genotypes with specific and wide adaptations, and contrasting the role played by genotype, environment and G x E interaction in multilocational variety trials. Interaction principal component axis (IPCA) scores, Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction stability value (ASVi), Wricke&apos;s ecovalence (Wi), regression coefficient, coefficient of variation (CVi), genotypic/environmental variance (S12), stability variance (s12) and cultivar/environment superiority measure(Pi) were used to evaluate the yield performance and stability of twenty malting barley genotypes in twelve rain-fed environments during 2005-2007. Spearman rank correlation showed that bj, Ri2, Sj2, CVj, and IPCA1 of environments were positively correlated, indicating that any of these five parameters can be used as a good alternative for stability evaluation. These stability parameters were positively correlated with mean yield of environments. The mean of genotype yields were positively correlated with stability parameters of bi and Ri2 (P<0.01), but were negatively correlated with IPCA1, Wi2, Pi (P<0.01) and ASVi. Based on these parameters, genotypes G1 and G13 combined high and stable grain yield, whereas the highest yielding genotype G12 was not stable.L&apos;orge ( Hordeum dischon L. et Hordeum vulgare L.) est une plante polyvalente cultivée depuis les temps anciens comme denrées alimentaires, fourrage, pour des raisons médicinales et comme malt pour la production des boissons alcoolisées. Les paramètres de stabilité constituent les moyens utiles dans l&apos;identification des génotypes avec des adaptations spécifiques et larges qui contrastent avec le rôle joué par le génotype, environnement et l&apos;interaction G x E en divers essais multilocaux. Le score de l&apos;axe principal du composante interaction (IPCA), l&apos;effet additif principal, la valeur de stabilité de l&apos;interaction multiplicative (ASVi), l&apos;ecovalence de Wricke (Wi), le coefficient de régression, le coefficient de variation (CVi), la variance génotypique/l&apos;environnement (S12), la variance de stabilité (S12) ainsi que la supériorité cultivar/environnement (Pi) avaient été utilisés pour évaluer les performances de rendement et la stabilité des vingt génotypes d&apos;orge brassicole dans douze environnements pluvieux au cours de la période de 2005-2007. La corrélation rangée de Spearman avait montré que bj, Ri2, Sj2, CVj et IPCA1 des environnements étaient positivement corrélés, indiquant que n&apos;importe lequel de ces cinq paramètres peut servir comme une bonne alternative pour l&apos;étude de stabilité. Ces paramètres de stabilité étaient positivement correlés avec le rendement moyen dans les différents environnements. Les rendements moyens de génotype était positivement corrélées avec les paramètres de stabilité de bi et Ri2 (p<0,01), mais étaient en corrélation négativement avec IPCA1, Wi2, Pi (P<0,01) et ASVi. Relativement à ces paramètres, la combinaison des génotypes G1 et G13 a générée un rendement en grain élevé et stable, cependant le génotype G12 ayant un rendement plus élevé n&apos;était pas stable