7 research outputs found


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    Adenoid hypertrophy in adults. Case report

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    Хипертрофията на третата сливица е една от най-честите причини за носна обструкция, водеща до респираторни заболявания и особено важна за обструктивния слип-апнеа синдром в детската възраст. Аденоидектомията е оперативно отстраняване на аденоида и една от най-честите оперативни интервенции в оториноларингологията в детската възраст. Това състояние се манифестира с постоянни симптоми на билатерална носна обструкция, ринорея, хъркане, носна обструкция и слип-апнея синдром. Въпреки че аденоидектомията е единственото средство за лечение, то рядко се предприема при деца под еднагодишна възраст. Представяме случай на аденоидна вегетация при жена на 24 г. с обструкция на горни дихателни пътища, слип-апнея синдром и хроничен синуит, успешно лекувана посредством аденоидектомия.-------------------------------------------------Adenoid hypertrophy is one of the most common causes of nasal obstruction leading to pediatric respiratory distress and is an important cause of obstructive sleep apnea in children. Adenoidectomy, surgical removal of the adenoids, is a common ENT operation worldwide in children with recurrent or chronic nasal symptoms. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are the most common surgical procedures in otorhinolaryngology. This disorder manifests with several symptoms such as bilateral nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, snoring, hyponasal speech, hypopnea, and sleep apnea. Although adenoidectomy is the only effective treatment for adenoid hypertrophy, it is rarely perfonned in infants less than 1 year old. This study reports on the successful use of adenoidectomy in 24 year old woman with a triad of upper airway obstruction symptoms, and obstructive sleep apnea, and chronic sinusitis


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    Primary angiosarcoma of the heart, constituting 33% of primary heart malignancies in adults, refers to rare diseases with a difficult diagnosis. The article describes the case of primary angiosarcoma of the right atrium, diagnosed posthumously in a patient of 45 years old. The disease debuted in a previously healthy woman 45 years, 2 months before her death. There were episodes of sudden decrease in blood pressure with pain in the chest and short-term loss of consciousness, as well as moderate manifestations of heart failure (hydrothorax, small ascites, hydropericardium, hepatomegaly, leg shunting). The patient died suddenly, a pathologic study revealed an angiosarcoma of the right atrium with invasive growth, accompanied by inferior vena cava stenosis. Angiosarcoma of the heart should be included in a differential diagnosis of patient with pericardial effusion of unspecified genesis, syndromes of vena cava obstruction, unexplained right ventricular failure, syncope with a fall in blood pressure, especially in middle-aged patients


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